Vampiress Milklass
The portal extinguish in a blue and red light while you see the last actions of Asspain that is running on the opposite direction that you were, ¿shi was crying?, you will not know forever...
All the women look you with respect and moves at unison all their heads including the 7 cockkies, you feel that all them are fullest devoted to you and they see like their Mistress and Goddess...
(Remember what we said in the last PM of "forget")
Evaine Garna
After your walk through the corridors of the cave and trying to keep the distance with the huge cock, you advance in the cave without any more strangers encounters except some "encounters in the fifth level" with the huge cock that you see with the corner of your eyes, when you put the look in the zone that you think is the cock, there isn´t any one or no cock in the zone...
In a cross of the cave, you listen some females voices *giggling* happily and some others "fucking"? noises, but one of the voices you recognize, it´s the voice of Joseph but it´s totally changed, you recognize his tone... ¿?
(Note for Shin: You don´t see them, you can only listen their voices and some shadows of them in a wall of the cave)