Looking for Text games~


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Can anybody list off some text-based games?
The ones I remember playing and loved are listed below to give a general idea of what kind of different game types I'm looking for.

CoC, TiTs, Night Games, Night Games Modded, Lilith's Thone, Flexible Survival, Euphorian Tide, Mutant Minx Meltdown, Monster Girl Dreams.

So basically any RPG type of Text games I guess?
I think there were maybe 2-3 others I played as well, although I can't seem to remember their names....
Thanks in advanced for any help! :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Flexible Survival comes to mind.

Sorry, but as stated above I already played it.
In fact I still play it every now and then with personal challenges to make it interesting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Boobjitsu Matriarch is a pretty fun game.
Not sure what exactly you mean by RPG - whether it "equip a sword and kill a monster" or something in a more broad sense (like raising your character and changing him in some ways), but you can look for it here - https://www.tfgamessite.com. Also most of the Twine-based games are text-only.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Boobjitsu Matriarch is a pretty fun game.
Not sure what exactly you mean by RPG - whether it "equip a sword and kill a monster" or something in a more broad sense (like raising your character and changing him in some ways), but you can look for it here - https://www.tfgamessite.com. Also most of the Twine-based games are text-only.

Right, I should have been more descriptive.
I tend to enjoy RPG games as in Magic, sword, bows, and monsters.
Also I like adult text RPG's since they add a bit of spice to the RPG genre I suppose.
My favorite type of adult game would be BFRPG's aka Battle Fuck.
It's neat....I guess?
Anyhow I check the TFgamessite every few days to see what is new, but thanks for the advice regardless.

Void Director

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There are a ton of text based games of various levels of completion (even after narrowing it down to RPG like fantasy games) although very few are finished.

There is Nimin which is precursor to CoC (as I understand).

Also my game Chosen.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
There are a ton of text based games of various levels of completion (even after narrowing it down to RPG like fantasy games) although very few are finished.

There is Nimin which is precursor to CoC (as I understand).

Also my game Chosen.

Ohhhh, I haven't played these ones in a long time~
I remember playing Chosen back when you could go through the first area, but there was a bug that would sometimes crash the game when you go between spaces.
After the first area the game would end?
I'm unsure what version it was though.
And Nimin I played when there were only like 2 enemies in game.
Thank you kindly for the links!
I'll enjoy replaying these later versions.
(Also I'm quite the fan of Chosen, so keep up the amazing work!).


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Choice of Games publisher has some writers that do their own Text-Based games but not in the realm of Smut, mind you. I'm particularly fond of Choice of Robots and the Versus trilogy, Heroes is good but feels linear in terms of story, Metahuman Inc is just fun to mess with the choices. I've done some work on their game engine which is super easy to learn but has a small learning curve in adding other files, if you're interested in making your own game.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Choice of Games publisher has some writers that do their own Text-Based games but not in the realm of Smut, mind you. I'm particularly fond of Choice of Robots and the Versus trilogy, Heroes is good but feels linear in terms of story, Metahuman Inc is just fun to mess with the choices. I've done some work on their game engine which is super easy to learn but has a small learning curve in adding other files, if you're interested in making your own game.

I've been interested in making my own game for years, but only got as far as writing a few sentences of the prologue area.
Every time I get too far into thought, I tend to remember a base fact of my life.
My computer sucks...
Awhile back my house burned down making lose a lot of things including my computer and recording equipment.
(Used to have a youtube channel with just over 1k subs).
Now I have a computer that can hardly play any games at all except text games and RPGmaker games.
I wish I could win the lottery or something? xD


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
I've been interested in making my own game for years, but only got as far as writing a few sentences of the prologue area.
Every time I get too far into thought, I tend to remember a base fact of my life.
My computer sucks...
Awhile back my house burned down making lose a lot of things including my computer and recording equipment.
(Used to have a youtube channel with just over 1k subs).
Now I have a computer that can hardly play any games at all except text games and RPGmaker games.
I wish I could win the lottery or something? xD

Its not really diffcult, it uses a Text Notebook and runs off Choice Engine which can be found here: https://www.choiceofgames.com/make-your-own-games/choicescript-intro/