Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Everyone awakens to find themselves in a square room with no furnishings or any sort of finery. The floor, walls and ceiling are all made of sand stone, like an ancient pyramid or temple. Two torches burn on the north and south walls, seemingly endless and casting a warm flickering light across the room. Despite it's ancient appearance, the room is spot free like it was just cleaned hours ago. To the east and the west are long square hall ways that lead into complete darkness, serving as the only way out of their currents rooms. Everyone finds themselves in some form of lewd attire or another and to make it worse, they all have some way of staying locked on in one way or another.

Unta awakes to find what looks to be a laquine across the room from her. Umi's eyes open and the only notable thing in the room is a half-kaithrit across the room. A crowbar sits a few feet away from Umi.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"What the..." Luna was clearly confused by the situation. This place was completely alien for her, no place on her planet was looking like this. While her eyes adapted to the weak light the torch was producing she realised that her clothes were replaced by some short of latex tube top and boyshort. Luna tried to rip the latex apart but to no avail. The material it was made of was resistant like Kevlar. "Hey! Do you know where we are ?" Luna asked the zil across the room.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's eyes fluttered open as she awakes to sound of some ones voice. She snaps fully awake when she sees herself in an unfamiliar place. She yelped and scooted backwards until she was up against a wall. Her eyes darted about as her breathing turned fast and strained. When she looked down at herself she saw that she was very nearly nude! Only having thin leather straps with buckles covering her privates, they went over her shoulders on her breasts and under her crouch before slipping in between her butt cheeks and then coming over to her neck and wrapping around as a collar. The collar seemed locked in place. She covered her breasts and crotch with her hands as she cried out "Kiyaaah!". She then finally noticed Luna starting at her and she started back for a few seconds before saying, "What? O-Of course I don't! wait who are you?!", Umi asked as she eyed the Half-kaithrit warily.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna was visibly surprised by the clothing of Umi, but still a little bit aroused. "So what is your name? and do you know why we are here?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Me?....I'm....Umi..", she said as she turned her back to Luna not wanting her to look her mostly exposed bod body. "who are you?", Umi asked still eyeing Luna warily. she was looking at Luna from over her shoulder and putting her abdomen in between them trying to block the view of her ass.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"My name is Luna, last thing thing I remember is me going to bed and then I wake up here. I think we should explore these hallway, east or west? Take the crowbar I will take the torch" While saying this Luna was already taking one of the torch from the wall. "You seem to have got the best clothes between us" Luna said while chuckling. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi reached out and slowly took the crowbar in one hand. She wasn't a fan of violence being an artist but, she figured she may need something to defend herself in the depths of well, wherever they were.... "It-its not funny!", Umi said as her cheeks turned bronze with embarrassment. she looked to the side was this really happening? one minute she was resting under a tree after finishing a landscape picture...then she woke up in here dressed like a.......slut!

After thinking for second she motioned to the left hallway. "Maybe....the left?", she said uncertainly.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna reached Umi empty hand and grasped it "I don't want you to get lost, this place is creeping me out, being two is a little bit reassuring... So the left it is!" Luna said while going to the left tunnel, still holding Umi hand.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two of them went left, hand in hand, into the darkness of the tunnel. Luna taking that torch was a good idea as they quickly lost sight of the room they came from in the inky black darkness around them. Not only that, but the floor was uneven and corners of the sandstone bricks stuck up, threatening to trip them were they not careful. The tunnel goes on and on for what seems like hours, but is probably just a few minutes due to the darkness. Thankfully, they soon come across a large wooden door. Above it is something written in a language neither of them understand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Can you read what is written on this door?" Luna could see in Umi face that neither of them could read this mysterious language. So she decided to place her face on the door to hear if anything was happening behind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Luna could tell just by touching the door that it was very thick and very heavy. Despite her best efforts she just can't hear anything behind it, the door is too thick.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"We either open the door or we go the other direction, I don't like where this is going"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi wasn't too comfortable being pulled along by her hand like that, she for the most part, didn't like people touching her in general. she put of with it however because she she didn't want to walk around by herself. when went they got to the door she couldn't read the writing either, giving a puzzled expression. After thinking for a second she said, "well....i don't see any other way forward...", putting her hand on the door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With both their hands on the door it slowly begins to open with a loud creek. Light suddenly floods the tunnel as bright sunlight pours in from the other side. Squinting their eyes the two step through the door way and on to a rocky cliff side high above a massive expanse of trees! They went from dark sandstone tunnel to on a cliff above a huge rain forest! A sudden slam behind them make the two jump as the door clanged shut and vanished from view. Right now they stand on a large flat section of the cliff side with a single path leading down into the rain forest below. The sounds of birds and various wild life drift all the way up from below.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Well maybe we aren't that far away from my home" Luna home planet was mostly a giant jungle. She was clearly excited and started to run in the direction of the forest down below.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta came to with a start. She was lying on her side on a cold stone floor, instead of the warm bed she had gone to sleep in. Rolling onto her stomach, she looked around frantically, trying to get her bearings. Once she realized that there were no immediate threats in the room, she was able to calm herself enough to notice what was on her body. She appeared to be wearing an immense body stocking. The sheer black fabric was stretched across her entire body, save for her hands, feet, head, and a hole over her privates. More shocking was the fact that the garment was secured at her wrists, ankles, and neck by tuff leather collars that she seemed unable to loosen. Looking around for something to cut them with, she finally noticed the other body laying on the floor.

