Kase never heals


Apr 13, 2019
Exactly as the tile says, Kase never heals, and wanted to know what to do. He always says that he only needs 1 week or so, but no matter how much time passes he stays the same. I imagine that is a bug, and would like to know if I should edit the save or something.

As a note, this is my second play of TiTs, with the first one imploding alongside my whole Disk C a long time ago, and a few days back decided to give it another try (I was pretty upset for losing all my progress, taking in account that I was at Dhaal then), and in my first playtrought I recruited him as soon as I could, but on this one I didn't without knowing that he dissapear after a week, so I edited his timer to get him, however is to note that in neither play he ever healed, just that I didn't care last time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It's supposed to take 8 days from when you meet him in Burt's Badass Mead Hall for him to heal completely. You do have to ask him about his arm before he'll remove the sling.

How does his timer compare with your Time Passed?

You can force him to heal with
flags["KASE_HEALED"] = 1


Apr 13, 2019
His timer is like this:
"KASE_TIMER": 4868709

I'm already on the day 1251, 13:26 hs. I think I recruited hit around day 400?? Can't remember exactly, but you can be sure that it was a lot more than 300 days. I made all the talks and I keep asking about his arm, but he never heals. Also, I found that flag in the game code, but I'm not sure where should I write it, because it does not appears on my sav data.

As a note, I edited the save data, didn't activate the cheats.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
It's a Console command. Open the Console with F12 (or Control + Shift + I in the Electron, I think). It's the code that would be called if the proper line of dialog had been activated. Unchanged flags aren't included in Saves, probably to keep the size down.

That time seems way too big. Divided by 1440 (minutes in a day) = 3,381.something.
1,801,440 (your days passed in minutes).
You're not going to get his arm healed any time soon with a timestamp like that. He'll heal on day 3,389.
Maybe try
flags["KASE_TIMER"] = 1440000
That would tell the game you talked with him on day 1000.

Also, this isn't the forum for Bug reports. If you want something noticed by the coders, you'll want to start a thread in the Bug Reports forum. I recommend including your save, as I haven't had any issue.
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2019
Thanks, that worked. That number was that big because I was searching for a way to have him appear again in Mhen'ga, and found somewhere on this forum that asigning a certain number resulted form a certain operation, you could make it so that you just talked to him on the bar, but I guess that maybe I misunderstood something?? Anyway, thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
For future reference, KASE_TIMER is set to your current time (Days * 1440 + Hours * 60 + Minutes) when you talk to him at the Mead Hall. He disappears if it's been more than seven days since then. To make him appear, the timer needs to be more than your current time - 10,080