Lumia TF?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd guess you can probably still just press the button in your appearance menu that sets your gender/pronouns to be male regardless of your face. Because that is a thing which you can do, regardless of femininity.

Actually, there is precedent for TFs "locking" you to a gender. Becoming a bimbo locks you into using feminine pronouns and being viewed as a girl, no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Seems to me like the easy solution would be to make a male and female version like with the succubus and incubus. Just call the male version of the valkyrie the einherjar or nephilim or whatever that fits.
The decision's already been made and there is no desire to change it.
Yeesh I know that we people who like to see more male content are 2nd class citizens but there's no need to crush my hopes like that

It's never fun to feel that way. That said, I'm more than a little skeptical of the idea that the game that makes most of its money off of satisfying dick-wielding player characters' breeding fetishes considers male PCs 'second-class citizens'. The smut scenes are mostly written for the male gaze. The writers are mostly male. The community is mostly male. 'Second-class citizens' feels like a leap.

Guys who are into M/F and M/Fu (and Fu/M) get plenty. Guys who are into M/M aren't as well served, yeah, but since the valkyries are, again, the female warriors of the goddess of breeding, you wouldn't be finding M/M content there anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Yeah, also storywise the champ isnt made a fullblood kitsune due to the whole, always breeding true. Dont want the champ to go around leaving little soul suckers in everyone.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2017
On the topic of the godly transformations, are you locked into the default apperance/pre-set, i.e. "Chesty winged amazon-elves" in the case of Lumia or can you tweak away from it a bit with TFs?

Because I totally wanna go all Valkyrie for Ryn but my champ is also a firm proponent of being fun-sized. Kohaku knows whats up! =D
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
It's never fun to feel that way. That said, I'm more than a little skeptical of the idea that the game that makes most of its money off of satisfying dick-wielding player characters' breeding fetishes considers male PCs 'second-class citizens'. The smut scenes are mostly written for the male gaze. The writers are mostly male. The community is mostly male. 'Second-class citizens' feels like a leap.
I think it's obvious that I wasn't referring to the straight guys and lesbians in the community when I made the 'second-class citizen' remark as they have no lack of F/F, M/F, F/Fu etc. content to interact with.
It was meant to address the fact that male oriented content are far more sparse in comparision to female oriented content. And despite that some of those few content get repurposed for the crowd that is interested in females (e.g. Brint > Brienne, Berwyn > Wynne) which understandably irks some people.
Guys who are into M/F and M/Fu (and Fu/M) get plenty. Guys who are into M/M aren't as well served, yeah, but since the valkyries are, again, the female warriors of the goddess of breeding, you wouldn't be finding M/M content there anyway.
I wasn't expecting to find M/M content at the valkyrie order in the first place nor did I make some ridiculous demands for the addition of male valkyrie NPCs. All I asked for was a male variant for the Lumia themed TF which I don't think is unreasonable because guess what? Choosing to take the valkyrie TF as it is will guarantee that there won't be any M/M content at all after that.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
5 bucks says Lumia just likes massive mommy milkies.

And despite that some of those few content get repurposed for the crowd that is interested in females (e.g. Brint > Brienne, Berwyn > Wynne) which understandably irks some people.

Brint is still getting lots of content and support and may soon be viable in the current meta. And I don't think Wynne is gonna get more content than Berwyn.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
All I asked for was male variant for the Lumia themed TF which I don't think is unreasonable because guess what? Choosing to take the valkyrie TF as it is will guarantee that there won't be any M/M content at all after that.
Yes, and? It has been pointed out several times now that the Valkyrie TF caters to a very particular niche that's antithetical to M/M content.

Asking the writers to ignore the lore they've established and that they've made clear they aren't interested in changing is kind of the definition of 'unreasonable'.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
Yes, and? It has been pointed out several times now that the Valkyrie TF caters to a very particular niche that's antithetical to M/M content.