Getting to her feet, she quickly made her way over to the unmoving form to find a small woman, a laquine, laying on the floor. Kneeling down, she gently propped the woman up, cradling her head in her arm, and began trying to wake her. "Hey. Hey! Are you alright?"  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The path down was long and winding, at some points rather narrow as well, which kept Luna on her toes as she made her way down first. It wasn't long before she found herself on the ground floor looking directly into the rain forest. Massive trees that towered into the sky above cast a heavy canopy of shade down below. The air was warm and humid, thick bushes and plants of all kinds cluttered the floor making movement slow. Already Luna can hear running water somewhere in the forest, like a waterfall of some kind. A plethora of noises echo through the trees, birds, frogs, monkeys and plenty of things she simply does not recognize.

the laquine woman didn't budge at first and that gave unta the perfect view to look at her. Chocolate brown fur adorned her body with light gray hair on her head and adorable floppy bunny ears. Unlike Unta though, she seems to be wearing a full body suit that hides everything! It covers her from neck to toe, even her arms and hands are covered by the thick looking dark blue latex. The bulge at her crotch is a give away for her gender and with a grumble she slowly opens her eyes.

"Huh? What the... were am I?" She looks up at Unta. "...did I go out and get drunk again? Who are you?" she finally takes in the scale of unta. "Woa... I forgot how big leithans are up close!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi called out to Luna. "HEY! DONT BE SO HASTY!". She ran after her and grabbed her by the arm, much as she didn't want to. "this is all way to should just run off like that!", Umi said with frown. They were in the forest now and there really wasn't a way to go back so she fgured that the only thing they could do is continue forward.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Deeper into the rain forest they go until the cliff they arrived on vanishes in the dense vegetation. However... something isn't right about this place. The flowers look like... well like vaginas with petals around them and even drip some kind of lubricant. the vines are tipped with bulbous heads like a human cock, and the humid air in going straight to their nethers, slowly building arousal  with every step, just enough to warrant grinding their thighs together. Lodged in a near by tree is what looks like... a javelin made from a sharp rock tied to a stick with some rope. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"This is weird, something not natural is going on in this forest" Luna took a closer look at the spear. "At least we are not alone in this forest, I don't know if this is a good thing, but they left us a spear I already like them" Luna said before removing the spear from the tree


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The spear comes out with a few good tugs. It is light weight but sturdy and looks like it was made for someone much smaller than her, maybe three feet tall? For some reason, Luna gets the feeling they are being watched from the distance... but can't really place why.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"If there is sentient life around here I'm sure it's watching us right now! And it's probably living near the river. We could climb in one of those tree to scout the area. Your species live on jungle planet like mine if I remember well. So how about we make a little contest to see who get to the canopy first?" Luna said to Umi while scouring the forest searching for the creature watching them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked at the spear with a hint of dread in her expression. She didn't like all. if there were some people running around with spears she didn't want to be anywhere near them! Umi looked at luna with small frown. "Maybe.....but its not like was born there on Mhen'ga....besides i don't know if that's a good idea....what if there are things in the trees....", Umi said as she looked about feeling very uneasy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
There is certainly movement in the trees above them, but what is moving is unknown. Could be the wind, could be random animals, could be the plants themselves moving about. It is impossible to tell from down here. The rough bark and random gnarls about would make the trees rather easy to climb, even if they are so tall.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"You are not from Mhen'ga? That would explain why you seems so scared in the middle of the jungle and why you didn't tried to have sex with me already. You could just wait here while I go on top of the tree. I already fought plenty of snake and giant spider while climbing in trees on my home planet" Luna was already making a belt out of vine to hold her spear while she was going to climb. "If anything happens just yell I will rescue you".


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta sat the little woman up and patter back. "Do you have any idea where we are?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked up at Luna with an irritated expression. she really didn't like stereotype of her pissed her off to no end have to hear about it all the time. She sighed heavily. "Ok....just go on up." she said flatly. she looked around again hoping she wasn't being oogled at, her outfit was just so revealing she couldn't stand it!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The laquine woman sat up with Unta's help and looked around the room. "I... have no idea where we are. I take it you don't either? Last I remember was walking home from work and now I am waking up next to you!" She stands up and leans on unta for support as her body wakes up. "Uhh, nice outfit you have on... very... fitting?" she looks down at herself and gasps "What the hell am I wearing?!" She tugs and pulls at the tight latex suit but it doesn't budge an inch. "Great...." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta stood up and looked around. Walking over to each of the hallways in turn she raised her ears to see if she could hear anything.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The hallways were completely silent in a rather eerie sense. she couldn't see very far down them either due to how dark they got.

"So... what is your name big girl? You can call me Binx." She watches unta move about, getting a good look of her large sturdy body and exposed genitals. She shakes her head and notices a wooden club by her feet which she picks up.