The TiTS public GitHub /includes branch, and most files within. The scene ID is the same as the name of the function containing that scene, minus the brackets. For example, for the following scene:
public function grabARubbahTube():void
if(flags["SYNTHSHEATH_ACQUIRED"] == undefined)
output("You walk over and gingerly pull the tube out and hold it up in the air. It is immediately apparent what this object is supposed to be. The huge equine balls sway gently in the air attached to a rubbery equine sheath while you waggle it before your eyes. You notice writing on the side of the object, all but obliterated by time and the elements.");
output("\n\n<i>“Xe...en .io...h”</i> You slowly sound out as you discern the remaining letters.");
output("\n\nYou turn the object over in your hands, the rubbery tube flopping this way and that before you stow the strange object in your pack.");
else if(flags["SYNTHSHEATH_ACQUIRED"] != undefined)
output("You walk over and gingerly pull it out and hold it up in the air. Sure enough, it’s another SynthSheath; you spy the distinct lettering, faded though it may be, spelling out the label “Xenogen Biotech SynthSheath Mk1”. You waggle the fleshy tube around in the air for a moment for your amusement before stowing it safely in your pack.");
var SynthButte:HorseCock = new HorseCock();
SynthButte.quantity = 1;
the scene ID would be grabARubbahTube, and that's what you'd type into Impulse's text field before hitting Execute.
If there's stuff within the brackets, that stuff is used as arguments later in the scene (and/or is carried over into following scenes) for variations. I've no idea how to input arguments into Impulse, though. Also, the public GitHub is over a year out-of-date and won't be updated until the JS port is finished at the earliest, so it won't contain any IDs for scenes implemented in the past year. Finally, Impulse is intended for dev use only, so don't be surprised if Something Bad happens.