Asking the writers to ignore the lore they've established and that they've made clear they aren't interested in changing is kind of the definition of 'unreasonable'.
Thats funny to me. Since when did the lore and the theme of something stop anyone from writing something that caters to another demographic?
Take Brint for example: he caters to the niche of a beefy, himbo, polygamous type of character and that didn't prevent him from being genderbend into an antithesis of himself. You only pull out lore to justify why you don't want to see a particular thing realized in the game but dismiss it as soon as it is brought up to criticize a change that you are in favor of.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Take Brint for example: he caters to the niche of a beefy, himbo, polygamous type of character and that didn't prevent him from being genderbend into an antithesis of himself.
Yes, because that's how Wsan conceived the character and chose to write him/her, just like Savin chose to have Valkyries be all-feminine. An explanation for Brienne's personality change (beyond 'cursed armor') is going to be addressed at some point during the course of the upcoming story.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
Yes, because that's how Wsan conceived the character and chose to write him/her, just like Savin chose to have Valkyries be all-feminine. An explanation for Brienne's personality change (beyond 'cursed armor') is going to be addressed at some point during the course of the upcoming story.
I get that. I just don't think that using lore as a reason to why content couldn't be added is a strong argument considering that the writers can change anything to fit with the established lore if they wanted to.
Savin, for example has a clear idea of what valkyries are supposed to be in his view and thats all good but he also could easily add a Lumia themed TF for male characters that is seperate from valkyries if he wanted.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I get that. I just don't think that using lore as a reason to why content couldn't be added is a strong argument considering that the writers can change anything to fit with the established lore if they wanted to.
Savin, for example has a clear idea of what valkyries are supposed to be in his view and thats all good but he also could easily add a Lumia themed TF for male characters that is seperate from valkyries if he wanted.
He could easily say that he'd add in a separate, masculine god tf for Lumia. However, I think you're vastly underestimating the amount of work that's needed to write a second, separate tf, with different names and potential interactions, and code it, plus write up the new lore that would allow for this, like Lumia having a separate male base that's likely somewhere else since mostly boreal elves, which, despite having more masculine males than other elves, still seems to be largely female.
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So like, what's the inuniverse justification for the only available option being a big tiddy valkyrie when there's other kinds of Lumia's chosen like the guy order in Yvennes?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
I think something tree related was mentioned for Velun. So I guess like that green lady from Dragon Age Origins. The Lady of the Forest.

My head was picturing something like "bark-covered fauns", but that could do as well!
It would make sense for Velun to not push the Champ towards feminitity or masculinity and instead offer two split paths for transformations, more or less along the lines of TiTS' Ceresperin item.

And if the implementation of that sacred TF will lead to any extra content for Alraune or the dreams, I'll be one happy perv.
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Every perma TF is going cover its niche, theres no reason for it to really do more then that.
Lumia: For your soul I offer you respect from among my worshipers, wings, and a set of massive mammaries.
ManChamp: Uh... any chance to get just the first two?
Lumia: No.
ManChamo: Why?
Lumia: Because Nareva, Keros, and I got together and agreed that each one of us will cover a niche. Keros is for weebs, Nar is for lizard dickgirls and I am for big tiddied winged elves.
ManChamp: ... Is this silly mode?
Lumia: A what?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
So like, what's the inuniverse justification for the only available option being a big tiddy valkyrie when there's other kinds of Lumia's chosen like the guy order in Yvennes?
Because there's only one perma-TF per god and Valkyries are what Lumia's going with. Notice how they're basically her, writ smaller. Sanders' old group isn't a TF, it's literally a religious order so even if the Champ could join them, it wouldn't be functionally anything like a TF. But they can't, because as already pointed out that order is based in a location outside the scope of the game while Valkyrie Central is right next door to a location the Champ is required to visit in order to complete the game and there are several intimate links between the valkyries and the boer'alvar. As a result the TF nicely serves not only the 'angel mommy' niche but also the niche of people particularly interested in the boreal elves.

