Manderlust CYOA 00


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Alright so first off, this isn't a CYOA. This is the first installment of Manderlust, where I will be writing stories about Helspawn. The thing is... Helspawn isn't really that developed. That's a blessing, because those like Helia are too developed so I don't dare to touch them, but it's a curse because I might write a Helspawn others wouldn't like.

Now this Helspawn is of adult age, and Mareth is more or less saved. However, exploration of a portal leads her to a world she can't return from, and it's in even greater danger than Mareth; And the danger isn't even sexy! The people here age much more slowly, and by that I mean normally, so they're barely keeping pace with the number of them that fall to their natural enemies.

There aren't Salamanders in this world. Helspawn is thought to be a mutated form of some demi-humans that exist, that are mostly mammals with very slight differences from Humans; Maybe cat ears, or a monkey tail, or a hog's tusks. Nothing so different as to be sprinkled with scales and have a captivating tail that's on fire! Fire that doesn't even burn.

Her personality will always be sexual, so don't avoid Hardened because you think there will be less smut.

She will always be a She, because I'll be writing in first person to fully display the chosen personality and because it's the only way I can write smut. At least if I want it to sound good. Regardless of the choice, her endowments that she does have will be large. Because I have Breast and Penis envy.

The Technique will decide her class among other things. Go ahead, struggle to figure out which one means what, and what class might use that skill! Or, just pick whichever one you're more curious about. A couple are obvious, but I hope at least some seem mysterious.

Then, of course, I need a name!

Helspawn's name isn't Helspawn after all. However, her name has to sound good saying it. It's gotta feel smooth coming off my tongue. I gotta like saying it.

That's settled. I'll give it one day and hope I have like, 5 votes or whatever. I'm not picky.
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Jun 24, 2016
So, it's not a CYOA but you're having people vote? How/what would player feedback do to help you figure out the direction of this, if any? Not sure I'll follow it unless it gets good, due in part to not being a fan of CoC/TiTs-verse characters being wrote in for these, but figured someone will be asking.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
So, it's not a CYOA but you're having people vote? How/what would player feedback do to help you figure out the direction of this, if any? Not sure I'll follow it unless it gets good, due in part to not being a fan of CoC/TiTs-verse characters being wrote in for these, but figured someone will be asking.

The thing is she's barely a character at all since she has incredibly limited content and her personality is decided by your choices as a father/adoptive father/mother figure. Really, it doesn't have to be Helspawn, but I wanted someone who is already busty and brawny, and Helspawn is because of all her mom's Transformatives.

The votes are to decide upon Helspawn and because I thought it would be interesting. Even if I receive no votes I'll start writing the story with my preferred choices.

The gender will decide what sex scenes are available and what sorts of friends she'd more likely make, the personality will make her more likely to act a certain way in certain situations. Take a pickpocket for instance. When this little kid steals Helspawn's money, Motherly Helspawn would let him have some, Joking Helspawn would just take it back and be on her way, but Hardened Helspawn would turn him in to the authorities. See?

The class is just for fun. I can write any class or style because I've written every class and style, from martial arts that range from Capoeira to Wushu to Kalaripayattu, to archers and every elemental mage or themed mage(Even the Utility Belt Wizard!). So I thought it would be fun to set it up like this, where even those deciding aren't quite sure what class they'll be selecting. Although some of them are obvious.

I'm new to writing smut but I'm certainly not new to fanfiction. Fanfiction is my job.


Aug 6, 2016
I chose Hardened, Shemale, and Bondage.

I don't know what the skills do, obviously, but let me try and puzzle it out. They're obviously not actual sex moves. They're attacks or something.

So, Great Blow doesn't mean a good blowjob but something like a Mace to the Face.

Cleavage... I've actually seen that in a game as a Succubus' attack. With a sword. Basically DnD Cleave. Assuming that's it here too.

Penetration I can only assume is a stabbing attack? Rapier? Or Bow?

Stripper, Erection, Missionary, and Bondage I got nothing really. My best guesses though...

Stripper strips the opponent, not the self. Somehow. Wind magic? Disarming using a dagger, thief style?

Erection... Makes something. Building, wall, whatever. It makes something or builds something or erects something.

Missionary... I have no idea. Healing? A joke on Priests being sent to other cities as Missionaries?

Bondage, now this is what I'm excited about. This and Stripper, because I'm, obviously, a preferred Thief Class. I made an account just to vote here. I think Bondage constricts the opponent. I don't care how, but that and disarming/disarmoring the opponent are the two things that I can get behind.

So I chose Bondage because it's more than likely actually binds whereas Stripper could be a number of things that aren't what I want. I chose Shemale because the story will be in First Person and I think I'd rather the main character be giving than receiving most of the time. I understand you'll probably do variety anyways though.

I chose Hardened because, like I said, I would rather the MC be giving than receiving. I don't know how I'd rather them act outside of the bedroom, but as the title of this post is Manderlust, I'm assuming there will be enough smut to make my choice worth all the poor souls who our MC treats badly.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I am going to start writing now. The votes are tied on personality, for Motherly and Hardened. I'm not sure how that combines aside from Tsundere, but I don't really want to write a Tsundere. So I'll be doing my best to combine them in a different way that you will hopefully enjoy, and will cater to the interests of both parties.

