Inappropriate Language?



When you go to proposition Hethia for sex she makes a comment and laughs about it, with the game going on Steam I would highly recommend changing the word to either giggle or snicker, as the current one is colloquially known as the N word, with an S in front.
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Imagine having access to the internet and being unaware of the etymology of a word.

Almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.

While I do understand that the word itself isn't offensive, the core of the word does contain a racial slur, despite the fact that was not the original intention when it came into being. This is the kind of thing that can punish the game or development team despite them having no intention of making any such statement, and as such I thought it would be prudent to notify them.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I'm suddenly reminded of that scene from Bowfinger where Eddie Murphy's character refuses a role because the script includes the word KKK... except it doesn't, it includes some number of uses of the letter and never in sequence, so it's a complete non-issue. And remember, that was being played for comedy because it's absurd. Snigger has been in use for about three hundred years (yes, I checked) while the racist slur contained within it is newer. Let's not go all language police on a perfectly good word.


I would like to say that the word itself doesn't bother me, but I have used it before and have received an (auto-generated, I will admit) warning against using racial slurs, so I have been overly sensitive to its use since. I just didn't want the game to be punished for something so inane.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2019
Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with people lately? First, it was that insane reporter and those steam users harassing devs about their “trap” crap and now this? Can’t you people just enjoy a game without one word getting into your jimmies? Also, no. I don’t think single word like that in text game with over 500,000+ words will get the entire game booted off steam. If that were the case, then steam wouldn’t of accepted CoC2 in the first place. You’re just being paranoid over this.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Snigger has been used for longer (Waaaaaaay longer) than I was born, and longer than the N word itself. It'd be an issue if someone let a typo slip, but that hasn't happened yet. Speaking as a black gal myself, I literally do not give a shit.

First the trap discourse on Steam (Why the fuck is that thread not locked I swear to all Seven gods) and now this. Please stop word policing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
I knew from just looking at the thread title, I knew I was going to be facepalming.

And still I opened the thread.

And I was right.

OP, you owe me €692 - one euro for every brain cell you just killed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
USA the current one is colloquially known as the N word, with an S in front.
No. No it's not. Nowhere in the fucking universe is "snigger" known colloquially as "The N-word with an S in front." You're either one of the internet's biggest fucking trolls or its biggest fucking moron because you don't know what the word "colloquially" means.

By the way, why can't you say "snigger"? It's always "the word" with you.


Snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger.

I snigger at you, sir. I snigger and scoff at you and your ilk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I never understood self-censorship with words. As if people were afraid of what could happen by just mentioning them. As if languages weren't rich enough. As is sociolects weren't a thing.

The Scunthorpe problem. Voldemort.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
I never understood self-censorship with words. As if people were afraid of what could happen by just mentioning them.
Words only have the power we give them.

The Scunthorpe problem. Voldemort.

Ironically enough, when I first posted the "snigger snigger snigger" bit, I didn't leave spaces between each word. Then I looked at it and thought, "Okay, now THAT could be misconstrued."


Active Member
Jul 18, 2019
there are way too many words containg "offensive" words to really be able to not use them as that would be an unnecisary and rediculous limit to the vocabulary used (even more ridiculous for a TEXT based game), also assassin has ass twice in it too, just wanted to point that out