Lovelance Saga (OOC, Semi Tabletop, D&D)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Thanks, I'm sure she, and the nun will have a very interesting dynamic.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Working on mine as well. Going's slow mostly because I keep second-guessing myself. Will try to have it done soon


Well-Known Member
Working on mine as well. Going's slow mostly because I keep second-guessing myself. Will try to have it done soon
I know that feeling. I often get nervous submitting a character or reply due to having not roleplayed for many years until recently. The quality of my writing possibly being off tends to linger in my mind. Though personally I greatly enjoy your writing and character concepts.


Well-Known Member
Name: Ettrian Larethaine

Species: High Elf

Sex: Male

Role: Rogue

Appearance: Ettrian's visage is quite effeminate, bordering on androgyny. Yet his figure is strong. Lean and athletic, standing with tall elegance at a proud 6'0. Long tresses of messy blonde hair surround his face and sharp blue eyes, the rest tied back in a semi-neat braid. A small cluster of freckles dot his soft pale skin (in which he is incredibly embarrassed by, detesting how young they make him look.) Clothing himself with inconspicuous dark leathers and a white tunic. Despite his delicate appearance his endowment almost seems ill-fitting. His cock stands at 10 inches long. Just thick enough to struggle closing your hand across whether soft or hard, with heavy balls sitting densely beneath his prick.

Personality: Ettrian is very well-mannered, or at least plays the part of a well-mannered individual with convincing charm. The calm and mature air in which he presents himself does not encompass his true personality. Don't be fooled by his quiescent temperament, Ettrian could hurl an insult or snarky response with just as much ease. A fiery man despite his looks who would rarely back down from a fight or challenge. Fighting to make ends meet throughout his life inspired a ruthless will to endure and thrive. Due to being a young father as much as he'd like to act cynical and sarcastic, he's grown exceedingly compassionate and softer towards others than he'd like to admit. Prone to bouts of worry and doting, never sparing a moment's hesitation to step into the fray and help those who need it. Even if he grumbles under his breath about it.

Abilities: There is nary a door Ettrian could not unlock with his lockpicking skills, nor a shadow he couldn't slink beside. Alongside his proficiency in taking things without others' notice, he's got the gift of the gab. Decent at the art of deception and making a distraction. Given his limber form, Ettrian is also dexterous, maneuvering to and fro without effort. His weapon of choice, uncharacteristic of a rogue, is a fine bow, a relic passed down from his family for generations.

Carnal Experience: Ettrian has abstained from any physical contact for an extended period of time. Busying himself with taking care of his daughter and other work he's had no real time for himself. A bit pent up yet hesitant to act on his urges. He's surprisingly shy about showing his body to those he's not well familiar with. Though it's not hard to capture his focus, Ettrian tries his best to deny himself of anything that could prove a distraction even if he's become touch-starved as a result. The thought of going out and fraternizing while his daughter is gods knows where fills him with hesitation.

Background: Ettrian grew up as a noble servant for the Kingdom. Advising nobility and completing their day-to-day tasks without fail. It was difficult working his way up in the royal court and he detested having to grovel so. Learning how and when to hold his tongue, what dinnerware went where, and who to flatter and scorn. It was a battlefield of its own. Every lowborn competing to increase their status, none more hungry for success than Ettrian, and for good reason. His daughter Sumina. Born from his series of unwise trysts with a fellow servant. Supporting Sumina has been a struggle. So much so that regardless of his morals and pride he's resorted to petty thievery. Taking whatever he can that seems like it wouldn't be missed and dipping his hands into wealth he very well was supposed to account for. Ettrian takes no pride in what he's reduced himself to. Stealing and betraying hard-earned trust amid a crisis. But at the time anything seemed worth it to provide Sumina with a better quality of life than his own, even if he lay awake wracked with guilt.

Until Sumina came of age. No longer a child, she sought a better future of her own. Not willing to rely on her father any longer. Once working hard to become a Suntear Orthodoxy templar, to his horror he discovered she had become infatuated with the Cross of Roses. Fleeing her dull home to join their ranks. Refusing to lose his daughter to the Armies of Carnal Shadow Ettrian sought out to find her, desperately hoping to change her mind before she goes past the point of no return. Perhaps he can even redeem himself for his past transgressions.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Okay, sure.

Name: Fiara

Gender: Gynomorph

Race: Catfolk

Age: 25

Role: Pyromancer

Appearance: A leanly built 5 foot tall catfolk girl with pale reddish fur and golden eyes. While her chest is flat, her nipples are quite sensitive and she has wide hips and a well-honed bubble butt. Contained in a silver chastity cage, her cock is just 3 inches long, with smooth balls that are soft to the touch. She wears a long red coat trimmed with purple, as well as tight-fitting black leggings and high-heeled leather boots.

