I was wondering if anybody would be able to point me in the direction of a particular piece of fanart made of TiTS' femboy crewmate Kase, as I cant find it for the life of me. It had him in a similar pose as https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EjdI37DX0AMmdQQ?format=jpg&name=large, but this had to be a year or two back and was of higher fidelity. I want to say it was in the little twitter sidebar on the site, as any fenoxo.com search for Kase, catboy, etc have come up fruitless
Side note, couldnt find a rules thread or anything, if this type of thread is forbidden by all means nuke it from orbit
Side note, couldnt find a rules thread or anything, if this type of thread is forbidden by all means nuke it from orbit