Just a question about Jim's npcs

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Succubus Lover

New Member
May 24, 2016
I understand that none have to be followed up or expanded upon, but I was just curious which ones will be? I know that Eva is doing Embry and is interested in Inessa, though so are a lot of others like FrankenApple. But is anyone else doing expansions on the others? I'd be particularly interested in the fate of Aina or Lys the golden myr. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think you might be putting too much clout in people saying they're going to do things before things start getting done. The most likely candidate for following though on Jim's stuff is/was Eva, and she last posted in April- her post frequency plummeted after the declaration. So y'know...don't get your hopes up on anything being expanded.


Aug 26, 2015
The most likely outcome is none of them are going to be expanded.  Eva has disappeared, quite possibly from overworking herself trying to take on Jim's projects before finishing her own.  If so this means we lost a promising new writer because of people's refusal to accept the departure of an old one.  I am angry about this.

Doing a project in the first place is a very difficult task and one that many people fail to complete.  Trying to pick up another author's project is ten times as hard, because suddenly you're forced to adhere to their vision and their writing style, not your own.  Trying to do it when the author was as wordy and as well-regarded as Jim is virtually impossible unless you're just as skilled as he is.

Consider them all done, because I don't think you'll ever see any more of a single one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The most likely outcome is none of them are going to be expanded.  Eva has disappeared, quite possibly from overworking herself trying to take on Jim's projects before finishing her own.  If so this means we lost a promising new writer because of people's refusal to accept the departure of an old one.  I am angry about this.

Doing a project in the first place is a very difficult task and one that many people fail to complete.  Trying to pick up another author's project is ten times as hard, because suddenly you're forced to adhere to their vision and their writing style, not your own.  Trying to do it when the author was as wordy and as well-regarded as Jim is virtually impossible unless you're just as skilled as he is.

Consider them all done, because I don't think you'll ever see any more of a single one.

Look at all the trouble you caused by shutting down your alt account


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
Sen is working on Inessa (it looks very promising) and I'm doing my own thing.
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Jan 8, 2016
Expectations freaking suuuuuuuuuuuck. When I first arrived and started writing Edan I was surprised at the warm reception but having the input of others weighs on you a lot. It wasn't until I went away and came back writing another project of mine that I really got unstuck and could move forward with my original shit. Unpopular opinion given that we're posting on it, but I don't think the existence of the forum is necessarily a good thing. Or maybe just its existence in its current state. I dunno. By far the easiest way to make a writer quit is to unleash the audience on them, especially when the vision of their work gets distorted as a result of trying to please people. There's a reason the "Suggestions" board goes unwatched by Blizzard on their own forums, y'know? I don't blame writers for popping off when people come in asking if they can wrangle X thing into the game.

Basically the existence of the forum is probably a net positive (under the assumption Fenco made it for a reason) but I think it also serves to drive potential writers away.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think you might be putting too much clout in people saying they're going to do things before things start getting done. The most likely candidate for following though on Jim's stuff is/was Eva, and she last posted in April- her post frequency plummeted after the declaration. So y'know...don't get your hopes up on anything being expanded.

Last visited on May 14th. Judging by the timing I'm going to assume Eva is taking classes and got swamped with school work. RL could have also played a role in the sudden drop off. So maybe sooner or later Eva will return. Who knows at this point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Last visited on May 14th. Judging by the timing I'm going to assume Eva is taking classes and got swamped with school work. RL could have also played a role in the sudden drop off. So maybe sooner or later Eva will return. Who knows at this point.

Maybe, maybe, maybe...my point still stands. And despite what you said, there's no reason she couldn't have had the courtesy to inform us of such. Disappearing without saying anything is not a good sign. Couch and I could be wrong on this, but there's an enormous track record of this sort of thing to compete with. Maybe every writer that's taking on Jim's stuff is an exception.

I wasn't picking on Eva btw, but discussing this practice on the whole. I mentioned Eva specifically because she was the shining star as far as Jim projects, or at least the one with the most attention. My whole point was for the TC to temper his apparent hype, because more than not, it probably won't happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Expectations freaking suuuuuuuuuuuck. When I first arrived and started writing Edan I was surprised at the warm reception but having the input of others weighs on you a lot. It wasn't until I went away and came back writing another project of mine that I really got unstuck and could move forward with my original shit. Unpopular opinion given that we're posting on it, but I don't think the existence of the forum is necessarily a good thing. Or maybe just its existence in its current state. I dunno. By far the easiest way to make a writer quit is to unleash the audience on them, especially when the vision of their work gets distorted as a result of trying to please people. There's a reason the "Suggestions" board goes unwatched by Blizzard on their own forums, y'know? I don't blame writers for popping off when people come in asking if they can wrangle X thing into the game.

Basically the existence of the forum is probably a net positive (under the assumption Fenco made it for a reason) but I think it also serves to drive potential writers away.

I honestly never thought of this, and if true I was a major cause of this issue being as I commented a lot on character threads and Jim seemed to mesh a lot with my thoughts. I realize this is a bit like the self-hating narcissism of wealthy white liberals wringing their hands over their own "white privilege" but now I feel kinda bad about all the times i found something Jim wrote and realized "I suggested this very thing!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess that's why my input on peer suggestions is less of "wouldn't it be cool if you added so and so?" and more like "I noticed you plan to add so and so. That's right up my alley and you have my thanks for writing it!", just like I did once concerning Ben/Bess' knot scenes. Too bad it's rarely "I've spotted so and so. If it's okay with you, I'd like to critique it even if it's something I love because I feel it could reach out to more people or blablabla".
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Aug 27, 2015
Trying to pick up another author's project is ten times as hard, because suddenly you're forced to adhere to their vision and their writing style, not your own.  Trying to do it when the author was as wordy and as well-regarded as Jim is virtually impossible unless you're just as skilled as he is.

Been thinking about this a lot whilst working on the bothrioc. I had to almost completely rewrite the ambassador for a number of reasons, but the end result is a character that is neither Shax's nor mine. I kinda wish I could do them completely from scratch so I had a character I unequivocally understood and felt coherent, but I can't.

Unless you're just whipping off a few fun sex scenes for them, writing a character that isn't yours is tough and frustrating, and it doesn't surprise me that Eva went awol.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, thanks for answering my question. How do you close a topic?

you don't... unless a moderator or admin decides to close it the thread just gets pushed to the bottom. At least until some person who's inept or stupid enough not to read the forum rules/faq decides to necro the thread.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well, thanks for answering my question. How do you close a topic?

If you really want thread closed you can pm one of admins ( think savin would be best bet) about closing thread if you not want that meantioned above necro-ing in future of the topic.
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