Hey there everyone, I've got some writes to share.
It's a small expack for an abandoned (in more than one way) NPC that needed some fancy scenes and a lot of love.
Don't hesitate to take a look, suggest changes or scenes to make her more fleshed out.
It's a small expack for an abandoned (in more than one way) NPC that needed some fancy scenes and a lot of love.
Don't hesitate to take a look, suggest changes or scenes to make her more fleshed out.
Crew Tika
Crew Tika by Magenta Needle Overview Getting her on crew Email Meeting on Tarkus Join Crew Stay Here Tika button (Tarkus) Tika encounter text Appearance Talk Body Life on board Steele Tech Grow/Shrink boobs Hug Come with/Stay here Leave Crew Combat Stuff Tika accessory desc Sex Titfuck Fuck ...