Is there a way to aquire Pure Honey if you have a big primary cock?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Maybe I'm missing something but I do think if your primary cock is above the threshold you are basically railroaded into the drone bad end. All you ever get is special honey which moves you toward it...

If you transform yourself into a bee this is harsh but having this happen just because you have a big primary cock is IMHO unreasonable because pure honey can be used in several other scenes that are now locked for your character.

Did I miss a way or is there a reason to not have pure honey as a (rare?) drop for affected characters?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
you can just go to the handmaiden and start refusing to have sex with her (just remember to keep your lust in check) refuse enough times and she will ask why, saying afraid and she will have her way with you, the first time for no gain, subsequent Afraid answers will yield pure honey and eggs, Duty will apparently just give the honey, while Disgusted will disable the bee girl interactions altogether. alternatively keeping your dick bellow 50 inches will keep the Bad End away, even if you don't refuse, so basically as a male with a bee D you have a BETTER way to get pure honey since saying duty is a guaranteed way to get it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
I don''t think that works this way
if you have a cock and the first one is large, a bee cock or you are a bee morph you never see the talk scenes - you can only fight (normal drop table with bee honey or some other crap), have sex (resulting in special honey) or leave for camp.

Edit: checked once more and it appears that you can get it after combat if you have the feeder SE (not really good for manly chars) or from fetish cultists (also req feeder)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
leaving for camp several times in a row is whats required to trigger the talks, until then your only options is to fight, have fun or leave. I guess I worded it a bit inconsistently above, all of this info is taken from the official wiki which is maintained by the devs IIRC so it shouldn't be faulty


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
The wiki doesn't detail every possible code path so I see it rather as an omission

this test

if (player.hasCock() && (player.cockArea(0) >= 50 || player.cocks[0].cockType == CockTypesEnum.BEE || isBeeMorph)) {

always leads to

simpleChoices("Fight", fightTheBeeGirl, "Sex", beeSexForCocks, "", null, "", null, "Leave", camp.returnToCampUseOneHour);
where fight gets you bee honey (unless using feeder SE) and sexforcocks gives you special honey. no way to get anywhere else...

I will add pure honey as low probability loot for large dicked non bee chars unless someone sees a good reason against this change.