League of Corruption [Mindcontrol, Corruption, LoL parody, FxF, FxM]

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017
Wow, that was a quiet detailed reply for a developer (most of the time, developers dont like to write about stuff like this).
Thank you for looking into those bugs.

I just have 1 questions left now. Will there be more public releases in the near future?

I dont have the money to support you guys on the financial side, but I would like to help with bughunting / fixing,
which is kinda difficult, when newer builds aren't public.
I dont request getting the newest build asap, just if you continue to release public versions in a delayed timeframe.

You invested time in getting the info sorted and preparing saves - giving a detailed report is the only correct option.

Yes, all patron releases change to public with time. 0.1.5 will be available for public 22nd December.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017
As I mentioned in December’s development plans League of Corruption is coming to additional platforms. Version for MacOS is ready for download. *nix deployment will be available later – still need to fix some issues there before releasing it. I also finished the first part of text enhancing and proofreading so both patron and public versions are updated. Plus, this version got additional intro cutscene for new game in my efforts to fix the start and make it more enjoyable.

Updated the first post with fresh links and detailed description of the game.

In addition to all this, I want to ask which aspect of the game my players want to improve the most. Here’s a public poll – it will be great to hear your opinion.
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Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

Hey guys! 0.1.5 is available for public download, plus I’ve prepared a new version for *nix platforms. Sadly, it’s not as straightforward as launching LoC on Windows or Mac so I prepared instructions if you encounter any problems. You can get the fresh version here or in the main post.

Windows – Google Disk | Mega mirror

MacOS X – Google Disk | Mega mirror

*nix family – Google Disk | Mega mirror Troubles with the game? Check out instructions.

You can see full patch notes for version 0.1.5 here. As always your feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated. Enjoy and stay tuned!


New Member
Dec 26, 2017
Been playing the 1.1.5 update for a while now and i have to say this game going along very nice.
Just had a few questions regarding getting all the scenes as i have done all the main story up to the part were you land on the island and have only manged to get 4/8 scenes. If anyone could help but letting me know how to get the rest it would be much appreciated.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017
Been playing the 1.1.5 update for a while now and i have to say this game going along very nice.
Just had a few questions regarding getting all the scenes as i have done all the main story up to the part were you land on the island and have only manged to get 4/8 scenes. If anyone could help but letting me know how to get the rest it would be much appreciated.

Glad you liked it. I don't want to give direct spoilers so let's stop at hints. 1 scene is available on the island itself, another one during the transition to it. All the rest are on the mainland with the castle, plus one of the scenes require you to feed the power crystal to the orb spirit.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

Hello guys! I’m leaving for holidays and decided to drop a little present for you – a rough preview of a new feature in version 0.2.0. Yeap, animated scenes. See you in the next year! Happy new year ;)


Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

Hello guys! 0.2.0 brings the regular content update but also one of the biggest features in League of Corruption so far – animated scenes but let’s start with usual numbers:

8 scenes with 57 images -> 9 scenes with 59 drawn images, 1 scene is animated

12.5k words -> 18.1k words without counting PoV variations

17 custom soundtracks -> 21 custom soundtracks

15 quests -> 18 quest lines

2+ hours for full clear -> 3 hours for full clear

You can get the fresh version here. The full changelog for 0.2.0:

Art & Map update status

LoC gets a graphical update for Ashe’s first and second scenes, Nidalee’s first scene, starting “demo” scene and Ahri x Nidalee group scene. All mentioned scenes received an update to their HD variations in the art pack. I plan to finalize graphical rework in January.

Townsville’s pub and starting house got their parallax updates and look better know. I plan to increase the time for map reworking in the next update.


One new animated scene for Nidalee with three animation actions. Yes, just one for this update. Producing an animated scene for the first time proved to be a rather difficult task and I need to optimize internal processes a lot.

I managed to convince RPG Maker to play full-scale animations will a lot of pre-caching and step-by-step loading. This gives a fluid motion at a cost of a text appear rate slowdown during a small caching window before playing animations. Consulted with two coder guys and as far as they can tell – this is the best RPG Maker can do in playing 720p animations without a plugin with JSON or frame packing support. Also, I will try to reduce new release’s weight after new animation plugins will arrive for MV.

