There didn't seem to be a specified post for League, so I decided to create one. I mean, it is a mainstream game after all, right? Anyways, I guess we can talk about our favourite roles/champions/builds/styles/shippings/fantasies/whatever about the game, and maybe if someone is in the same server with another, they could play together, the game, play the game together, that's what I meant. Yeah.
Role preference: Mid-1st, Top-2nd, Adc-3rd
Main champion: Fizz(I've been through a lot of mains tbh, but this champion kinda stuck with me.)
I've users on EUW and EUNE, first being Plat IV and second Gold III(Just finished placements today, 8-2)
I think my most favourite pairing is Fizz+Nami, because y'know, it only makes sense. xD
And I'm up for games whenever, provided you're in the same server as I, since the ping increases a lot with distance, at-least for me.
PS! I usually play very aggressively and tend to go ham at random times.
Role preference: Mid-1st, Top-2nd, Adc-3rd
Main champion: Fizz(I've been through a lot of mains tbh, but this champion kinda stuck with me.)
I've users on EUW and EUNE, first being Plat IV and second Gold III(Just finished placements today, 8-2)
I think my most favourite pairing is Fizz+Nami, because y'know, it only makes sense. xD
And I'm up for games whenever, provided you're in the same server as I, since the ping increases a lot with distance, at-least for me.
PS! I usually play very aggressively and tend to go ham at random times.