Extra bonus points if you play a Champ who wants to grow old with Ryn since, based on the way Keros' TF works, it's a reasonable assumption (albeit one I don't think Savin has ever confirmed) that taking it will give you a boer'alvar lifespan to match.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Well by all means the god TFs are and have to turn you into there race, which includes the lifespan. And it would make sense for it to do that considering your more than likely doing the TF because of someone tied to the god, Kiyoko to keros Ryn to lumina and the princess of tychis for hot topic.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2021
Because there's only one perma-TF per god and Valkyries are what Lumia's going with. Notice how they're basically her, writ smaller. Sanders' old group isn't a TF, it's literally a religious order so even if the Champ could join them, it wouldn't be functionally anything like a TF.
See this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Does Lumia only grant the valkyrie TF to her female chosen? Are her male chosen forced to choose between transforming into big tiddy angel mommies or go without receiving her favour at all? Are we to believe that throughout the history of the boreal elves there couldn't be some males who could have earned her blessing? Having the valkyrie being the bulk of her divine servants makes sense to me but rejecting the possibility that there could be some male transhuman warriors out there fighting off demons in the name of the God Emperor of Mankind Lumia doesn't.
As a result the TF nicely serves not only the 'angel mommy' niche but also the niche of people particularly interested in the boreal elves.
Although with the exclusion of the male boreal elves apparently.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Like how kitsune are laid back about sex and how its just kinda a normal thing for them, stuff like genders and all that really arent much a bother for thr bolvar, like arent half-sexed like Ryn extremely popular amongst them?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
See this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Does Lumia only grant the valkyrie TF to her female chosen? Are her male chosen forced to choose between transforming into big tiddy angel mommies or go without receiving her favour at all?
Extreme forms of sexual dichotomy and/or dimorphism occur naturally in the setting. See the Marefolk, where males inevitably go nuts during puberty unless they take an alchemical concoction that causes them to become shemares like Atani's two guards. Or both varieties of minotaur, where one gender is much more on the furry side and the other is more 'human with a couple of animal traits', it just flips between northern and southern minos which is which. That one of the Seven who's entire thing is being the fertility goddess should prefer her chosen to be feminine should not come as such a surprise.

As already pointed out multiple times, you can be a male and accept Lumia's blessing but if you're sufficiently devoted to Sun Mommy to make that decision, you're also dedicated enough to accept that one of the consequences of it is that you're going to be reshaped in her image. This is exactly the same thing that happens with Keros: If you want to become one of his champions, you've got to become a floof.

Since Savin's already said that this isn't changing, I suggest we drop this here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
With any luck Tira will have something thats more to your taste I am just left wondering what Lumia's connection is to humans in general.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I am just left wondering what Lumia's connection is to humans in general.

Lumia likes vigorous baby making. Humans can make baby. Therefore, Lumia cheated when deciding on followers and picked the easiest and most widespread condition.

Followed by Tira who probably said something like "everyone dies eventually LOL."


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I am just left wondering what Lumia's connection is to humans in general.
Lumia is the most-worshipped of the Seven among a number of races including humans, orcs and vesparan but we've seen others. She's perfectly happy to bestow miracles on her followers regardless of their race, see Hretha for an example of this in action.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2021
Lumia is the most-worshipped of the Seven among a number of races including humans, orcs and vesparan but we've seen others. She's perfectly happy to bestow miracles on her followers regardless of their race, see Hretha for an example of this in action.
I noticed that, but perhaps I should have phrased it better since Lumia is apparently the creator god of humans, which leaves me with questions about human lore since they seem to have none other than the one line from the start.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
"everyone dies eventually LOL."
And gets madge when you try to extend your life past you orginal plan, whoops cant hear you behind my 9 tails lol.

She's perfectly happy to bestow miracles on her followers regardless of their race
And religon right, she just likes making sure everyone whose having babies to have healthy ones correct?
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