There will be more details and info about this in the upcoming development plans for January, I’ll just say that my goal is to fix the stutter and make it back to 2+ scenes per update as soon as tools and experience with animation will allow it.

Switchable PoV for sex scenes

I received a lot of feedback from players who prefer a different PoV for scenes over LoC’s default 1st PoV. This feature allows you to pick your favorite out of three options: 1st as in “I did this.”, 2nd as in “You did this.” and 3rd as in “He did this.” All scenes and their album variations received minor adjustments and full support for this feature.

League of Corruption will ask you about your favorite style during the starting stage in the house. Also, players can change it in the castle (sparkling nightstand) or in the album on the second floor. You can switch PoV as many times as you please, the game will adapt to your choices. Old saves are fully compatible with this change - LoC defaults to 1st PoV if no option is selected explicitly at the moment.

Map variation feature

All of the maps which players visit several times during their playthroughs received variation updates. Now, these maps have a number of elements which will appear and disappear based on random counters and some of the player’s actions. This includes decorations, NPCs and animals/insects. You can check out the change in a relatively small map like an inn or pub where you can see most of not the entire map at once.

The goal of the variation update is to make LoC’s map less static and improve player’s experience. I don’t plan to tie quests to such “dynamic” NPCs. It’s silly. All of the changeable surroundings don’t affect the gameplay directly and serve as additional decorations.

Interface changes

Added shutdown button for both title and game menus. No more Alt+F4 or clicking on the window to quit.

I rewritten the album feature – checking the progress won’t force you to exit from the album and properly return you back to the choice options. Switching PoV in the album still requires an exit so RPG Maker can adapt to new options. Can’t find a way to circumvent this for now.

Still waiting for RPG Maker’s support to answer my ticket (3rd week counting at the moment) and hope to give you an answer about Linux execution issues in the development plans for January. Can’t guarantee anything though because it doesn’t depend on me directly – just a small heads-up.

Skill/Balance changes

Lowered the overall difficulty slightly by subtracting a bit of attack power from enemies. This is a temporary measure in response to feedback about LoC being too difficult to play. It’s not a permanent change just a quick fix before rolling out difficulty game setting feature with more tuning. More on this in the upcoming development plans for January.

Bug fixes

RPG Maker got a little wonky with all the parallaxing going on and decided that you don’t need to talk with NPCs over small obstacles like tables or counters. I convinced it otherwise. All NPCs in all parallax maps now can be accessed with a small obstacle between the player and NPC.

Fixed a bug with the main menu’s track switching back to its original volume level which was higher than average for the game. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Townsville’s pub map now properly plays a different soundtrack from the rest of the village.

Added several passable blocks on parallax maps for better navigation.
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New Member
Jan 30, 2018
Hey there, was playing through the new update and I'm at the section of looking for a valuable for the ship. I checked the cave in the far left of the port, but I'm not seeing any valuables, even after wiping the bats. Did my game glitch as I swapped saves from .15 to .2 or?

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017
Hey there, was playing through the new update and I'm at the section of looking for a valuable for the ship. I checked the cave in the far left of the port, but I'm not seeing any valuables, even after wiping the bats. Did my game glitch as I swapped saves from .15 to .2 or?

The cave you need is on the right side of the map with guards standing next to some roots and an opening in the cliff. Step down the roots and you will be in the correct dungeon. I'm switching roots to a rope to make it more clear in version 0.2.5.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

Hello, guys! League of Corruption version 0.2.5 is ready and up for downloads. You can get it here.

So, let’s see what’s new and start with the usual numbers:

9 scenes with 59 drawn images, 1 scene is animated -> 11 scenes with 61 drawn images, 3 scenes are animated.

18.1k words -> 23.8k words without counting PoV variations. Alright, now I have a little novel.

