kiyoko puzzle



hi i have 2 questions

1. was it intended that both Lapis and Jade pearls clues to be in the Southeast slot or was this minor mistake.

2. is there a guide answer to the puzzle since i cant figure it out from the clues

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015

Bre Karn

Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Will there be more of the same puzzle type at other places in the game?

(For the record, I cracked them all well in under a minute total, so it's not that I find them unpleasant or difficult, though I can understand they'd be a tad bit frustrating when you're not in the mood :p )

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Will there be more of the same puzzle type at other places in the game?

(For the record, I cracked them all well in under a minute total, so it's not that I find them unpleasant or difficult, though I can understand they'd be a tad bit frustrating when you're not in the mood :p )
Probably. It'd be a shame if all the effort that went into making the UI was only for 1 place.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
1. was it intended that both Lapis and Jade pearls clues to be in the Southeast slot or was this minor mistake.
Its not the slot, its where they are in relation to another jewel.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
If two have 'south-east' description, it means they're in one line from the one described. Though it needs saying, third puzzle does offer a chance to get it wrong, following direction logic.


Could someone just... Leave a pic of the completed puzzles please? I outright suck at these things and have been stuck at the first puzzle for literally a whole day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2018
I guess I'm weird for liking puzzles :(. Do I have the Fluffmaster's permission? I'd rather mail it, but it's a guest account.


New Member
Oct 24, 2018
I think the real challenge is how the picture for it is abnormally large, could be just me and what browser I use. but the puzzle is stretch out crazy big and requires allot of scrolling.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
I think the real challenge is how the picture for it is abnormally large, could be just me and what browser I use. but the puzzle is stretch out crazy big and requires allot of scrolling.
If you use anything other than Chrome or FireFox, or if they're out of date, then yeah it's your browser.

Annoyed dude

*Sulks in a corner of the room* That makes a full set of helper's experience.

Please just put a fricking video of what I'm supposed to do I was never good with puzzle and the wiki only confuses me more. The first puzzle has TWO gems, how am I suppose to find the other gems? I can only place the two gems in two spots and switch them round but nothing happens. I'm honestly at the point of saying, 'fuck it' and not even bothering with trying to get the companion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2019
Please just put a fricking video of what I'm supposed to do I was never good with puzzle and the wiki only confuses me more. The first puzzle has TWO gems, how am I suppose to find the other gems? I can only place the two gems in two spots and switch them round but nothing happens. I'm honestly at the point of saying, 'fuck it' and not even bothering with trying to get the companion.
you dont find the gems, they are already there. and the first puzzle has 5 gems, not 2, the second has 5 too i think, and the third has 6


Mar 26, 2019
Unfortunately, I've ran into this puzzle as well and I don't think there is currently a way for a blind person to solve it. I've been poking around a bit, trying to see if any of my usual tricks might snag bits of the UI, but it's a complete blank for me. i can't interact with it at all.

If the Dev plans on putting more of these in the game, could they be made blind accessible? Maybe a toggle in the settings turns on blind mode and changes how it displays? Alternatively, the 'I'm only here for the porn' option in settings could have them auto solve. I'd rather be able to play through and solve them, but it might be easier to just install a pass through.
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Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Unfortunately, I've ran into this puzzle as well and I don't think there is currently a way for a blind person to solve it. I've been poking around a bit, trying to see if any of my usual tricks might snag bits of the UI, but it's a complete blank for me. i can't interact with it at all.

If the Dev plans on putting more of these in the game, could they be made blind accessible? Maybe a toggle in the settings turns on blind mode and changes how it displays? Alternatively, the 'I'm only here for the porn' option in settings could have them auto solve. I'd rather be able to play through and solve them, but it might be easier to just install a pass through.
I'll look in to making it blind compatible, though I'm not sure what exactly that entails or how readers work etc. If it isn't too much work I'll do it. If I can't figure it out or it looks like it will take too much time I might add a "Blind Mode" that just bypasses any of the graphical puzzles.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2019
holy crap, i mean no insult but a blind person playing these text games surprises me, i had no idea it was even possible. good for you man:)
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New Member
Dec 21, 2020
I love puzzles, I can spend all my free time doing this. Well, actually I already do so :D I have not always been a fan of puzzles. My story is very common nowadays as my love for puzzles started with the quarantine. I had nothing to do as most of us and decided to try something new. My very first jigsaw puzzle was a newspaper puzzle that now stands beneath my bed in a frame :) I am really proud of my work there. It was hard at first, but I got it and made more of them...
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