Kassyra Dream Sequence not hapening


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
so today replaying with a new champion that accepted Kas' offering to dom them on their dreams but none of the nights they went to sleep she appeared, I also am not sure if the waystone upgrade she gives you after winter palace dungeon is supposed to transform it onto an item or stay in keys but she didn't appear in my champions dreams either after getting it.

uhh secondary details I guess are that my champion is sleeping with Brint and I'm playing v 0.3.1 on windows


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
As a guess I'd say 'not a bug, it's just none of this is implemented yet'. Other content has obviously been set up by the Winter City dungeon as well
Jael'yn post-dungeon, but she doesn't currently show up in either location you can send her. Her sword all but screams 'fetch quest here!' but nothing can be done with it yet. And of course the really big one directly stemming from it is post-WC Alissa and what happens next.
All that's stuff that is clearly being set up for future expansions. Being that the waystone gem is linked to the main quest (which the game tells you isn't progressing further right now) it's likely that whatever it's meant to do is similarly being saved for a future expansion.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
As a guess I'd say 'not a bug, it's just none of this is implemented yet'. Other content has obviously been set up by the Winter City dungeon as well
Jael'yn post-dungeon, but she doesn't currently show up in either location you can send her. Her sword all but screams 'fetch quest here!' but nothing can be done with it yet. And of course the really big one directly stemming from it is post-WC Alissa and what happens next.
All that's stuff that is clearly being set up for future expansions. Being that the waystone gem is linked to the main quest (which the game tells you isn't progressing further right now) it's likely that whatever it's meant to do is similarly being saved for a future expansion.

okay second part is likely not a bug then but I think that Kas has pre winter castle dream sequence was already implemented as I've seen people talk about it before