Keepin' It In The Family: Dysfunctional Family


Mar 6, 2016

Keepin' It In The Family: Dysfunctional Family is the second coming of Keepin' It In The Family. The reason I am creating a completely new game, instead of continuing the original story is due to the fact that when I first started creating KIITF, I was completely new to the software that I was using, therefore I made quite a few mistakes along the way, and as I was progressing and getting more of a grip on the software, I was improving the quality of the scenes, along with the game, however due to me being a beginner when I started, there was a lot of mess that would need to be cleaned up in order for the game to be continued how I would like it to, therefore I am starting on this completely new project: Keepin' It In The Family: Dysfunctional Family. This new game includes much higher quality renders for the scenes, along with animations and a much more in-depth storyline.

In the game you play yourself (You name your own character), alongside your family, and many other characters included in the game. Your character is currently a student, and in your spare time you decide to hang out with friends, family and help other people along the way by completing quests that sometimes come with great "rewards ;)".


You can download the demo here:!QRoTnYDL!Izycr0sm9raxcslHzCLdOjjGxtXa1t45cJ8frYdYHB0

Demo Description (Spoilers)
In the demo, you play the start of the first day of the game, taking on 2 of the quests from the main game. You first find yourself spying on your Sister as she is getting dressed, whilst running late for school. Once you finally make it to school, one of your classmates has a dirty secret that your teacher discovers, and you need to find out what it is!

Once school is over, you head over to your friend Jay's house to see what he is up to, and to hang out with him for a while. Whilst with Jay, you go on a quest to try and find his Sister (Sienna), who doesn't seem to be where his mother said she is.

Get The Game
The full game is currently a in-development game, and content is being released each time a new day has been completed within the game, so you are receiving an entire in-game day of content each time a new version is released.

Getting the full game also gives you access to the previous Keepin' It In The Family (up to the penultimate v0.6), along with other patron-only content, such as wallpapers, previews, polls & more.

Receive the latest version of the game by becoming a patron:





Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
where the heck is Jays house? haha. diggin it so far otherwqise.


Aug 27, 2016
I'm sorry in advance if I sound a little harsh, but this game needs some small tweaks on the level design. There are some quality of life changes that are, imo, required. Nothing too big, but those problems made the game slightly irritating to play so far.

That lightpole near your character in the main city needs to be removed (or its hitbox). If you come from the top tile of the right screen, pathing forces you back. You have to come in from the bottom tile.
Additionally, at the start of the game (when you're late and with your sister), if you take this side of the sidewalk (where your character is on the picture above), you can't actually get to the school because of the restriction you added. You have to come all the way back and use the top of the street. On the next screen, I'd suggest moving the temporary path restriction hitbox to after the crossroad that leads to the sidewalk on the side of the school. If you're like me, you'll be speaking to that bearded dude (on the picture above) the first time you're in that area, and the natural path you'll take will be to this dead end.

The lockpicking scene. I don't know if it's possible, but if it is, make it so we only have to succeed on 1 or 2 pins, max 3. It's a porn game, not an Elder Scroll one. While it's not that difficult, it can be quite frustrating if you're one to do other stuff while playing those kind of games.

Finally, like the previous users have pointed out already, either add a map or add directions. Your character is supposed to know where Jay lives, but you don't, so you end up having to visit empty houses. Same goes with the mall. To be honest, I'm still not sure if it's because it's the end of the content so far, or because I missed it, but I have yet to find it. Eventually, with more content, sidetracking will be fun, but so far, it's meh.

They're not big problems, but they did mitigate the first impression I had of this game.
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Mar 6, 2016
I'm sorry in advance if I sound a little harsh, but this game needs some small tweaks on the level design. There are some quality of life changes that are, imo, required. Nothing too big, but those problems made the game slightly irritating to play so far.

Thanks for the suggestions, will take them in to account for the next update!


Day 1 has been released to early bird patrons!