Wanted to contribute to the game, started on a simple scene, as recommended by the documentation on the forum.
So here is my first submission: A victory scene for when you defeat the gnoll pack, specifically doggystyle with the alpha.
Found it kinda weird that there wasn't more scenes when you won agaisnt them, so I just wrote one.
Let me know what you think, if it's passable or garbage, if I forgot to turn on suggestion mode (and how to do that) and what could be improved.
Probably should have posted this here before sending the form, oh well gotta learn somehow, am I right?
The parsers were of course, the most complex part of the script for a newbie like me, so if you have any recommendation, I'm all ears.
So here is my first submission: A victory scene for when you defeat the gnoll pack, specifically doggystyle with the alpha.
Found it kinda weird that there wasn't more scenes when you won agaisnt them, so I just wrote one.
Let me know what you think, if it's passable or garbage, if I forgot to turn on suggestion mode (and how to do that) and what could be improved.
Probably should have posted this here before sending the form, oh well gotta learn somehow, am I right?
The parsers were of course, the most complex part of the script for a newbie like me, so if you have any recommendation, I'm all ears.
Doggystyle with Alpha Gnoll Some smut written by Pépère Pervers EDIT: Final version of the doc, waiting for review Scene : Doggy do, doggy don’t (Add a “Doggystyle” option in the victory menu after defeating the gnoll pack) [=Doggystyle=] //Tooltip: Seems quite appropriate If PC does not have...