Do I want to know the context?
Talked with him on skype, said he *got dunked on* by some furry chick. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I introduced a friend to COC once,.. he said WTF is wrong with you. Then I caught him playing it the next week. So I said WTF is wrong with you. He said "Helia," and I understood.
So I said WTF is wrong with you. He said "Helia," and I understood.
Showed it to 3 friends 2 of them are hardcore dyslexics and were like fuck you man the 3rd friend was my GF and basically she's a Savin worshipper now (she likes anal alot more now thanks Savin!)
Savin's ego grew three sizes that day.
Grinning like a loon, he is.
my GF introduced me to coc. I asked her if she knew any good text games, she said yes. While she wasn't wrong coc isn't a game you should introduce someone to on a second date
my GF introduced me to coc. I asked her if she knew any good text games, she said yes. While she wasn't wrong coc isn't a game you should introduce someone to on a second date
Wow. The furry woman-penises? I feel like that's pretty mild, honestly.
Maybe I'm out of touch with normies...