Lust reduction?


Active Member
Sep 10, 2019
So, I'm playing a Kui Tan and really like the idea of letting my character get nice and pent up over time. However, even with the Ice Cold perk, lust raises VERY quickly while I'm out and about exploring and fighting and whatnot, forcing me to either masturbate and completely waste that build-up or more than likely face a defeat in the next encounter. Is the Chill Pill really the only way to reduce lust or are there more/better ways to lower/slow lust gains?

EDIT: I meant Focus Pill, my bad.
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Well-Known Member
Chill Pills are the best since not only does each use reduce Lust by 15, but it also lowers Libido (to a minimum of 3), which slows down Lust gain over time. Focus Pills reduce Lust by 25 unless you've already taken one in the last 60 minutes, in which case they only reduce it by 5. Dispassion Fruit reduces Lust by 50, and reduces Libido by 10 for 60 minutes, but it also reduces Physique and Reflexes by 15 for the same amount of time.
However, even with the Ice Cold perk, lust raises VERY quickly while I'm out and about exploring and fighting and whatnot,
Just how high is your Libido? With Ice Cold and a Libido of 1, my Steele gains less than 2 Lust per hour.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
1. What's your Libido?
2. Are you carrying any Savicite?
3. Airtight Armor can make some enemies completely unable to defeat you via Lust (ex: Bored Jumpers)
4. Salty Jawbreaker instantly gives 75% ball fullness.
5. If you increase Refractory Rate, you could get more fullness between orgasms. Warning: High enough Refractory Rate will result in instant Blue Balls (unless Nuki Nuts prevents that).
6. The Breed Hungry perk increases Semen production.
7. Passive Lust gain maxes at 75% of your maximum. Inhuman Desire will increase the difference between maximum natural and total maximum. 155 is fairly easy to get, but you end up with Brute Speech or Ditz Speech (Doll Maker + Treatment).
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Active Member
Sep 10, 2019
Chill Pills are the best since not only does each use reduce Lust by 15, but it also lowers Libido (to a minimum of 3), which slows down Lust gain over time. Focus Pills reduce Lust by 25 unless you've already taken one in the last 60 minutes, in which case they only reduce it by 5. Dispassion Fruit reduces Lust by 50, and reduces Libido by 10 for 60 minutes, but it also reduces Physique and Reflexes by 15 for the same amount of time.

Just how high is your Libido? With Ice Cold and a Libido of 1, my Steele gains less than 2 Lust per hour.

Sorry, got a little mixed up. I meant to say Focus Pill not Chill Pill, I just edited my original post to correct my mistake. I've tried relying on Focus Pills, but that 60 minute cooldown means I usually gain the lust right back through encounters unless I find a place to just wait and use them repeatedly. Even then though, it starts to get a little pricy and breaks immersion, so it's not super ideal, which is why I came here. Was hoping to find alternatives. As for Dispassion fruit, yeah, that's a pretty hefty debuff. It's also not something I can get easily as I haven't figured out how to start the plantation quest yet anyways. Once I 'do' get to that point though, it should help loads. So that's at least one idea for me to work with. Though, I do have to ask. It isn't an issue now, but later in the game, does that 10 lust come back once the effect wears off?
To answer your question, as I say below, my libido is only 4.

1. What's your Libido?
2. Are you carrying any Savicite?
3. Passive Lust gain maxes at 75% of your maximum Lust. Inhuman Desire will increase the difference.
4. Salty Jawbreaker instantly gives 75% ball fullness.
5. The Breed Hungry perk increases Semen production.

1. 4

2. No

3. Aside from getting The Treatment for 44 hours as a male, any other sources would give me a perk that would defeat the point (Or that REALLY clash with my playstyle.).

4. I know, but it only works for one use, after that it has no effect. Plus, it kinda defeats the whole fantasy of just going a REALLY long time without release.

5. Breed Hungry requires the Easy perk, which would only compound my problem, as well as other rather detrimental perks I'd rather avoid (Weak Mind and Drug Fucked) depending on the source. And again, while it 'would' be nice to get 'more bang for my buck' as it were, my main focus is the long term denial.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
As for Dispassion fruit, yeah, that's a pretty hefty debuff. It's also not something I can get easily as I haven't figured out how to start the plantation quest yet anyways.
Meet Professor Shep Darnock, do all his conversation topics. You don't have to stay the night if you don't want to. You'll get an email from him after the Stellar Tether event on Tarkus.

1. 4 (Libido)
You really shouldn't be getting much Lust gain with that. What other perks/status effects do you have?

3. Aside from getting The Treatment for 44 hours as a male, any other sources would give me a perk that would defeat the point (Or that REALLY clash with my playstyle.).
5. Breed Hungry requires the Easy perk, which would only compound my problem, as well as other rather detrimental perks I'd rather avoid (Weak Mind and Drug Fucked) depending on the source. And again, while it 'would' be nice to get 'more bang for my buck' as it were, my main focus is the long term denial.
Not from the Doll Maker, it doesn't. IQ-Bgone (Big Dose) gives one random perk per use from a list that includes Inhuman Desire and Breed Hungry. No prerequisites. Doll Maker won't give Inhuman Desire if you already have it, but the Treatment will add 40 to any you already have.
You do lose 10 Intelligence, though, so it's probably something you'd want to plan around. (I.e., don't spend points in Intelligence until afterward).
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Active Member
Sep 10, 2019
Meet Professor Shep Darnock, do all his conversation topics. You don't have to stay the night if you don't want to. You'll get an email from him after the Stellar Tether event on Tarkus.

You really shouldn't be getting much Lust gain with that. What other perks/status effects do you have?

