Main Character Personalities - Easy to change?


Nov 25, 2017
Are there any ways to change the Main Character's personality after it is set? I did a quick search and did not find anything in the idea section here. If I missed this in game can someone tell me where?

We have "Kind", "Mischievous", and "Hard". Right now the only time I've encountered a smexy scene which calls/requires one of these is with Erika. Are there other scenes?

So idea / question.

1) How difficult would it be from the code side to change the personality?
2) Do you think there is enough demand from the player base to have a way to change your personality?

From the writing side this would be a super easy add.

Have pills or some sort of psychic realignment description (I'm thinking of a shot of fluid into the base of your skull instead of a pill because those are a little to overused right now). Some semi corny name like "Goody Two Shoes" "Tricker's Dilemma" and "Hard Edge" and then some after use description of how your mental outlook on life has changed (like swiping a sucker from a little kid as you pass by for the Hard personality).

Any suggestions/comments for this?


Nov 25, 2017
Oh sweet. Thanks for that link. That answers the question of "is it hard" to code. Looks like everything is already in place.

Unless I'm mistaken it looks like there is not anything which "resets" the alignment yet. To 14/50/85.

"Personality is scored from 0 (nice) to 100 (mean). The player character will be given the option to determine Steele's initial personality during character creation, starting as Kind (17), Mischievous (50), or Hard (85). As personality-related content is encountered, the reactions will vary based on Steele's current personality score."