This thread is for questions, suggestions and anything else related to Innocence Lost.

Demo 1.5
Demo 1.5 RTP Version
( If you don't have RPG Maker VX Ace Installed )
Innocence Lost is a reality based adult RPGMAKER game that focuses on telling an immersive story
about a young girl who has to battle temptation as her brother's friend makes it his sole purpose to corrupt her.
It will also feature stories from her family that are also going through their own battles with being corrupted.
The game will feature high quality 3D renders, HEAVY corruption, Nice Time for Roo and voyeur elements, custom made sprites,
custom made maps, sprite sex ( full game ), interweaving storylines, branching paths and a morality or "innocence" system.
As of right now there is no battle system in Innocence Lost as I think it would really be out of place and it helps to better tell
the story without the mindless farming of a traditional RPG. I'm open to adding it in the future though if the demand is there.
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