21 custom soundtracks -> 23 custom soundtracks

18 quests -> 22 quest lines

3+ hours for full clear -> 4+ hours for full clear. 0.2.5’s part may feel shorter due to variable solutions to the main quest line.


Parallax mapping update

I reworked a pretty decent amount of starting maps into truly great zones for exploration and adventure – check them out in the game. Yes, I wanted to get rid of the default RPG Maker’s trees. They are awful ><

The exact maps are: starting forest, rock cave on your way to the castle, ruin’s outskirts where you meet Ashe for the first time, castle’s courtyard both in the ruined and the renewed versions, Townsville’s main area, Townsville’s port area.

My plan for upgrading the zones are progressing pretty good and should be done in the period I set earlier: March – April 2018.

Animation changes

There two new animated scenes: one for Ashe and another one for Nidalee. Both of them have 3 separate animations compared to the first animated Nidalee’s scene – just like I wanted to start the new type of scenes. I’ll think about adding another cycle for it to bring it up to the new standard but we’ll see in the upcoming February -> March development plans.

LoC got a new option – caching for animated scenes. It allows the game to have three seconds before playing the scene. This allows most hardware to cache all the graphics and execute the scene without text stutter at a cost of waiting. Caching is advised but not mandatory and completely up to the player. You can still choose to play all the scenes without this feature. Players can change this setting from the initial configuration prompt at the start of the game, your room in the castle and on the castle’s second floor – right in the album. This option defaults to off.

The stop frame for synching different animations is also gone my logic rework for animated scenes. Now you don’t have to wait for proper animation part to start playing after the previous one is done. This change affects both cached and non-cached versions of scenes.

Difficulty system

Another new feature is an option to choose your difficulty setting. This affects all battles with normal, event or boss enemies. Plus, more complex puzzles like the musical tubes have less interactive elements, which make them easier to beat. Difficulty feature doesn’t change any rewards. This option can be changed during the initial configuration prompt at the start of the game and inside your room in the castle. The default setting is normal.

You may have noticed the low difficulty grow during the last and current LoC’s update. I didn’t want to force unwilling players to try the game on a level, which was too hard for them. That’s why all the combat encounters of 0.2.0 and 0.2.5 were pretty easy. They will stay the same for easy difficulty but I will bring the fight back for challenge-hungry players with the updated normal setting in 0.3.0. More on this during the upcoming developer’s plans.

Perks and passive bonuses from your followers

Version 0.2.5 gives players an opportunity to get two new followers for their castle. Aside from scene potential, they bring passive bonuses for your party after completing certain stages of their quest lines. Remember that your actions matter and some of them will be mutually exclusive.

This system will get a lot of upgrades and will affect all applicable characters, even the standalone pack which patrons will choose if LoC will be successful. By applicable characters, I mean the stats of said characters. For example, Nidalee doesn’t have mana so gaining MP perk will not affect her in any way.

Balance changes

Reworked buff/debuff system for player’s party. Now such effects are much more powerful and handy in battle. This change will be tweaked during the upcoming difficulty scaling.

Crafters in your castle got some extra merchandise to help you and your journey.

Interface changes

Reworked album interface allows players to hit escape and hop up on the upper level of the menu during all choices except the main album menu. Hitting escape there will close the journal.

Cleva upgradz. Now Zogh will give a brief explanation of the upgrade you are going to buy from him and offer a choice to proceed with the upgrade or cancel it.

Fixed quest lines which were too long to fit in the journal’s description tab in some of the orc’s quests.

Bugfixes and other improvements

Improved NPC’s movement range for some zones. No more ducks sailing down the streets of Townsville.

Fixed incorrect layering for bags and boxes inside the bandit’s boss room.

Fixed Broken Fang’s name during the combat encounter with him.

Looks like this is all, stay tuned for February -> March developer’s plans.
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New Member
Dec 1, 2017
Hey, Iam back and finally have some time to give feedback (had exams)

1.) Dont let players in a closed cage at the end of a chapter.
-I wanna look for maybe missed quests, rewatch already unlocked scenes or just farm gold and EXP for the next update.