Personality: Fiara is somewhat naive but attentive to detail. She is stubborn and ambitious, if a bit haughty. She also has a submissive side to her, although she tries to keep it hidden.

Weapon: Uses a pair of scimitars in combat, playing into her dance-like combat style.

Abilities: Fiara has the ability to manipulate and control fire, as well as is quite agile and quick on her feet. Her primary fighting style is like a dance of fire and blade, slicing and burning through her opponents.

Sexual Experienced: Fiara is a virgin, having not yet had sex yet, although she has pleasured herself, mostly by rubbing her nipples while pressing her fingers against her tight hole.

Background: Fiara is a princess from a fallen kingdom, born with a penis but otherwise feminine. Raised with high expectations placed upon her, she trained from when she was very young in, both magically and martially. However, nothing could prepare her for the demon invasion, and she was forced to flee as her home palace was over taken. Now among others who had faced a similar fate, she trains her best to become someone who can acquire the throne.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Submitted for approval:

Name: Eren Waldenhof
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Role: Monster Hunter, Tainted

Appearance: A modestly handsome young man, standing at just under six feet tall. Unkempt brown hair which falls just short of his neck frames a face marred by only one major defect: a prominent scar, running from the center of his forehead to across his left cheek, missing his deep blue eyes by the narrowest margin. His body carries scars as well, but none of them stand out next to his toned and firm musculature. His penis is slightly disappointing in comparison, being "only" about eight inches erect.

Personality: Eren's general demeanor falls somewhere between 'cocksure ruffian' and 'bloodthirsty maniac'. He's an amicable fellow and loves meeting new people, but what he seems to enjoy most of all in this world is slaying the fiends that infest it.

Sexuality & Experience: Eren acts promiscuous as a coping mechanism for trauma; though he seldom takes things farther than flirting and a bit of light teasing. For him, it's just a way of reasserting some control over his life, but many others see it as more proof of a soul touched by corruption.

Abilities & Skills: Eren's talents mainly lie in tracking, slaying, and surviving the perils of the abandoned frontier. The well-used greatsword he carries is the clearest testament to Eren's skill as a fighter: he wields it with uncommon finesse, even in the depths of frenzy. Meanwhile, his sidearm is a simple hand-ax, crafted in an orcish style, though this detail is lost on most.

Background: Some say that Eren's soul is tainted by the demons' corruption, an accusation not helped by his promiscuous behavior and carefree attitude to danger.

According to Eren himself: his home village was raided by demons seven years ago, and only he escaped. Although there is clearly more to the tale, Eren is as-yet unwilling to share it (which only serves to feed the rumors about him). The incident left him with a searing hatred for demonkind, and this need for vengeance carried him down the path of the professional monster hunter.

At times, Eren has worked with the Remnants, helping to push back the encroaching armies of Carnal Shadow. Other times, he has hunted alone, striking deep into the Lost Lands in pursuit of more dangerous marks.

(Again, anyone has veto power over this. If you don't want a fifth player, don't like this character concept, or just don't want me involved in particular, say something. It's fine.)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
I must that I approve of everyone's characters, they sounds great and I'm honored to have you all playing together with me.
Okay, so we have the Priestess, Knight, Elf Theif, Monster Hunter, and Cat Pyromancer correct?


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
Howdy everyone. Who's ready for the starter today? Oh, did you guys wanna do this here or discord?


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Another vote for the forums from me. I like the extra degree of anonymity, and I'm always a bit wary about joining discord groups if I don't know anyone personally.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
In the industrious southern regions of Thaldis, the southern bastion of Thaldroon stood tall if a bit battered as countless refugees and brave, possibly foolish souls came and went. To flee or to fight against the rising shadow.
It is in the central courtyard that the Governor's Castellan had called for adventurers and the retainers of the kingdoms legacy for an important task.

"Hear ye, hear ye, sons and daughters of the Grey Wanderer, and of Thaldis, lend me your ears and strength."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
[Might I suggest you make a new thread for the RP itself, and use this one for OOC discussion, as it's marked?]


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
@TheIrishOtaku I should note my character’s chastity cage isn’t something that be would notice since she wears it under her clothes, so unless you are talking about her tight-fitting leggings you should probably edit your post.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
Haven't asked, but do you all prefer to use Discord as im more accustomed to that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
You did ask, and three people voted: two of us preferred the forum, one was indifferent.