Katherine threesomes


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Were there ever plans for it? cause you when tell her about all your lovers it seems like it would be possible, although there is the threesome with Vala when she is drunk, but you can also see urta but no sexual stuff.

(Not sure if this question has already been asked since the old forums ya know >_>)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Were there ever plans for it? cause you when tell her about all your lovers it seems like it would be possible, although there is the threesome with Vala when she is drunk, but you can also see urta but no sexual stuff.

(Not sure if this question has already been asked since the old forums ya know >_>)

I never read anything about that on the old forum, but I didn't actively search for it.

It would be neat, though! Maybe suggesting it be included in the Revamp mod?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
uhh apparently i was wrong, urta does have a threesome with you and kath, strange this is actually the first time its happend, and the smutosaur wiki says nothing on it, then again it also says nothing about any of the sex with her, excluding the bedroom bondage and submissiveness


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If smutosaur not meantion it it's only two reasons:

A) It's something that was added by CoC Mod made by Kitteh

B) It was just simply not added yet (but this less possible than the answer A)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
more scenes are avaialble if you train Kat with urta rather than just by yourself, plus more depending on whether kats draunk or urtas drunk.  but ya, Amily and Kat threesome would be kool too


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If smutosaur not meantion it it's only two reasons:

A) It's something that was added by CoC Mod made by Kitteh

B) It was just simply not added yet (but this less possible than the answer A)

Nah, I wouldn't be surprised if shit's missing from Smutosaur's CoC section -- doesn't have much work going into it. 

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I recently found out you could do that. On my first playthrough of CoC, I had more time invested into Katherine and trained her myself after getting some advice from Urta. When I did New Game Plus, I romanced Urta first before trying to help Katherine with her homeless/work issue. Having Urta and you train her was actually better than doing it yourself.  The chasity belt was fun.
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Aug 30, 2015
I took a look at the smutosaur.us page and it was, indeed, quite out of date. I've updated it with a list of the possible threesomes as well as updating the items you can give her and the effects of certain talk options.

As for the original question - yes, I did plan for more threesomes and content for Katherine. I've just been very busy and got distracted by a side project. Namely: Since I already wrote threesomes for Kath it seems unfair that Edryn, one of the first NPCs to be added and a sexaholic, doesn't have any. That lead to writing stuff so that Urta could impregnate Edryn and... well you know how things snowball.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I would love to see more Katherine content, but i have a feeling she's pretty low on the priority list.


New Member
Oct 18, 2015
I can't seem to get this scene to happen, I can't seem to get Urta's drinking scene anymore, I can't get any scene where I just talk to her. Every time I approach Urta at the bar, it just asks for sex, either back at her place or stuff behind the bar.  Is there a specific time at the bar where she's drunk? I told her earlier about drinking, to just be herself....does she not drink anymore?

EDIT: I missed one line in the wiki.  She has to have her lust sated in order to talk normally at the next encounter. I was avoiding sex with her cause I didn't want her getting pregnant which causes her to not drink.  Instead I chose one of the receiving options and then was able to tell her to drink a lot at the very next encounter.  Then the third encounter I talked to kath, said to drink, saw urta, and yay threesome!
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