Lvl 13 Smuggler ability has no synergy with some of the other class abilities


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
The smugglers level 2 ability "Shoot first" reads: "When using a ranged attack during the first round of combat, gain an additional attack."
Same goes for the level 8 ability "Second Shot": "Allows you to make a second, low-accuracy attack whenever you shoot a ranged weapon."

This does imply that the new level 13 smuggler ability "Called Shot" should also hit twice in these instances. My assumption would have been that at least a standard range attack would follow, but that is not the case.
Oh, and the "Concussive Shot" that Steele gets from Tanis also does not synergize with these two abilities, I just noticed.

So I'm guessing that either these 2 abilities don't work as intended or they do and it should just be specified that they only work with standard range attacks?


Aug 26, 2015
Yes, "Shoot First" and "Second Shot" both fall under the normal ranged attack logic. "Concussive Shot" and "Called Shot" are special attacks, so they do not use the same ranged attack logic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Albeit being a special attack, "Called Shot" does work with the level 9 perk "Alpha Strike" though. Haven't tested it with "Concussive Shot". The perk itself doesn't specify which kind of attacks it affects.

Oh, and probably another bug: "Called Shot" critical hits are never announced during combat. The skill is capable of critting though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Likewise, Assassinate can Crit, but is not announced. And Mag Binders.

Alpha Strike's description is misleading. 'Allows your first hit in any combat to be a critical hit' would be more accurate. You can miss as much as you like, or do non-attacks for several rounds, but the first hit will Crit.
'Your first hit in any combat will always be a critical hit'?

And yes, it works with Concussive Shot.

The Called Shot interactions are really no different than Bloodthirsty and Cleave not working with Power Strike, but Critical Blows does.
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Aug 26, 2015
Hopefully fixed for the next release.

"Alpha Strike" perk description will now read: "Allows your first non-missed attack in any combat to be a critical hit."

For the highlighted perk-related attacks, I flagged their damage outputs to display any critical hits that happen, so hopefully they show up when activated.
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