Not from the Doll Maker, it doesn't. IQ-Bgone (Big Dose) gives one random perk per use from a list that includes Inhuman Desire and Breed Hungry. No prerequisites. Doll Maker won't give Inhuman Desire if you already have it, but the Treatment will add 40 to any you already have.
You do lose 10 Intelligence, though, so it's probably something you'd want to plan around. (I.e., don't spend points in Intelligence until afterward).

Tarkus, got it. Not that I've ever gotten that far. : (

I have a bad habit of not touching the game for a while (hecking busy home life) and then insisting on starting over when coming back since there's been a fair bulk of updates to the game by that point and I like experiencing things 'in order', so I've never gotten beyond lvl 3 or 4 as a Smuggler. (Or gotten off Mhen'ga as implied previously.) I've always had issue with how fast you gain Lust when exploring despite low libido and the Ice Cold perk though. Sometimes, all it takes is ONE fight to get me from almost no Lust to near max. You'd think I wouldn't be taking 15 +/- damn lust damage multiple times a fight when I'm building to RESIST that. (Especially on the starting planet...)

I wasn't actually aware of how the Doll Maker works because I've only see the Perks By Source page on the wiki. I thought you got the perks in the order shown there, so knowing I can save-scum to get that perk (and then go to New-Texas) is a huge help. Though, it doesn't really help me with the problem in an immediate manner, and means I have to wait on The Treatment as well.

So far, I've got what seems to be a mid-term solution (Dispassion Fruit) and a long-term (three applications of Inhuman desire), but I'm guessing there's not much for me short term if you two haven't mentioned it yet. : / (I also saw the edit of your original post.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
OK, so your main problem is Lust damage from combat? Am I reading that right?

1. You probably want to raise Willpower. 1 point of Willlpower increases Lust Defense by 0.2.
2. You can recruit Ramis to train Willpower (and Reflexes) at Tavros Station.
3. The Atma Armor at the Xenogen Camp in the Vanae Jungle is really good, even for a Smuggler. Airtight makes Mimbranes (and others) completely free. % Resistance is applied first, then Defense.
4. Likewise, prioritize equipment with Resolve, which increases your Willpower.
5. You can go to New Texas as soon as Day 2. However, it takes 48 hours to repair the Doll Maker, so you probably don't want to start the Treatment as soon as you could anyway.
6. The Treatment will drastically increase your Libido. This can be solved by application of Chill Pills. Wait until the Treatment is finished, however. I usually take a 'break' between Tarkus and Myrellion. You might see why when you do Tarkus' Probe.
7. EMP Grenades make Nym-Foe and Doll Maker much easier, even at lower levels. Just throw a Grenade every other turn to Stun them. You want to wait until Nym-Foe has reduced her 'Bouncy!' status effect to 80% or lower first, though.
8. You might want to prioritize overwhelming offense to limit the number of turns the enemy gets. And/or invest in Stun Chance weapons, which are really good anyway. Are you going Melee or Ranged?

I don't think the game is really designed for not masturbating or having sex with the locals in mind.
13/level is enough to keep 2 stats maxed and 1 stat kind of high but optimally speaking, you want to train your stats via Slow Stat Gain before using level up points.
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Active Member
Sep 10, 2019
OK, so your main problem is Lust damage from combat? Am I reading that right?

1. You probably want to raise Willpower. 1 point of Willlpower increases Lust Defense by 0.2.
2. You can recruit Ramis to train Willpower (and Reflexes) at Tavros Station.
3. The Atma Armor at the Xenogen Camp in the Vanae Jungle is really good, even for a Smuggler. Airtight makes Mimbranes (and others) completely free. % Resistance is applied first, then Defense.
4. Likewise, prioritize equipment with Resolve, which increases your Willpower.
5. You can go to New Texas as soon as Day 2. However, it takes 48 hours to repair the Doll Maker, so you probably don't want to start the Treatment as soon as you could anyway.
6. The Treatment will drastically increase your Libido. This can be solved by application of Chill Pills. Wait until the Treatment is finished, however. I usually take a 'break' between Tarkus and Myrellion. You might see why when you do Tarkus' Probe.
7. EMP Grenades make Nym-Foe and Doll Maker much easier, even at lower levels. Just throw a Grenade every other turn to Stun them. You want to wait until Nym-Foe has reduced her 'Bouncy!' status effect to 80% or lower first, though.
8. You might want to prioritize overwhelming offense to limit the number of turns the enemy gets. And/or invest in Stun Chance weapons, which are really good anyway. Are you going Melee or Ranged?

I don't think the game is really designed for not masturbating or having sex with the locals in mind.
13/level is enough to keep 2 stats maxed and 1 stat kind of high but optimally speaking, you want to train your stats via Slow Stat Gain before using level up points.

Sorry for the late reply on this. Anyways, my idea is to play Steele kinda prudish at first but slowly losing himself to the sex and hedonism as I progress. There will be plenty of 'sex with the locals', but a bit later. He needs a bit more temptation. ; ) That said though, I really do think the Zill are just 'slightly' op for the very beginning of the game given the sheer number of +Lust triggers (and the fact you can gain lust when you WIN, which feels like a low blow). I really think their max lust damage could stand to lose like 3-5 points. (Or maybe buff Ice Cold to do more than help low-lust teasing in combat or Focus Pills' effect with a 1-2 point willpower boost with a price to match)

At any rate, I 'have' been looking into resolve. Got myself a pair of Boxers and I've got my eyes on the Corny shirt on New Texas as far as undergarments go since those have the highest resolve of the undergarments that I'm aware of. As for my playstyle, I'm focusing on Ranged and Evasion. (Since the one perk gives me bonus Def based on my Eva stat) Currently wearing the Steele Tech Suit since that gives me a touch of Resole and Evasion while bolstering my shields.
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