Making a nun character


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2016
I just finished exploring the wiki and I found out the religion section is quite barren (is that the right word? idk). I'm thinking about adding a new npc in the game. Before I went balls-deep at the character, I would like to know what you guys think about it?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
After playing the Kashima Incident event, I'd wait to see if every reference to "God" is actually a reference to the One or they're different deities altogether. Having said that, a nun or any other kind of religious character could help expand what we know of thedifferent belief systems in the TiTSverse beyond what we can grasp from talking to Sera or Shep Darnok. I for one would enjoy seeing people related to religious issues myself, which is why I hope I can see more of the Stormguard soon now that Uveto is in development.


Aug 26, 2015
The One is specifically intended to be the Abrahamic God.  As originally written it's a monolithic religion and its followers are a bunch of prudes.  I opted to alter this somewhat by declaring that there are a large number of sects with differing viewpoints, some much more fun-allowing than others.

Just try not to soapbox or to be too farcical.