Lovely Sails [Survival/Sim][Patreon]


Dec 18, 2017
Hey all~

I felt a bit uncomfortable with a Patreon plugging drive-by, but after months of lurking I finally bit the bullet ><. With that out of the way, I'd like to introduce a game I've been working on entitled: Lovely Sails


About the game:

Lovely Sails is a homage to the older Japanese SLG gameplay-centric titles. You assume the role of one of 12 survivors stranded on a deserted island. What direction you go about surviving is up to as you go about unraveling the mysteries of the island...and its new residents.


  • Dating sim mechanics of quest chains and stats
  • 9 locations, day/night cycle, 4 weather patterns
  • Randomized NPC movement to interact/assist you on your tasks
  • Multiple minigames in hunting (simple shooter), foraging (matching game), quests (puzzles), building/cooking/crafting (resource management)
  • 2D hand drawn with animations (uncensored)
  • Chibi sprites
  • Mostly vanilla fetish
Patreon Link:

Some gameplay/scene screenshots are attached in the thumbnails. Hopefully it piques your interest!

Thank you!


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Dec 18, 2017
Hope you like the concept. I'm still ironing out the bugs for this build, so be sure to check out the hotfixes when they become available!


Dec 18, 2017
Looks nice. If you had M/M and group sex could be really great

Thank you!

I've been mainly prioritized the gameplay mechanics and making sure there's enough to do on that front. Things such as more variety in conversation, balancing, and QoL adjustments will come in increments.

In regards to content, I still need to polish off the existing scenes with improved dialogue/animations/etc. Eventually there will be a trainer system for repeatable scenes. Not sure if the game will include M/M and group scenes (don't want to over-promise and support is pretty limited), but nothing is set in stone!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
OK, having played it, some initial feedback:

Big #1: NO STUPID LIVE/DIE CHOICES! Instant bad ends with no hint whatsoever that such things are even POSSIBLE is just the worst of bad game design. I went into the forest with Meryl, she messed with the jar, the black smoke came after me, I chose to try and untangle the vines that had snagged my foot instead of trying to grab a weapon (since trying to fight a cloud of black fog struck me as a REALLY dumb thing to do), it didn't work, slash, INSTANT DEAD. No warning, no explanation, just DEAD. I simply couldn't believe something so STUPID could happen! It's not like I did anything wrong (choosing to try and free a trapped foot rather than scramble for a weapon that might not be there and probably won't be any good is NOT "doing something wrong") so punishing me with an instant game over is simply rage-inducing and it's a good thing I'd saved recently. It's bad enough when a game offers you the option of making really dumb choices that nobody would ever reasonably make that lead to an instant game over (such as "Stick your head in a cauldron of boiling oil? Y/N?") because they're already wasted design space; disguising such choices as PERFECTLY REASONABLE ONES is unforgivable. Take that kind of crap OUT of the game. This is not a suggestion; that shit is a deal-breaker. I don't play games with invisible "you instantly lose" buttons.

Phew, glad I got that off my chest.

OK, with that out of the way, the game is certainly interesting-looking and ambitious. There's a lot of scope for interesting development. Problem is that while the game is decently tutorialised already, I still don't really get an impression of what I should actually be doing to make progress. I mean I EVENTUALLY found out that talking to certain characters can bring up story advancement (get map for Meryl, meet her in the woods at night, get instantly killed), but I'm not entirely sure what the most-productive use of my time is. There are also a lot of systems I just don't understand- all the other characters are building up Tension, but what does Tension actually DO? Why does it say Resting restores Health and Tension when your stats are Health and Libido, not Tension ? How do I restore the HP of other characters as it slowly drifts downwards? Also, what do Survival, Condition, Escape and Habitat actually do? Not only are the descriptions vague, Condition and Escape BOTH say they "Measures your health conditioning" (which I assume is a bug). Finally, the building system just seems to be completely broken- after building Cookware, I tried to build Hygiene, but it seemed to replace the Cookware, then when I tried again by building it in a different construction slot (at least I THINK that's what those are) I couldn't actually complete it at all (working on it didn't reduce the completion number) and the Cookware simply vanished.

There are also a number of fundamental balance issues I have issue with. Having to spend AP just to move around when you only get 3-4 AP per day segment is too limiting, especially as you need a tier 2 skill to be able to know where people are before you move (which I didn't start with), making finding anyone specific a total crapshoot. Also, on the second day it started raining and never bloody stopped, penalising me every time I spoke to anyone (until it started thundering, which penalised me every time I moved instead). I'm also not a fan of the hunting minigame.

