Kiyoko play tag scene for lupines


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
So i was thinking.... wouldn't it make sense if champions who became a kitsune were able to get access to it as well? it would be a kitsune "hunting" another kitsune after all.

I say this, but bear in mind i have never read this scene in particular, so take this question/suggestion with a grain of salt please, since maybe there's something about it specifically being about lupine champions. Although, if that is the case, i wonder if the champion were a lupine and became a kitsune, they would be locked out of it as well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
Makes sense, thank you! I'll confess though, now i wish for a fox hunts fox scene, having a button i can't press is a little bit unsettling lol