[Implemented] Muffstick - Mouthgina TF


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So Blowjobs I get entirely, but teeth inside a vag is a completely different story. At least with the former they have control of their mouths and a less of a chance biting your dick. >w<'

I'm not a female so I don't know but who's to say that don't have control of their vaginal muscles and/or mouthginas?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay you got me there. But then there's this bit:

So Blowjobs I get entirely, but teeth inside a vag is a completely different story. At least with the former they have control of their mouths and a less of a chance biting your dick. >w<'

Just FYI, I wasn't arguing for teeth getting into the TF.  I for one am not a fan of receiving RL blowjobs. The presence of teeth turns me off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm not a female so I don't know but who's to say that don't have control of their vaginal muscles and/or mouthginas?

Problem is not what actual females can or can not do, it is that certain scenes might assume you have a tightening orgasm (since these things actually exist and are hot as hell) or something alike where teeth would be a problem. The teeth COULD be retractable during sex, but I guess (I use 'guess' because I do not know your fetish) that would kill most of the magic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I've done some very small changes and I'm currently deciding on the company who created the ...lipstick(I need to decide a name soon)...

I believe it should be one of these companies:


Xenogen - The main providers of TFs it seems...I'm actually kind of reluctant to give them yet another tf tbh.

JoyCo - mostly because they invented the clippex, if I choose them I'll probably add that to the tooltip description

And a small question, do you guys think it would be better to adress the clit-piercings as just a metallic hues of the cuntlips? Instead of either black, gold or silver.

For example if it were red lips they would be metallic red, blue metallic blue etc. In the appearance screen it would be something like this: "You have a bla bla mouthgina with (a) metallic [pc.vaginacolor] piercing like clit(s)". That way if you ever change your cuntlips colours through other means, like f. ex. rainbowtox they would change along with it.

I've also realized that I still haven't adressed the issue of a PC having more than one twat...I'll be looking into that next. I'll either break the record (I believe I would) for most consumption texts by adding a "choose the vagina you want to change". Or just make it random. But I don't really find that fair to the player. So does anyone know whether or not I'm breaking some unspoken rule here?

And some feedback for the recent changes I did would be appreciated...I probably sound like an attention whore when I say that, but I really need to know whether or not people would actually feel satisfied with what I've written.
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Aug 26, 2015
As far as companies, TamaniCorp would be more of a match if the transform adds to the appeal of reproduction (such as fertility, lactation, etc.); Xenogen is massive on the transformation market, be it purely cosmetic or otherwise (I agree that they have a lot already, so it makes the transformation feel less novel unless it's from some cancelled product line); I agree with your assessment on JoyCo since they dabble in and sell all sorts of stuff.

I haven't looked into your item's specifics, but I will say to leave piercings and vagina descriptions separate as it would cause the least amount of inconsistency. If and when piercings are implemented, they will probably have their own block of text and modify vagina blurbs accordingly. For colors, leave them as single strings, so "metallic red" would be just that. You can expand your color choices to however many colors you want the item to carry and the buttons will be generated accordingly (meaning you can have more than ten colors if you desire). Clits do not (or should not, normally) reference a color, so if the vagina type has a unique kind of clit, be it shape and/or color, that clit's description should probably be restricted to one kind--variations may require extra variables or status effects to be added (and since it is purely cosmetic and doesn't really serve a mechanical function, it may not be worth the variation).

As for selection versus random changes, I would suggest selection. Since it is applied lipstick instead of swallow/inject-and-hope, it may make more sense to choose which genital to apply the cosmetic to. Usually selection-based transformations cost a bit more than random transforms, especially if the intent is that the lipstick is supposed to change something when applied to it (or have a dud effect if nothing valid happens).

I don't have any comments on the text itself until I have the time to look more into it, but I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Taken straight from the document.

You have a insert color here, mouth pussy, with one x-inch clit. Occasional beads of translucent girl-cum drool from your mouth-like honeypot. The exterior has the appearance of a mouth, with plump bee stung lips shaped in a permanently pouty expression.

1. They’re adorned with a metallic colored clit, oddly looking a bit more at place than a regular clit would do.

2. They’re adorned with a metallic colored clit, looking slightly like a lip piercing if one didn’t know better.

One of these two, I might do some slight changes, is going to be the finalized appearance description. 

1. I made this to make it blend better in, should piercings ever be implemented.

2. Is more close to my original description idea. I'd probably do changes to it, but the piercing like appearance would stand.

I'm also having an internal struggle on the color of the clits. It's either gonna be the classic silver, or them having a "metallic sheen" to them. 