Interaction so far has been minimal- the closest thing I've uncovered to a "scene" is walking in on Senna while she was in her underwear, followed by the scene after you shoot the smoke monster and fall underground. I don't know what triggered that aside from clicking on her while she had the ? on her icon (is Senna just the "default" starting girl?). I find myself wondering how developing relationships with the girls is going to pan out. Honestly, the genre standard of "you start fucking all of them in turn" would actually be a bit out of place here, particularly as you're not the only male on the island (and judging from the look of Jack, you're not even the most appealing). I think you have the potential for a quite in-depth system where girls can actually develop relationships with characters other than you (Jack, Adam, even each other) if you don't play a perfect "gotta catch 'em all" run, and there's potential for jealousy mechanics if they find out you're banging more than one of them (part and parcel of being on a closed circle environment like an island), requiring you to juggle relationships and resulting in other people commenting on what you're doing. But that could be a bit too overambitious and more effort than you feel like going to, which I could understand.

There's a few points I have to make about the pacing too. Starting the gameplay several days after you arrive on the island is weird and feels like you've missed out on a lot of actual gameplay time already by the time the actual game starts. The stereotypical "unconscious for 3 days" thing after the monster encounter is odd for a game where time is your primary resource- I woke up supposedly 3 days later to find that not a thing seemed to have changed since I was knocked out- including my health and our supply levels. Honestly, why does it ALWAYS have to be "unconscious for 3 days" (except when it's "unconscious for five days")? Is there ANY reason you can't simply wake up the morning after?

I'm still interested in the next version. Just don't put in any more "WHOOPS, YOU CHOSE POORLY, GAME OVER SUCKER!" decisions in there.
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Dec 18, 2017
OK, having played it, some initial feedback.

Thanks for the feedback, Jash!

I still have to polish out a lot of the existing events as well as add more. Ideally once I populate the game with more written events, you won't feel as lost or be stuck grinding as much and the pacing will feel more coherent. Mainly just hope everyone is aware that the initial builds will focus around the mechanics (the sandbox?) and everything else (content, balance) will follow suit. For the most part, I don't think any core mechanic is left short of the trainer system (frameworks for the mini-games/resource management/building/etc. are in place and just need balancing). I'm aware that the mini-game mechanics have gotten mixed reception, but the hope is with enough variety they'll be something for everyone (and players can dictate how they want to progress).

Eventually, my vision for the game is to have:
  • a structured linear narrative that directs players along a path (general road so people won't be too lost) and ties into the main plot
  • individual character routes (where reaching the conclusion determines ending conditions/ will be able to leave the island with NPCs you're close with)
  • the 4 scores will also affect ending conditions
  • a balanced but challenging micromanagement system for the survival aspect of the game
  • resource gathering through minigames (existing) and interactions (special events where you have to do some basic task); with enough interactions in place, you won't be forced to grind mini-games for resources
  • a trainer system (the tent events) for repeatable sex content
  • enough variety for ~40-50 turns

As for the bugs, are you using the hotfix 0.3.1c? I tried to fix everything reported with the building mechanics, but I may have missed something.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
OK, having played some more, I'm in a position to give more feedback.

Firstly, yeah the bugs were fixed by the hotfix. Mostly, anyway; cooking food for Senna causes an exception- not a crash, since you can just ignore it, but it still doesn't do anything. Also, Rest is bugged, because it recovers NO Health at all. In fact, I don't think there's any way to recover Health whatsoever, which just makes Forage WAY too dangerous to do, because there's simply no way to avoid randomly hitting spider and snake cards, so repeated foraging will inevitably kill you. And Condition and Escape both still have the same description. And the Comfort Meals ability doesn't do anything.

Regarding the story... I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but it's pretty dumb. Meeting these goofball clouds of smoke with wacky personalities based on the seven deadly sins that fly around apparently making the island shake by singing, and one of them inexplicably got some of its essence in you which will kill you unless you fuck- that's just silly. Also, I was less than impressed to discover that trying to run from Lust the second time you encounter him is ANOTHER instant death choice for no reason (particularly as your character prefaces his escape attempt by saying "I'm not going to make the same mistake twice", and one of the first things Lust says to you is "I don't want to hurt you, bro!" when he outright murders you instantly if you don't shoot at him). Also, why does it basically default to being your job to be the only person who interacts with the smoke creatures, without you apparently even telling anyone other than Senna and Karen about them at all? And a lot of the conversation scenes seem to be missing steps, with characters answering questions you don't actually ask them, which can be confusing when you have multiple character events going at once.

Developing relationships with the girls is hard to work out. The initial scenes (with Senna and Karen) appear to be plot-mandated, which is odd. The only way to raise your relationship with the other girls (unless they have triggerable events I've failed to trigger) is to constantly talk to them and make the right choice, but it's slow going and I hard to track. Also, there's still no way to grasp how tension affects your interactions with them, or how to reduce it (apparently it's reset to 0 if you have a scene with them)- does it just make them randomly bitchy even if you make the right conversation choices? At the moment, I'm assuming only the first four girls are romanceable, making them the only ones it's worth talking to. And the problem is, the ONLY interaction you have with any characters aside from fixed story scenes are repetitive conversations. Sometimes talking to a girl raises Tension, sometimes it lowers it, made worse by the fact that it rains ALL the bloody time. Relating to the girls is very unintuitive.

