Low standard mode


New Member
Feb 11, 2025
If I remember correctly it was something available in coc 1, and it should imo return in TiTS, i think it's sorely needed even.

So we got recently snake body tfs once again restricting more content than anything else, before we had taur bodies with the same problem and even before a dick too big is basically the same. Yet in my experience it is simply up to the whim of the writer to account and restrict a specific scene to some body type while in reality the number of scenes that wouldn't really work at all if you read into details but are yet still available simply "because" VASTLY outnumbers the one with these body types taken into account.

I want to make it clear i'm not blaming anybody, it is a simple observation from the scenes availables atm.

Hence why i'm proposing a setting to remove such restriction simply to allow us to experience more content because as it is right now the argument of suspension of disbelief doesn't even work anyway and i think many of us would rather play a specific scene or position even if it was a bit weird rather than "working" others (ie top or bottom most likely).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
@Razzmot I would love for low standards mode to come to TiTS. (It feels pretty unfair to be able to do it with a male NPC as a flat-chested woman/femherm/dickgirl, but not as a cuntguy or maleherm. I get that the writing isn't meant to accommodate it, but still.)

Unfortunately, I don't know if it'd be at all feasible or even worth it, considering TiTS's current development stage.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
Really, all they need to allow everybody to experience everything would be a few transformatives:
Remove masculine elements temporarily (Masc off, but usable outside the limited context it has now)
Remove feminine elements temporarily, usable anywhere.
Temporarily shrink character (like Condensol but for the whole body)
Temporarily grow character (inverse of above).

That, plus the naga and taur suits, should allow a bipedal Steele to match any constraints in the game without having to alter themselves in a less-than-temporary fashion. About the only thing that wouldn't do would be to allow a non-Lethian Steele to experience purely Lethian content.

OR - create a widget that allows Steele to "save themselves to the pattern buffer" and restore themselves later. Then Steele could visit Dr. Lash, and then regrow anything they need for whatever, then CTRL-Z and be back to what they were.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
OR - create a widget that allows Steele to "save themselves to the pattern buffer" and restore themselves later. Then Steele could visit Dr. Lash, and then regrow anything they need for whatever, then CTRL-Z and be back to what they were.
This would likely require a mountain of code, and would be totally broken on release.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2023
This would likely require a mountain of code, and would be totally broken on release.
Perhaps not: IF all the important state variables are in the PC Creature object, then saving that object to a back-up and restoring it would suffice. The hardest part is getting Javascript to do a deep copy rather than a shallow copy.

Of course, if they aren't following good OO practices and have a bunch of important state variables flying free rather than being in the object, it would be harder. But of course they are professionals and wouldn't do that /s


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Perhaps not: IF all the important state variables are in the PC Creature object, then saving that object to a back-up and restoring it would suffice. The hardest part is getting Javascript to do a deep copy rather than a shallow copy.

Of course, if they aren't following good OO practices and have a bunch of important state variables flying free rather than being in the object, it would be harder. But of course they are professionals and wouldn't do that /s


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Nah we do that kinda shit all the time with the serialization system, we can use it on demand to create deep clones of any item/character/ship. The cloning isn't the issue with the temporary stuff really, it's exactly how and when the temporary changes get cleaned up. I had to do a bunch of shit to clean up edge cases with Masc Off recently where it could technically expire in the middle of a scene flow, and we generally assume that the genital configuration at the start of a scene flow (aka where we do access gating) will be the same all the way through the following scenes unless those scenes make specific genital changes as part of what they're doing, and thus were written to take that into account.