Looking for a game

Chief of Medicine

New Member
Jun 20, 2023
There's this game I've played a while back that I really liked. I can't remember the name of it, but I'm hoping maybe one of you reading this would know based on the description I give, and if not, maybe you could suggest a game similar to what I describe? So, here goes:

It's a pretty old adult text adventure game with no pictures, just text, and not one of those enter a command type games. It was based in a typical fantasy setting and after character creation, I think you start by waking up in middle of a forest. Now the opponents in this game were mostly monsters. I don't mean the type of monster as, say, a perfectly human girl with cat ears and a cat tail, I mean ACTUAL monsters. You can battle the monster normally, but I also remember one of the combat options being "fantasize" where you pretty much let the monster attack you, mostly so you can let the monster win. Every time you lose an encounter, as far as I can remember, a sex scene initiates.

Some of the monsters I remember are a thorny plant type monster, in the nearby desert was a kind of trap monster where it appears a woman is stuck in a sand pit of some sort, but if you go up to it to help, it pulls you into a cavern where you see the monster has the upper half of a woman, but the lower half of a centipede. I remember there being a really skittish bunny girl, and I remember an encounter where you walk up on a gnoll fighting some sort of humanoid phoenix. Lastly, I remember a witch who really wants to cast a spell on you. That's about as much as I remember for opponents.

There were towns you could enter where you could buy and sell items and I can't remember much of a plot. You literally just wake up in middle of a forest and make your own adventure.

Any ideas what this game could be or any suggestions on games you think I'd like? I would like to emphasize that I do have a preference for actual monsters. Like a real dragon as opposed to the "sexy man with scales."


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
I'm not sure if this is srs but the game you mention just sounds like the first CoC. I would say you should download it to see if it is but considereing flash is kill you'd have to get an alternate player first.

Also I don't really have a recommendation I can give, but I can look up some games if you don't mind giving me more information on what kind of game you'd prefer.

Chief of Medicine

New Member
Jun 20, 2023
Oh really? Wow, that's... embarrassing. You know, just a lil. But in my defense, it's been a literal decade since I've last touched an adult text adventure, and when I started, it was just the one. But the memory popped back up recently and I remembered really liking it, so I decided to explore the genre a bit.

And sure! That'd be great. And if you have any tips on how to find such games for myself, I'm all ears. Idk if I'm just not using the right key words in my searches, but I've always had difficulty finding content like that with actual monsters. Most everything I find are reskinned humans to look vaguely like their mythological counterparts. The best I've gotten was reading the lewd stories on Bad Dragon.

So as you can tell, I'm a big monster fucker, but I also like the darker, rougher themes like noncon and BDSM. Romance is not unwelcome, but not high on the preference list like breeding is. I do also very much enjoy exploration and having an option to avoid encounters, like with combat or evasion, whether that's successful or not. If there's an option to play as a monster, that would be awesome! As for storyline... You know? I don't really know what to expect with these sorts of text adventures. I literally just started to look into them so I have no idea how limited the available plotlines are. Really, the most important things I'm looking for are real monsters and rougher themes.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2022
Sorry for the late reply. Me personaly I just punch in tags into F95 lol. I would use DlSite but tags there are pretty shit.

Call me basic but you can look into "MGQ". There are a bunch of generic monster girls as you would say, but the further you get into the game more fucked up and weird enemies show up. The combat is fine, and the story is nice but it probably won't satisfy your want for a more straight up RPG, and the later monsters are scary not in a "hot" way but in a genuine "what the fuck way" (don't look up how anglerfish reproduce).

There is also "Sinistar" and it's ilk although they may be too "horror" for your liking. I'm talking like actual brutal gore.

Can you tell me if you prefer a male pov a female pov or something customizable. Cause you will find a lot more "real monster" games with a female pov.

Chief of Medicine

New Member
Jun 20, 2023
Ah, well it's good to know I'm not just bad at searching, lol.

And actually! I'm very xenophilic. I love strange and bizarre things. Sometimes things can get a little too weird for be, but that's a hard line to cross. And don't you worry, I don't need to look up how angler fish reproduce. I already know ;D And it's funny you mention horror. I'm a huge horror fanatic, and for as long as I can remember. Can't get enough of the stuff! My favorite film is The Shining, and I've been big into Junji Ito as of late.

Both options sound interesting, though it seems I may have to grind through MGQ for a while. I do prefer the female pov because I enjoy the birthing sequence. Also, I don't know how I missed the original CoC on the menu, but I found it once you brought it up, installed a flash emulator extension and yep! That's the one! Have been having a lot of fun revisiting it. It's just as good as I remembered.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
If you're really into xenophilia, then the game you want WOULD be Teraurge, where you can have sex with creatures of all shapes and sizes EXCEPT "even vaguely human". Unfortunately that's basically been abandoned (the developer is so casual about working on it that he might as well not be) and I'm pretty sure the last version isn't playable any more. Which is a shame, because as a xenophilia fan myself it was potentially the best game ever.
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