Speaking of scenes, though, the titfuck from Karen was really awesome, but it made it mildly disappointing that it was the only animated one (something I assume you're going to rectify later).

A few more balance observations: having to spend AP just to move around seriously is just far too limiting, particularly at night where you only have a base 3 AP to use, and ESPECIALLY when it rains almost half of all the days. On the other hand, apart from it (supposedly) being the time you can do night visits and trigger a few fixed story scenes, shifting from day to night doesn't really DO anything anyway- the other characters don't even move around and the weather never even changes. Nan is just... useless. Her advice is about as helpful as a balloon animal to a knife juggler. Like Tension, Libido is hard to understand- at first it just constantly rose on its own until I had the first few scenes, now it won't seem to rise at all, so my LP is slowly draining with no way to do anything about it. It's so easy to waste time on clueless blundering around that I'm having to constantly save-scum to minimise it. Building up material to craft higher-tier structures is an absolute grind, particularly with Forage so absolutely lethal.

I may be complaining about a lot of things, but I actually like this game quite a lot; if I didn't think it was good with a lot of potential, I wouldn't even bother. I just want to see it get better and succeed.


Dec 18, 2017
I'll look into those bug fixes for 0.4.0. In regards to the mechanics balance and pacing, I've addressed that briefly in the latest public blog. Mainly, I'm aware of the sheer volume of grind and the lack of clear direction. The hope is to have the last of the mechanics framework in for 0.4.0, and then begin the process of balance and trainer (for repeatable scenes). There's a lot I want to put in, the visuals for that particular blog along with new animations will be used in the night visits (and I want to tie in libido). It's just I have to pick and choose what things I can tackle within a given timeframe.

On the subject of the story, it's intentionally light-hearted to open up. I want to use talking conversations to push the narrative a bit, but conversations haven't been the main priority thus far. As a result, the delivery is admittedly weak. Nevertheless, there's some hints in place for planned twists if you're really spotting them. Not sure if they'll set your mind to ease, but (June spoiler)
June for example is using all those quest resources to plan a solo escape
(Jack spoiler)
Jack isn't exactly who he claims
to spoil two.

Regardless, there's some things I think you'll like once I'm actually able to implement them. Unfortunately of course, never enough time T.T.

P.S. Most of the Patron blog posts are public. Feel free to stop by if you're curious on what's on the agenda!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
I'll look into those bug fixes for 0.4.0. In regards to the mechanics balance and pacing, I've addressed that briefly in the latest public blog. Mainly, I'm aware of the sheer volume of grind and the lack of clear direction. The hope is to have the last of the mechanics framework in for 0.4.0, and then begin the process of balance and trainer (for repeatable scenes). There's a lot I want to put in, the visuals for that particular blog along with new animations will be used in the night visits (and I want to tie in libido). It's just I have to pick and choose what things I can tackle within a given timeframe.

On the subject of the story, it's intentionally light-hearted to open up. I want to use talking conversations to push the narrative a bit, but conversations haven't been the main priority thus far. As a result, the delivery is admittedly weak. Nevertheless, there's some hints in place for planned twists if you're really spotting them. Not sure if they'll set your mind to ease, but
June for example is using all those quest resources to plan a solo escape
Jack isn't exactly who he claims
to spoil two.

Regardless, there's some things I think you'll like once I'm actually able to implement them. Unfortunately of course, never enough time T.T.

P.S. Most of the Patron blog posts are public. Feel free to stop by if you're curious on what's on the agenda!
Well that last blog post was nicely-timed to coincide with my feedback- I actually checked your patreon earlier today and you hadn't updated yet.


Dec 18, 2017
Well that last blog post was nicely-timed to coincide with my feedback- I actually checked your patreon earlier today and you hadn't updated yet.

Apologies, it's hard to respond to everyone in different communities T.T. I honestly have no idea how other devs are able to juggle promoting with with actual development (though I guess in my case it's a lot harder trying to do the art + add in gameplay mechanics alone).

Hopefully when the game goes through a few more builds, more people can follow the Patron and I can answer better there. Anyhow, I'm unsure if it's all that exciting for you, but one last story spoiler (in regards to Adam)
I'm building up two important points with him 1. he's antisocial; 2. he's close with his daughter. Basically you'll find out he knows more about the island then he lets on, and he's there to search for his daughter.

And also minor hint in regards to the sins.
there's a very big clue in the number
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