Looking for a game that was like a naughty Fire Emblem

Oct 4, 2015
Please keep in mind I use Fire Emblem as a comparison in game play, as they are both turn based trope movement games with a colorful cast of characters that you can romance.

And is this game fuck :3c

From what I can recall, it takes place in an multidimensional resort built around the concept of finding romance, meaning you are rewarded for forming.... intimate relationships.......

This resort has been abandoned for quite some time and is currently being used by refuges from a number of dimensions what are being attacked by some kinda black sludge..... I think it is sludge?

And seeing as many of the resorts reward systems are still functioning the refuges have incorporating sexuality into their war with the invaders.

And you the "hero" have been pulled into this world by a spider like alien witch to help her fight off the invaders before they find their way to earth.

This game was on Offbeatr and was even funded and was updating regularly.

I even made a thread for it on the old form.

Can anyone recall the name of this project?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2015
Capid - "All interludes are heterosexual, most of the stuff is tame, just a bit of male Nice Time for Roo in Chizzle's scenes (he kinda got stolen from Threedle) and the avatar can be either male or female."


Jan 29, 2017
Kamidora Alchemy Meister, or some of the Rance stuff might work as in they're similar.

They're all pretty tame though.