List of failable quest


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Its very rare for a quest to be failable and for you to still continue playing. Most quest failures end a bad ends. That being said, there are a few cases where you can fail a quest and continue.

Ugly Duckling: Lose to the golem. This is actually hard to do because the golem fight is trivial even at level 3.

Shades of the Past: Decline the quest or Lose a fight. Bring/Be a healer, eat a trail ration, and be at least level 4 and you'll be fine.

There are a few instances where you can be a dick and get a less optimal result, but the quest will still be considered completed. Such as right of conquest where you can ambush Argoth or leave instead of hiding a watching.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2023
You can fail Royal Amnesty if you complete Winter City without going to talk to the Baroness. As far as I can tell it affects nothing. But it is the only failed quest in my log.
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