2.) Focus more on the world you already have.

2.1.) We just explored parts of the southeast of the castle. Let us go further and show us the other directions instead of adding an strange island with strange ruins (at least for me it felt kinda out of place)

2.2.) Give the village and the port town a proper narrative and people who live there
-Port town is big but just the lighthouse, inn, town hall and mansion are accessable. Make the other houses accessable too.
-Add new Questlines to the village and port town to gain influence in these "cities" which could peak in you taking control over the city and gaining taxes etc (you could call it freeing them)
-You could add an affiliation system to that, which connects a girl to a city or region (most likely through the story) which makes the girl happy or unhappy when you do things for a city or you dont do it for the city
-This could lead to special scenes with the girls like you did with the voyage and ashe and could peak into a special ability or perk which could just be unlocked if you complete a certain area and make the right choices
-In the end this could peak into you becoming a king and you could choose a special girl of your harem to become queen.

2.3.) With that you could let the player build an empire

2.4.) Add shops in the cities

3.) Add an Upgradesystem for the castle
-Upgrade the room for the girls to access new scenes (add specific scenes accessable from the girls in their rooms not just from the menu in the floor (kinda like the doggystyle scene with ashe but repeatedly accessable))
-Upgrade the room for yourself (add options to invite girls into your room to have some fun, even multiple girls at once)
-Upgrade the room for the smith to access better Equipment
-Upgrade the room for the alchemist to access better and different potions (i loved the love potion for ahri)
-Unlock more parts of the castle (e.g a herb garden for the alchemist / the ore mines below the castle for the smith)
-These upgrade shouldn't cost nothing. Make us pay our progress and give us some levels not just one to fully upgrade
-Alchemist and Smith could have a level and with certain things bought from shops, gathered or looted they could improve and get a bigger and better range of things offered (this could go hand in hand with the upgrade of their rooms)
-upgraded rooms should change in appearance

PS: I hope this is as constructive as it can be, even if i added many things in a wishlist style which could go in a different direction as you have planned for the game
PPS: the complete feedback is written from a version 2.0b point of view
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Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017
Hey, Iam back and finally have some time to give feedback (had exams)

1.) Dont let players in a closed cage at the end of a chapter.
-I wanna look for maybe missed quests, rewatch already unlocked scenes or just farm gold and EXP for the next update.

2.) Focus more on the world you already have.

2.1.) We just explored parts of the southeast of the castle. Let us go further and show us the other directions instead of adding an strange island with strange ruins (at least for me it felt kinda out of place)

2.2.) Give the village and the port town a proper narrative and people who live there
-Port town is big but just the lighthouse, inn, town hall and mansion are accessable. Make the other houses accessable too.
-Add new Questlines to the village and port town to gain influence in these "cities" which could peak in you taking control over the city and gaining taxes etc (you could call it freeing them)
-You could add an affiliation system to that, which connects a girl to a city or region (most likely through the story) which makes the girl happy or unhappy when you do things for a city or you dont do it for the city
-This could lead to special scenes with the girls like you did with the voyage and ashe and could peak into a special ability or perk which could just be unlocked if you complete a certain area and make the right choices
-In the end this could peak into you becoming a king and you could choose a special girl of your harem to become queen.

2.3.) With that you could let the player build an empire

2.4.) Add shops in the cities

3.) Add an Upgradesystem for the castle
-Upgrade the room for the girls to access new scenes (add specific scenes accessable from the girls in their rooms not just from the menu in the floor (kinda like the doggystyle scene with ashe but repeatedly accessable))
-Upgrade the room for yourself (add options to invite girls into your room to have some fun, even multiple girls at once)
-Upgrade the room for the smith to access better Equipment
-Upgrade the room for the alchemist to access better and different potions (i loved the love potion for ahri)
-Unlock more parts of the castle (e.g a herb garden for the alchemist / the ore mines below the castle for the smith)
-These upgrade shouldn't cost nothing. Make us pay our progress and give us some levels not just one to fully upgrade
-Alchemist and Smith could have a level and with certain things bought from shops, gathered or looted they could improve and get a bigger and better range of things offered (this could go hand in hand with the upgrade of their rooms)
-upgraded rooms should change in appearance

PS: I hope this is as constructive as it can be, even if i added many things in a wishlist style which could go in a different direction as you have planned for the game
PPS: the complete feedback is written from a version 2.0b point of view

Thanks for your thoughts, Kami. I'll definitely consider implementing some ideas from the list.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Minor things I notice as I play...

