List of Body Part Types and Flags


Jul 30, 2021
So, I've always liked editing my characters first thing to look how I want from the start using the old TiTSEd for the pre-js version, and I've been using an online JSON editor to edit my character in the newer javascript versions. After a while, I got tired of checking what was what, and made a bunch of junk saves just to find out what exactly is each flag value and body part type value. This thread is purely to reduce the amount of flailing in the dark to find the body part flags and types you are looking for.

This will be a list of the body part Flag number, and what that corresponds to, as well as a list of every body part type itself, including ones NOT implemented for the player.
BE CAREFUL. This CAN and WILL break your save if you put the wrong flag in the wrong place. Some flags do not work for some body parts, and will require testing on your side to determine if the flag even shows up. Other flags conflict (like digitigrade and plantigrade) and may either break your save, your description, or your legs.

1 Long
2 Prehensile
3 Lubricated
4 Fluffy
5 Squishy
6 Smooth
7 Tapered
8 Flared
9 Knotted
10 Blunt
11 Aphrodisiac
12 Sticky
13 Thick
14 Muzzled
15 Angular
16 Plantigrade
17 Digitigrade
18 Tendril
19 Amorphous
20 Furred
21 Scaled
22 Hooves
23 Paws
24 Heels
25 Ovipositor
26 Sheathed
27 Tailcock
28 Stinger Base
29 Stinger Tip
30 Nubby
31 Foreskinned
32 Hollow
33 Ribbed
34 Chitinous
35 Feathered
36 Double Headed
37 Gooey
38 Spiked
39 Absorbent
40 Slightly Pumped
41 Fully Pumped
42 Tailcunt
43 Beaked
44 Corkscrewed
45 Tongued
46 Freckled
47 Plugged
48 Partially Scaled
49 Short
50 Floppy
51 Hyper Pumped
52 Heart-Shaped
53 Star-Shaped
54 Flower-Shaped
55 Parasitic
56 Artificial
57 Genital Slit
58 Uniball
Any number higher than 58 will simply have a blank space as the flag, and has no real effect on the flags. These are probably placeholders if Fenoxo and crew ever add more body flags to the game. 0 returns an offset error as a Flag.

Racial Body Type values can be used for almost everything except hairType, beardType, skinType, cumType, girlcumType, and milkType. The value "impregnationType" is one that you can not (and should not) add any values to at all, leaving it completely blank (it broke the test save). For cocks, you would insert the number of the desired racial type under "cType". Vaginas are merely listed as "type". Both are in their own separate sections from the rest of Steele's code. As with the Body Part Flags, some of these will break your save if used for your Steele. Any number 98 or higher is currently listed as undefined, and will probably break your descriptions.

0 Human
1 Equine
2 Bovine
3 Canine
4 Feline
5 Vulpine
6 Bee
7 Arachnid
8 Drider
9 Lapine
10 Avian
11 Draconic
12 Lizan
13 Naga/Snake/Slyveren
14 Frog
15 Demonic
16 Gooey
17 Kangaroo
18 Gabilani
19 Shark
20 Suula
21 Deer
22 Anenome
23 Tentacle
24 Kui-tan
25 Human Masked
26 Mouse
27 Mouseman
28 Dove
29 Floppy Dog
30 Dryad
31 Dragonfly
32 MLP
33 Cuntsnake
34 Venus Pitcher
35 Succubus
36 Small Bee
37 Small Demonic
38 Small Draconic
39 Naleen
40 Panda
41 Mimbrane
42 Raskvel
43 Sydian
44 Lapinara
45 Badger
46 Vanae
47 Vanae Maiden
48 Vanae Huntress
49 Leithan
50 Goat
51 Synthetic
52 Simii
53 Daynar
54 Cockvine
55 Nyrea
56 Inhuman
57 Ovir
58 Sylvan
59 Dark Sylvan
60 Myr
61 Saurian
62 Rhino
63 Narwhal
64 Hradian
65 Gryvain
66 Korgonne
67 Flower
68 Water Queen
69 Bothiric
70 Milodan
71 Worg
72 Swine
73 Quad Lapine
74 Mouthgina
75 Lupine
76 Sheep
77 Lesser Panda
78 Rahn
79 Thraggen
80 Adremmalex
81 Mothrine
82 Frostwyrm
83 Sand Worm
84 Butt Bug
85 Janeria
86 Roehm
87 Xelarfog
88 Saurmorian
89 Hyena
90 Dzaan
91 Zaika
92 Cundarian
93 Lion
94 Moose
95 Sionach
96 Radglow
97 Dreadscale Behemoth

