Lacking Spells that are not [At-Will] powers to Generate and Hold threat aswell as giving some defensive buffs for an White Mage Tank. (aka Paladin)


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
There is an lacking of not [At-Will] Threat powers that also give defensive buffs in-game for the White Mage class currently. So i thaught seeing the white mage Encounter spell "Seal of Light" Cait usses in her 'Vestal Raiments' set to be an nice addition for MC ussages for any tanky White Mage class build (aka paladin).
So what i mean is an option that is not an [At-Will] power but could generate steady threat and also have some in-built defensive buffs aswell, so you could equip the Dawnbringer sword for example and use it's 'deflect' power instead or any other [At-Will] power.)

(P.s. - in remarks of some suggestions below i had to edit this post this to clarify better what i intended in making the post.)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Lay on Hands like Bat said, or use Flamebrand or Thunderbrand. You could also mix in warrior powers.


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
I find that Lay on Hands works exceptionally well for maintaining threat on a tanky White Mage build. It's also an iconic paladin ability!
True that exists as mentioned above some others aswell but they are all [At-Will] powers, and there are so many other [At-Will] that would be better to use instead like in the Warrior power section, because they also give defensive buffs wich the current powers for threat generation of a White Mage lacks. Thats why i made this threat to give an option that is not an [At-Will] power so you could equip the Dawnbringer sword for example and use it's 'deflect' power instead or any other [At-Will] power. Probably if 'Lay on Hands' were to be an [Recharge] power that would solve this aswell.
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New Member
Apr 1, 2024
Maintaining threat is pretty difficult in this game, but having a shield in your offhand allows you to use Vanguard. You get quite the threat and also have some defense buffs at the same time.
I agree with you though. If we can get a charge ability that could provide obscurement (lower threat gains) for an ally, I'd 100% buy that.

How about a new ability: Holy Shroud
provide obscurement for ally and tankiness + threat for yourself. Would be nice if it heals, but that can be too op.


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
Maintaining threat is pretty difficult in this game, but having a shield in your offhand allows you to use Vanguard. You get quite the threat and also have some defense buffs at the same time.
I agree with you though. If we can get a charge ability that could provide obscurement (lower threat gains) for an ally, I'd 100% buy that.

How about a new ability: Holy Shroud
provide obscurement for ally and tankiness + threat for yourself. Would be nice if it heals, but that can be too op.
True that you can use an shield but even so in inbuilt none [At-Will] power that gives an extra armor/ward/focus with steady threat generation aswell would be the ideal. However there is no need to create an new spell as the "Seal of Light" Encounter power (wich is an passive that lasts the entire battle) that Cait usses is already in the game and provides both, it just needs to be made available for the MC to able to use it as some other spells that previously weren't previusly learnable to the MC that were later put into tomes that are now sold by certain vendors.
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