Manticore Girl Encounter and Reagent bug

Feb 4, 2022
(I'm playing on the Steam version)

When you encounter the Manticore Girl in the Foothills, no portrait shows up for her interaction (Fight/Give Up options) I don't know if this was intentional or not, so I'm leaving it here just in case.

Also there's a problem when you click through the Reagents (interacting with Ivris) , the 'area it affects' appears briefly before going blank
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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
The manticore does not have a bust. She has only her combat bust, which isn't a proper portrait. So this isn't a bug.

The reagent issue is fixed on the most up to date build already.

Next time, put your version in the title of the post. Current public builds are [0.4.30] and backers are [0.4.32]. Steam is always the same version as public, unless you're a backer. Then you get sent a code that updates your game to the current backer build. It helps narrow down what's a new bug and what might be fixed already.