The game has dommes for every occasion. If you're looking for mean dommes, Lyla is definitely one and Arona leans that way at times when she's Domrona (Subrona's a whole other thing) but she's actually sweet on the Champ and gets horribly embarrassed when she admits it out loud. Domrona is also the only one who won't give you a say in which of her normal sex scenes happen, which adds something to the effect.
Meanwhile Evelyn and Klemaia are dommes who make sure you know who's in charge but they aren't mean (especially Maia, who's quite loving), Annika is a soft-domme and Rina has a lesdomme side but only if you have Brienne and have a vagina and no penis.
EDIT: Oh yes, there's also Seastone if you choose to be her beta. She's rougher when it comes to sex in that state (most of the time) but not to the point of being abusive and she's generally pretty sweet with lots of aftercare.