* In the tutorial dungeon, if you switch your formation so Ashe is in the lead, when (Summoner) offers to scout ahead there will be two Ashe sprites, one for Ashe and one for the party.
* On entering the town I immediately start talking to people about invitations, despite not having heard of the party yet.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

0.3.0 is ready – you can get it here.

11 scenes, 3 animated scenes -> 12 scenes, 4 animated scenes

23.8k words -> 28.7k words without counting PoV variations.

23 custom soundtracks -> 27 custom soundtracks

22 quests -> 24 quests

Visit your castle’s courtyard after visiting Shadow Islands to get the new scene.

Arena challenge

Townsville’s pub received a very special guest who’s interested in inviting players to participate in Coliseum. The arena offers 5 levels of difficult enemies with an extra reward for completing the first league.

Animation changes

With Kadokawa’s very pleasant surprise – releasing 1.6.0 version of RPG Maker MV, I couldn’t finish integrating animation plugin in time for 0.3.0. Kadokawa outdid themselves with this one: crashes after 5-10 minutes of working in the editor, vanishing maps and events, crashing on assigning graphics – I actually may continue this list but you’ve got the idea.

The integration itself is pretty close to completion and it will allow for smoother animation with more variety of speed/movement options. Plus, I think it will allow bypass cashing stage for animations so they would play without any preparation. Anyways it needs further testing on live scenes and I can’t release it as is.
Oh, and in case anyone wanted to ask how my support ticket about Linux x86 is doing… Still waiting for the answer.

Balance changes

Adjusted some NPC enemy’s power across the board. Added more rewards for defeating elite guards.

Interface changes

Now you can switch difficulty, PoV or cache options anywhere you want via the main options menu. I split it into two categories – general and sound. The sound is self-explanatory and general has the usual always dash, memory switches plus all the options you had in the castle. All enemies and puzzles react to your choices instantly – you don’t need to leave your current location or restart the game.

Bugfixes and other improvements

Fixed water banks on some maps to allow birds and other flying NPC to pass over them and not dive under. Couldn’t check all maps – work in progress.

Fixed new equipment pieces – they were available only for Nidalee.

Fixed a misplaced layer in the castle outskirts map.

Fixed a bug which caused the first “into” scene forget about counting towards the overall clear of the album if players didn’t watch it later. Now the credit is properly awarded during the scene + at album’s opening. Thanks goes to Elyngas for finding this bug out.

That’s it, stay tuned for the news – I’ll make an info post about what’s going to happen next around 11th.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

Status update

Hello, guys! I have both new and bad news for you. Let’s start with the later. After dealing with all the piled up real life issues, I drafted fixes for League of Corruption. My conclusion is - LoC has to wait. Mainly because of these three reasons:

1) The usual artist is no longer available. Thus, I need to find a replacement with a similar style and adequate prices. Still, the art would be not the same so this would introduce new problems.

2) Lack of a specific understanding which game elements need fixing and how to fix them. I wasted a lot of time figuring out potential issues and ways to change them. I ended up with a list of such ideas and went researching successful Patreon projects to compare my thoughts and the reality.

Well, this made my confusion even greater. My "bad" decisions are working out in other games so my whole list became irrelevant.

3) General viability. I’ve spent a lot of time going through real-life problems accumulated during LoC development, then had a few free evenings to think it through. This moment forced me to understand how much time and effort I wasted on LoC. Compared to a few quiet evenings, one-man development experience from League of Corruption seems like hell.

