Looking For a Game


New Member
Oct 28, 2016
Hi there all, I'm just wondering if any of you know of a game that was still in development (no playable alpha etc) which had a very CoC feel demons corruption etc, thing I remember clearly was that skimpy armor was just as useful as heavy armor, thats all I have to go on so thanks if you know it


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
How can you get a CoC feel from a game with no playable alpha?  Even the CoC alpha barely had a CoC feel.

Your description is also super vague, so the only thing I can suggest is checking out Deva's Order of Light and/or The Last Demonhunter to see if either of those are it.  Beyond that, most games die in the alpha stages so the game you're looking for might not even exist anymore.


Sep 13, 2016
I hope you're not talking about Carnal Souls. That game looks like it has a lot of potential as a text game but it seems they're too concerned with the graphics. I still can't believe it's been a year after funding and there's still no real playable demo yet.