Kasyrra's Journey


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
So I've always wondered, what was Kas' path after escaping? Did she go through the Old Forest first or stop at Harvest Valley and corrupt the centaurs? It always felt kind of jankey like she hit everywhere at once. When did she start swarming imps towards Khor'minos? Was it before or after she corrupted the Boreal Elves?

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I am not speaking from authority, I am only musing myself.

I assume she spent some time with Tollus and 'empowered' some cultists into demons, then went to Old Forest and spent time warming Alraune during the blizzard, then she went and defeated Queen Nyzarrah to bumble-fy the hive and then on to Winter City starting orgies and working on portal. During free time time, she used the Ways Between to move around to KM and Harvest Valley (which is mostly Tollus' Cult working with her just popping in as the 'Goddess'). After Winter City, her Ways Fortress and KM breeding pits probably.

I don't think she has to be everywhere, she gave power and corrupted cult members and Tollus sent them around, while she was exploring the north and getting the lay of the land; to the Harvest Valley and likely the Windy Peaks where they captured harpies (not hard to do) and then took them 'down below' for breeding. She probably set up the pits, but wasn't hand-on for everything, but delegating it to Tollus (for better or worse). And those corrupted or demonic cultists can also corrupt, like Painted Demon or Goblin Succubus and spawn imps around those areas.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Don't forget the Kasyrra had more than a week on the PC due to the coma. During her first night she corrupted the Alrune then afterwards the hornet nest. Then she made a straight beeline to Winter City. By the time the PC wakes up, she is thoroughly entrenched in Winter City. During her tenure in Winter City, she made her last trade with Tollus. She gave Tollus the loot of Winter City and Tollus supplied her with the bronze for her machines components.

My guess is by the time the PC wakes up, she's already in Khor'minos, planning on cutting Tollus off. Keep in mind that Kasyrra is incredibly fast and has access to the Ways Between.

Tollus also probably has access to the Ways Between. While Kasyrra is doing her own thing, he is making a move on the centaurs. Tollus already has a well-established network. He probably infiltrated the Glacier the same time that Kasyrra infiltrated Winter City.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I believe Kas also visited the centaurs because if I remember right she's the one that partially demonized Taldahs or whatever his condition was. I think it would be interesting if we could find a journal in Kas's dream palace that chronicles her journey. She marks me as someone who would considering her scientific and corrupted mind.