What now? Am I done? No. While LoC needs to sit on the shelf for some time, I want to try another game project. This time it’s an original story with anime graphics and less time-heavy features. Here are some more sketches from the preparation stage.


Patrons can check an uncensored version of the body sketch here.

Why the new project? I want to improve my design/development skills on a relatively small number of features and use this experience to give LoC another whirl. This way I can focus on improving existing features and better balance development with real life. After finishing the new game, we’ll see how it will turn out and decide what to do next via poll.

What will this new project be? You can think of it as a less convoluted and more H-content oriented game. More details will appear before the launch.

No exact release date for now. I’m still working out details with the artist and have a bunch of tech problems to go through.

I also plan to change several goals and patron tiers to better suit the new project. Small stuff like the main page needs adjusting too. Anyway, it will be a gradual process and I’ll post at least one more status update before releasing the demo. Then Patreon page will switch to the usual “per month” cycle.

League of Corruption download links will stay up. I will check the email for your bug/problem notifications and fix them. But LoC won’t have content updates until the new project is over.

Yeehaw Games

Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2017

Hello, guys! It’s time to announce my current project – Yorna: Monster Girl’s Secret.

The game will use fantasy setting with monster girls. Lots and all kinds of them. Mages found a way to harness their innate power, opening infinite possibilities for humans. Yet not everyone is happy about such development. What will happen? Stay tuned and check back May 28th – the release date for Yorna.

You will control female protagonist Ada, a mage from a noble family, with the ability to use monster girl’s power as her own. It’s not an easy task, so she needs to “synch” with them to do so. What does it mean? Depends on the girl, her character, size and umm… let’s say tastes and openings. Synching with monster girls gives Ada new skills, ranging from combat to charm and seduction. Combine them to create your own play style!

And by style I mean not only the approach to overcome obstacles but also the heroine's mindset. Will she remain a decent, noble lady or turn into a manipulative seductress? Perhaps you’ll stir her to ascend as a succubus? This depends on your decisions. Yorna:MGS can turn into a serious story or a diary of temptress based on your choices.

There won’t be any blocks for content where you have to get X for parameter Y and then a scene unlocks. No, the game will use your style and offer a suitable narrative. The same encounter can picture Ada as shy and timid or a bold siren, up to a wee bit of femdom.

H content will be present in three types: fun with monster girls, battle fuck with monsters and intercourse with humans. Pick your favorite! This time around, the game will have more art than just H scenes. As for the kinks, I plan to implement these for the main plotline (aside from “regular” sex):

Yuri, Straight, Group sex, Аhegao, Creampie, Squirting, Bulges, Titfuck, Bukkake, Tentacles, Voyeur, Toys, Corruption and Seduction, Battlefuck.

Oh, and there will be mutable sound effects during the scene to set up the “mood”.

Didn’t find your stuff? Don’t worry, the list will go on along with updates. I’ll post a quite a few polls for many types of content - from monster girls to dresses and fetishes. Stay tuned and vote for your favorite kinks.

The gameplay will be faster compared to League of Corruption with more H scenes and less trivia/lore between them. Still, story-oriented players will find the lore base in optional dialogues. Still, action-oriented gamers may proceed with the plot unhindered. I plan to create optional content for puzzle lovers too. Unlike League of Corruption, such minigames will not require any special skills like musical hearing. So, not the pipes. *Horrid flashbacks.* No-no-no.

Yorna:MGS will have a simple crafting system for your gear and some special items for scenes. No skills required. Collect all the ingredients and visit the crafter. As for the craft parts, you’ll find them all over combat zones in craft nodes and battle spoils.

Also, there will be a pack of life-quality improvements over LoC. Like a global gallery without ties to your current playthrough. Just unlock the scene and you can watch CG or replay it anytime you want from the main menu. I decided to abandon the idea of throwing bad ends at players, so lost combat will not force you to reload. Still, it will have consequences for the heroine.

Okay, that’s a mouthful. Hope you liked the idea behind the game and will give it a spin on May 28th.

I’ll create a separate topic for Yorna once it releases to give LoC some rest.