just wondering


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
You know I have been feeling a little jealous of these writers around here on this site. They post around here thinking their hot shit because they can make people orgasm over their writing. I wish I could writ stuff to! And I could write well enough so I can submit shit to contribute to TITS and whatnot. But sadly I don't know how the hell these guys even figured out how to write like this. Is their some ancient Chinese secret that I need to do? was it just trial and error? I want to feel like hot shit to! Because I have read stuff trying to be erotic but they kill your boner faster then no other. I usually laugh at erotic shit for being so inept. Its as if those things were written by an asexual race of aliens who barely know what sex is but wanted to try typing some erotic literature because they watched some porn once.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Writing, like any skill, is honed through practice.
Yes, but you should have it first of all. It is a talent, not a skill which differs a writer and a graphomaniac. Some people can write many tomes and still suck hard. You know, like me.

Serious question: Do I or other Creators really come off as narcissistic when we post things?
No, you are saccharine sweet. Some of the others... Not so. You know, like me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is almost no free lunch in this world ^^

Yeah writing also included here in no free lunch. Aside of honing skill of good writing you would need to read much stuff. Even if it not may interest you just for a sake to expand your vocabulary you know so you not gonna ends up repeating same word every 10-20 sentences ;)

An yeah some of writers here actualy do act as "god of writing". So you need enjoy those and not anger those that not have this harmfull attitude like Misty, Couch, QB/LD ^^


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Yes, but you should have it first of all. It is a talent, not a skill which differs a writer and a graphomaniac. Some people can write many tomes and still suck hard. You know, like me.
That difference stems from one simple fact: any graphomaniac that is worth his ink either thinks he already has godly skills in writing or doesn't care about the quality of the end results. So he keeps perpetuating the same mistakes without even trying to analyze or improve.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That difference stems from one simple fact: any graphomaniac that is worth his ink either thinks he already has godly skills in writing or doesn't care about the quality of the end results. So he keeps perpetuating the same mistakes without even trying to analyze or improve.
That's... Not exactly relevant. If you just can't stop writing, even knowing that you are bad and you try to get better without any success - you still are graphomaniac.


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Serious question: Do I or other Creators really come off as narcissistic when we post things? I personally don't think I'm better than anyone else here simply because I'm a volunteer contributor to a porn game. If I'm giving off that vibe, I'd really like to know so I could try to adjust my behavior. :oops:

Anyways, onto the main point...

Writing, like any skill, is honed through practice. A lot of practice. I've been writing things since I was in middle school. I didn't really buckle down and start taking it seriously until my late teens, but I've been doing creative writing in some form or another for more than half my life. That's really the only answer I can give as to "how I did it." That and reading. Reading improves your writing improves your reading, etc. Being able to understand the language helps you to write the language and vice versa.

Education-wise, I just took your standard fare of elementary, middle, and high school English classes, and then I did a little bit of college-level English until I dropped out. So it's not like I'm an excessively over-educated academic or anything. I don't know about any of the other writers here, but I know from my own experience that you don't need an advanced education to become a competent writer.

Regarding erotica itself... Uh... It helps to be a huge pervert? I don't know. I just kind of started writing it late in high school. When I was a budding pervert. I can promise you my early attempts at writing smut were God-awful. If I still knew where they were, I'd probably read them if I ever needed to make myself physically ill for any reason. But I kept practicing and I eventually became less shitty.

There's been requests in the past for a "Writing Guide" post to be thrown together, but no one has really been super inclined to do that. Both because it would be a huge undertaking and because I don't think anyone here is much of a teacher. Or at least doesn't want to be a teacher to FenForums. Being able to educate is its own skill. Simply being good at something does not mean you can teach it to others, unfortunately.

I dont think I saw you post anything narcissistic but I have seen the whole "god of writing" mentality. If I were you I would do it. I always like talking mad shit when I do stuff. If I was in your shoes I would be flexing my superiority on people around here any chance I got. Even on the other writers who think they are good. Ill be knocking them down a few pegs and make sure they know im better than them in every single way.


Jan 8, 2016
I'd never written before I started writing for TiTS, but I have read all my life and I've always been good at English stuff. I honestly don't know if it's possible to "develop" writing as a skill from scratch, but I know for sure it's possible to get better if you already have a baseline.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Oh, well... that's not really who I am, heh. :oops: I'm not looking for any kind of conflict or competition. There are plenty of things I'm not good at, things that I've never been good at no matter how hard I tried, and, even for the things I am good at, I'm certainly not the best. I'd much rather do what I can to help other people improve than put them down and try to fight my way to the top of some kind of self-made hierarchy.

You just had to go all heartwarming and sweet didn't you? I was expecting more arrogance to be honest. Unless they decided not to post here because they think me and most people who cant wright are dog shit and im not worth the time to hear about their greatness. Either way the path to writing feels a little less exclusive now after reading some of these.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Read books. You can typically tell the difference between someone who reads and someone who doesn't, because he or she will sound "smart" and he or she will have a bit of eloquence to his or her writing. It's similar to how people tend to pick up accents. Absorbing content from others tends to influence your own.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
I know someone who likes to draw, write, and tell smutty stories. One of the biggest things that helped her was when we would talk about a scenario with each other. Sometimes we'd even act it out. When you're coming up with the scenario in your own mind, does it match your experience? If it doesn't, then you may want to stop and either gain experience in that or ask someone in who has experienced that scenario or something similar to it. Because when you've experienced it, you know what made it work and how to maximize the feeling of "being in the moment". I don't recall where I read this but there was a story I read months ago where a japanese manga writer who's specialty was in tentacle porn drew from experience talking to girls who had used multiple dildos and he'd also participated in that.
So as a beginning writer, it's always a great idea to get honest feedback from others. And never be afraid of a smutty conversation!


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
I'm not much for writing erotica, but a good baseline for writing at all is to ask yourself "if someone else had written this, would I enjoy reading it?" Obviously not always going to work, but hey. Writing is 10% basic skill and 90% dedication to not being shit. so in other words, much like savin before me,

What misty said.