Lets make SSTD's a thing again!

Tili Cactus

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2022
Hey, remember SSTD's? Those funky little things you can get when you lose a battle and get some rough love, giving the game a bit of extra risk and difficulty? Yea me neither because there is barely any. There are 3 SSTD's and a gag one. We got 4 Planets and one in the oven. SSTD's have been thrown to the wayside but theres so much potential! and I want to help make a few. I already have a few on the mind.

An Insidious and Dubious Symbiote
Only carried by males, this little disease would give your character a tiny little penis if they don't have one already and slowly increase their libido over a few days to +20 as the disease makes them want to use their penis and make it bigger. quite the fun curveball to hit a female with.

A transmittable form of dumbfuck that doesn't give taint but lasts a full week making your character need to be really cautious unless your looking to lose your... your... thinky pot. Ya basicly knw, it might not be a absolutely kinda bad idea to jump into dat hoard of sex cwazed tentaclez.

Carried by females and poorly endowed men, this SSTD makes male genitalia have a small chance to shrink every time the character moves, should the characters penis size reach 0 it is gone and the character is flagged as female.
If the person with this disease is female, then instead of it making male genitalia smaller, it will make their breasts grow and have them want to be bred.

Zil Touch
carried only by Zil, this disease has 2 variants that do the same thing but at different speeds. The common form will cause a transformation in the player character once every 6 hours that is similar to zil rations, causing you to slowly turn into a Zil over the course of a week. the hyper version does it all in a day.
(Zil Touch is a example of a race specific SSTD and many others could be made based off the idea)

SSTD's should be harsh but fun. a neat little curveball to throw at the character for getting to careless and being forced to suck lick or bend over, I hope you enjoyed reading this, good day.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
there was another sstd submission but no cclue how that ended up going.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2022
Considering SSTDs stop being a thing the player has to concern themselves with literally 10-15 mins into the game (the point at which they can obtain free, permanent immunity), any work with them is basically just a waste of (limited) development resources.