Having them be silver is simply me coloring them for the reader. While leaving the color, besides "metallic" up to the readers imagination, makes them more...T.i.T.S. like. By that I mean clits aren't usually described with colors, and it's usually up to the reader how they want their clits to look like.

Once I've resolved these two questions, the only thing remaining is me finalizing the document. Searching for typos, making sure I've inserted the right parsers, rewriting stuff I'm not satisfied with etc.

Before deciding by myself, I'd like to know if anyone has any opinions on these questions. I made this item for you guys/girls/apache helicopters after all :D  

Oh, and small update: The manufacturer is going to be JoyCo and you'll now be able to choose which pussy you want to use the item on, should you have several.

And I kind of like the name "muffstick"...I just discovered the "muff" synonym and found it oddly cute for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Might as well make this my 800th post.

First of all: 

I was kinda surprised when I discovered the things that pop out when you type in "the thing that comes out of a lipstick" in google...


...I guess that's also a valid description for dog genitalia... No wonder Kaede looked so flustered when I asked her if she could share her lipstick. *Note, this never happened...but I want it too... @Savin plz. :p  

Secondly a short status update:

- I've finally fixed the clits!!! 

Appearance example:

You have a (insert color), mouth pussy, with one x-inch clit. Occasional beads of translucent girl-cum drool from your mouth-like honeypot. Instead of the usual inner and outer labia your exterior is formed like a mouth, with plump bee stung lips shaped in a permanently pouty expression.

{pc.clitCount=1:Adorning them is a polished, metallic colored clit, resting in the lips’ corner.}

{pc.clitCount=2:Adorning them are two polished, metallic colored clits, resting in each of the lips’


{pc.clitCount>2:Adorning them are several polished, metallic colored clits, giving your nether lips a punk-ish look}

I have just one question. Currently there's no way to add more clits, without changing your cunt type, should I have to worry about changing the clitCount=2 text? What if someone invent a TF which makes it instantly possible to get two side by side clitoris? (Not sure why one would do this tbh. Clits placement aren't normally described in the appearance screen.)

- Having some inconsistent issues in my head, for the TF scene, I made some short adjustments. I'm currently doing the same with the consumption text. After that I'll see if I can make som fine tuning to the rest of the doc or not.

- Lastly I'm gonna have to try finding a vendor, Nik van Rijn suggested I change the the company for the two items to TamaniCorp, something I could be inclined to do, but I originally hoped for the FizzyFix to be a cheap and easily purchasable lust source. Having them be sold in the JoyCo vending machines.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Might as well make this my 800th post.

First of all: 

I was kinda surprised when I discovered the things that pop out when you type in "the thing that comes out of a lipstick" in google...


...I guess that's also a valid description for dog genitalia... No wonder Kaede looked so flustered when I asked her if she could share her lipstick. *Note, this never happened...but I want it too... @Savin plz. :p  

I doubt an ausar's member would be compared to a lipstick, since ausars lack a sheath.

Secondly a short status update:

- I've finally fixed the clits!!! 

Appearance example:

I have just one question. Currently there's no way to add more clits, without changing your cunt type, should I have to worry about changing the clitCount=2 text? What if someone invent a TF which makes it instantly possible to get two side by side clitoris? (Not sure why one would do this tbh. Clits placement aren't normally described in the appearance screen.)

Isn't the raskvel cunt described having two clits opposite from each other

And why not just make the tf item set the clit count to "2" ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Isn't the raskvel cunt described having two clits opposite from each other

*Reads Ruskvel TF

"new clit at the bottom of your vagina" or something like that.

...Well I guess I have some changing to do...again.

And why not just make the tf item set the clit count to "2" ?

I guess I'll have to do that, but I'll keep the clitCount>2 text, in case one ever rise above having two clits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Okay, changed the clits transformation sequence, if anyone takes a look at it feedback would be appreciated :D  

I decided to leave the clitCount texts in the appearance screen as is.Galomax is already a confirmed way to remove and add clits, so I'd like to leave those open.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm having some trouble choosing vendor.

Personally I think the items fits best being produced by JoyCo. But at the same time I believe they would fit nicely in Lerris' shop, which happens to be run by TamaniCorp. They don't exclusively sell TamaniCorp items, but still...

I'm also kind of uncertain on the consumption text atm. mainly because my original idea makes multiple vagina pcs choose color, before choosing their desired orifice. Should I really not worry about such a small detail?

Lastly, does anybody know how to add parsers for a chosen vagina?

PCs with multiple vaginas will have to choose one, in what way can I use the parser to match the chosen one with the one described in the TF text?

