But what about these girly looking males? Should they be removed too
@Savin ?
An example is Embry.
I was gonna get all pissy about you misgendering the poor monkey gril, but NS brought up a better point. Savin doesn't like (or pity) characters being screwed by life out of nowhere in what he sees as inorganic way, that's why his characters usually screw up their own lives.
Except for Kaede who didn't do nuthing and still got hit with all that suffering and drama. And Del, who got trapped in a dignity-sapping gender-bending slavery for not seeing through a scheme when applying for a job. Huh...
Anyway, Del is probably a better example of how Savin likes his feminine boys. That is to say: turned (or in the process of being turned) into girls.
@balitz Method can take it away with explaining why that is a shit taste, since I'm a pleb and have the same.
EDIT: So, after stumbling across previous trappy male and M-T-F discussions, it turns out that I woefully misrepresented NS' position. Sorry about that. Luckily, there's another candidate I know of.