0 Milk
1 Honey
2 Cum
3 Oil
4 Milksap
5 Girlcum
6 Cumsap
7 Chocolate Milk
8 Strawberry Milk
9 Sydian Cum
10 Vanae Maiden Milk
11 Vanae Huntress Milk
12 Nectar
13 Leithan Milk
14 Gabilani Cum
15 Gabilani Girl Cum
16 Vanilla
17 Nyrea Cum
18 Goo
19 Chocolate Cum
20 Vanae Cum
21 Nyrea Girl Cum
22 Blueberry Yogurt
23 Hradian Cum
24 Goo Cum
25 Fruit Cum
26 Fruit Girl Cum
27 Eggnog
28 Peppermint Cum
29 Sugar Glaze
30 Cumdarian Seed
31 Creamsicle Milk
32 Banana Milk
33 Melon Milk
34 Blueberry Milk
35 Grape Milk
36+ [ ] (shows as blank space)

0 Skin
1 Fur
2 Scales
3 Goo
4 Chitin
5 Feathers
6 Latex
7 Plant
8 Bark
9 Gel
10+ undefined

0 Hair
1 Feathers
2 Transparent
3 Gooey
4 Tentacles
5 Quills
6 Plant
7 Slyveren/Caesellian Snake Hood
8+ undefined

0-1 Humanoid crotch/waist area
2 Hind legs
3 Under-tail
4+ undefined

0 Normal
1 Cunt, Fuckable
2 Lips, Fuckable
3 Dick-nipple
4 Flat (no nipple, just areola)
5 Inverted
6 Tentacled
7+ undefined

dickNippleType appears to utilize the same values as the RacialTypes. I tested up to Avian, and it appears to work for all of them, though some are missing proper descriptions in comparison to when the same RacialType is used elsewhere.

A few points that I have noticed during my save editing. If you put the skin as scales, for example, but then add the "scaled" flag, you will end up Partially Scaled instead sometimes. I am not sure how this or similar cases are caused, but double stacking modifiers like so is something to avoid. On the other side of that, having too many modifiers for a given body part will result in some modifiers not showing or being described.

As an example, having Tapered, Lubricated, Knotted, Sheathed, Ribbed, Nubby, and Prehensile on a cock will result in some of those modifiers not being described at all, despite registering in that cock's stats. If a modifier isn't displayed, sometimes its effects can still work passively. In the previous example, Tapered and/or Lubricated tags may not be described, but the effect of a Tapered cock (shaft volume * 0.75 & tip volume * 0.75) would still take effect, allowing you to have sex with those who'd otherwise not fit it.

Other times, some flags will simply not apply to the given body part and not exist in any descriptions. Many of these I feel are rather easily understood, but who knows what kind of horror from beyond the stars you might wish to play as... therefore, I give that warning.

If anyone finds anything to add, or anything incorrect, don't hesitate to comment on it! (Currently checking on the values of: nipple types, genital spot (complete!), dick nipple type, and other miscellaneous options that might catch my eye.)

This list guide is up to date (I think) as of TiTS version 0.9.120!
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Jul 30, 2021
As of TiTS version 0.9.119, the following Racial body types do not have descriptions for certain body parts, listed using their Racial Type Number:
8 17 22 23 31 32 33 34 51 53 54 61 67 74 83 84 96.

I am not going to go through and list each location each racial type is does not have a description. That's more work than I want to do for this guide.
Also, using common sense as to descriptions. Like assigning the racial type Canine to Wings...
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