Shemale wins out on Gender. Dick n Balls n Butt n Boobs.

Bondage and Erection are so closely tied, and everyone is more spread out on the Skill decision than the other ones(Obviously because I gave so many options!)

But fear not. Bondage and Erection are both magic skills, one made to as was guessed, bind the foe. The other is just general earth magic, but without any projectiles; Whatever gets made stays connected to the ground. Earth spikes, earth walls, makeshift houses.

As Bondage was actually made to use Earth magic as well, Our collective all grown up 'Mander daughter will be an Earth Mage. A Geomancer. However, I'll take any suggestions in the next few hours as to what equipment she'll wear, because it seems I forgot all about that when making the polls. Although, 3 polls are all that can be made anyways so I wouldn't have had room. I wish I knew how to give comments the ability to be up-voted so I could attract more people to the story.

Perhaps when it really gets rolling, it'll get more popular and have more people that chat. Nobody gave me any name ideas, so unless you want the name to be Helion/Helspawn tell me while I'm writing. I'm following the whole Fanfiction and Creative Writing forum so you can probably just say it anywhere. Confuse Savin by posting 'I always named Helspawn as Tanis' in his CYOA for no reason. I'll see it and he'll be like 'Wat?' and it will be glorious.


Jun 24, 2016
Bona for a name. :^)

Looking forward to reading this stuff, since we'll have a stern momma (daddy?) to pound booty.


Aug 6, 2016
Bona wears leather pants, and the crotch is closed with a series of buttons like normal sexy pants. Her tail hangs over the pants because she wears them very low, showing a good portion of her butt and almost showing the base of her penis. Which is a Horsecock because that's hot.

She wears a bikini top like her mom, made of scalemail. From Ember's dragon scales.

She uses a Bow and Arrow and can make her own arrows with Earth Magic even though she can't fire anything with it, and listens to her Mom's teachings more than dad's. "Never let anyone go with just an asskicking" being foremost among them. As long as it's mostly safe she takes her prize. I say Bow because the earth magic as described doesn't seem like an attacking method so much as area control. She can stop them and bind them and block attacks and create footholds and mess with terrain and all that, but none of those are really attacks right? So she needs a way to attack, likely at ranged, and as we all know Helspawn fights with either Scimitar, Scimitar and Shield, or Bow. And I don't think you can really be Hardened or Motherly if you're full on slutty Helspawn.

As long as we're talking TFs on the Horsecock, Helspawn is always a Female so she had to have TFed to get a cock at all, might as well be a Horsecock. Maybe also with a Knot because she tried the peppers first and then later went pony. I always thought Flare+Knot would be hot. She only has one cock and one set of balls though.

I want her to be fertile though, enough to impregnate her defeated opponents. So, does that require a pale flame? If it does maybe she had a Pale Flame reaction while female or herm and because she didn't want to get pregnant she went ahead and made herself full male/shemale so pregnancy was no longer an option. So she's still fertile but until she gets pregnant, which is now impossible for her, she will have a Pale flame. So she's permanently pale flamed.

You asked about 'Equipment' and I wasn't sure if you meant sexual equipment or combat equipment or both, so I just recommended both.

I was beat to naming her though. Was gonna recommend Tanis ! Most canon name since it has the only real reaction after all. Helion didn't sound bad either xD

Bona is good though. I like Bona.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Equipment or Sexual Equipment or Both

Alright yeah. Our Shemale is now equipped with leather pants, a chainmail bikini top, a bow but makes her own arrows, with a horsecock with a knot and accompanying balls, and is fertile because she's permanently pale-flamed for that reason. I don't know if it's actually denied in game or in Savin-mind that that specific situation can happen though. Also, was Hakon even pale-flamed and thus fertile or was he fertile even without that while he was fucking the hell out of the harpy queen? Is it female only? I can't really remember.

I think that tose ideas are pretty sexy too, and it could add a lot of danger to sex. Aside from the pregnancy scare, the Knot being a force on its' own to create danger. If you're locked in you can't respond to a threat after all.

People are still voting but I'm already like 8000 words in so it's not changing from my previous statement. I'm not willing to rewrite the narrative, but rewriting the cock-names and things like that is pretty simple, as well as just saying 'White' instead of saying 'Red' where I talked about the flame, or it's glow. I don't know how to rename the topic and say 'Stop voting' or how to close the poll though so consider this the only announcement I'll make to that.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I ended up rewriting it anyways. Deleted a couple thousand word chase scene where she pissed off the people in Fort Camp(Which is a fort city built where the Camp is, to accomodate all the waifus and husbandos the Champion got), then deleted the scene where she crawled her way through creep catacombs following sweet, sweet humming, and a fight with a skeleton that wasn't actually a fight since it wasn't a living skeleton but just a skeleton stuck to the wall that looked kind of like it was standing in an attack position. Shortened it and made the thoughts more personal, gave it more cuss words because I think girls need more of those, then I wrote a sex scene. All in all I lost 6k and added 2k words from and to the original 8k and it turned into a almost 4k word first chapter(As counted by )