Judge Worm

Sep 11, 2016
Maybe have Sera sell them? Her stuff tends towards sex TFs, with the exception of Rainbotox and Lucifier. Mouthginas wouldn't be too out of place, I don't think.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@Jacques00 I hate to bother you, but if you want a sentence to describe a certain vagina which you have already made the player choose, is there a certain kind of parser you should use? Hehe. That rhymed xD  

Edit: Removed my second question. I just made a decision.
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Aug 26, 2015
Vaginas can be distinguished by using an index number--like 0 would be the first vagina, 1 is second, 2 is third. If the number is variable, it can be a variable, like "selectedVagina".

If using parsers, by default the [pc.vagina] will always choose the primary (first / index 0) vagina. If you want to use a particular one you can type it out as [pc.vagina " + selVag  + "], or simply [pc.vagina selVag] (or however notation you like, as long as it communicates the idea), with "selVag" being the index number of the vagina selected for transformation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Came by to see how this is going, and a thought occured. Mouthgina + Lucifer Candy Apple = Tentacle Tongue Clits as it mistakenly lengthens your new tongues~! ... But would that make it so those with alot of clit tongues are the ... octopussy?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Came by to see how this is going, and a thought occured. Mouthgina + Lucifer Candy Apple = Tentacle Tongue Clits as it mistakenly lengthens your new tongues~! ... But would that make it so those with alot of clit tongues are the ... octopussy?
A pussy filled with tentacle tongues? Oh the horror!!!
Fun idea. But lucifer is a bit out of my jurisdiction.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd really like it if TiTS had a spitbug-like race which came along with an appropiate TF item.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Why haven't I looked at this before? Oh well, here now doc looks great so far! I have to admit though, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw "mouthgina" was this http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21563506/ .
You´re definitely not the first :p That´s why I had to add that picture XD
And thanks for the feedback. Glad to hear people like it :)
I should probably follow this thread so that I realize when people have been posting in it. Ehe. Sorry for the late response.

1000th (again) post update:
I´ve written up some new lines for the two items, (I´m a bit uncertain about the black lined one in the FizzyFix part), where the PC now pulls out his/her codex and uses it as a mirror. This solves most issues with how people can see the stuff happening down there.

It´s also been pointed out to me that the first TF scene is a bit too long and that I should shorten it.
I´ve tried a couple of times, but it´s not easy splitting something up and give it a new continuation. I feel like it´s gonna be a long scene either way. But at the same time it might be necessary.
Because I also want to rework that scene so that the tongue comes out as less sentient, and more controlled by the player. By the end it would be like the PC can control it like any other muscle, but can also have it go on autopilot when doing "autocunnilingus", kinda like when you´ve got restless legs.
It´s kind of an important thing for me to not make it inconsistent and all that. I´ll probably rework a paragraph in the "getting the tongue back" scene too. But the first scene that will serve as the basis comes first.

My idea is to cut out a chunk of that first scene and perhaps recycle the cut part into a masturbation scene later on. My main goal however is to make the TF be complete first. I might not even make a masturbation scene. I don´t really think that´s as important to people as getting the TF, so I´ll prioritize finishing up the TF first.

Unfortunately I´m in the middle of my exam period, so I won´t be able to do much writing at a time. I´ll still try every know and then, when I´m not busy or exhausted. I´ll probably get to do some more during christmas vacation.

I´m really sorry for the delay people, but I refuse to hand in something I myself wouldn´t be happy/comfortable seeing in game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Gratz on the get (again) and best of luck with your exams.:)

As for this:
Unfortunately I´m in the middle of my exam period, so I won´t be able to do much writing at a time. I´ll still try every know and then, when I´m not busy or exhausted. I´ll probably get to do some more during christmas vacation.

I´m really sorry for the delay people, but I refuse to hand in something I myself wouldn´t be happy/comfortable seeing in game.
I'm continuously amazed by the consistency with which new authors ignore this nugget of Ted's wisdom:

Remember; it's not your job. It's barely even your hobby, come to think of this. You're in here for fun and maybe, just maybe, a little internet recognition. There's no pressure.

Just give us a heads up when you'll finish rearranging the stuff you've mentioned and want us to have a go at the doc.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Update time:
I´m done with my exams this semester!
I´ve put in the altered TF scenes, but haven´t properly formatted them just yet. I´ll get on to that soon enough. Meanwhile, feel free to see if they read well.

Stuff to do:
- Properly format the new TF scene.
- See if there´s anything else I want to change in regards of writing.
- Possibly shorten the description of the items and put in the bigger stuff as a codex entry
- Possibly add a masturbation scene
But if you people want I can just focus on finishing up the TF and submit it before I move on to the autocunnilingus scene.