Low standard mode


New Member
Feb 11, 2025
If I remember correctly it was something available in coc 1, and it should imo return in TiTS, i think it's sorely needed even.

So we got recently snake body tfs once again restricting more content than anything else, before we had taur bodies with the same problem and even before a dick too big is basically the same. Yet in my experience it is simply up to the whim of the writer to account and restrict a specific scene to some body type while in reality the number of scenes that wouldn't really work at all if you read into details but are yet still available simply "because" VASTLY outnumbers the one with these body types taken into account.

I want to make it clear i'm not blaming anybody, it is a simple observation from the scenes availables atm.

Hence why i'm proposing a setting to remove such restriction simply to allow us to experience more content because as it is right now the argument of suspension of disbelief doesn't even work anyway and i think many of us would rather play a specific scene or position even if it was a bit weird rather than "working" others (ie top or bottom most likely).