[Implemented] Deertaur TF


Jan 8, 2016

I'm actually not very familiar with TFs, so I've almost certainly going to have missed something. Feel free to point out if I'm missing something crucial like a wordbank, or something like that. Don't feel free to complain because this isn't an anthro TF or that it gives you an equine dick instead of a deer's. There's a reason minotaurs in CoC have horsecocks instead of actual bulldicks, and it's because bulldicks are gross. Other than that, have at it and I'll submit it.

Also in the works is a Bison TF. Both of these will be sold in New Canada by the Taurico company.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Eyyy, finally a deer tf :D

I´m looking forward to make that doe PC I´ve been wanting to create for a while now.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]A potent one-shot cosmetic transformative[/SIZE]

So is this gonna be like panda pro then? 
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Jan 8, 2016
It lets my Steele get a little deer poof-tail! Yay! Literally top 3 TF in the game. 

The only things that seem to be missing are some details about the product itself like its price, some of the other blurbs like its in-store description, and percentage chances for each TF effect, but I know all of those are really just for the coder's reference. If you plan to code this yourself, you probably don't need those in the doc. :p  

Thanks! The proc chances are all 100%, though, as it's a oneshot TF by Taurico. Being a taur is kind of a big thing in New Canadian culture/society, so all of the Taurico things I write will be oneshots.

i can finally have my deer taur herm though i was wondering if there could be a chance of tusks like the water deer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_deer as a rare proc? 

This is a hilarious-looking creature I have never seen before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. That said, no, probably not. Unnecessary complication for now.

So is this gonna be like panda pro then? 

Yeah, you take it once and it's a complete transformation.

The bison one is also going to be a oneshot, but it'll be adjustable kinda like how Freedom Beef can appear as anywhere between lithe and bulky in terms of musculature. It'll just adjust how stronk-looking you get, basically.


Jan 8, 2016
Sidenote: Does this mean the Mhen'ga Dryad is a New Canada native, or is she just a random person that used this? My thirst for backstory is insatiable. :p  

The Taurico stuff is more professional, so ending up in her situation (ie. massive dick and problems with lust) isn't something that could have happened just by use of Taurico products. I intend to nail down all the details of the dryad when I do her little miniquest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I read the doc, very good btw. ;) , but a question came to mind.

How will this TF affect having multiples of sex organs?

Will all of the Ds and Vs change or will one randomly be chosen?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I did alot of work on the shark tf to have everything and be as close as complete. You could look at it for what you're missing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Probably change the biggest dick to equine and maybe the biggest vagina to equine? Not sure on that one.

Sounds good to me.

But what if you have two cocks at the same size? Random?

Is it possible to do what they did with throbb, where after you choose the desired cock to enlarge, you get the appropriate description of said chosen cock, but instead of having it be a choice you just have the first numbered penis/vagina change?

I´m just asking out of curiosity. I myself have been wondering how you do the throbb thing in the first place for my own TF.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Out of curiosity, @Wsan, so you intend for this tf to grow fur on the humanoid torso of the taur? 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The never-ending shower of taur-love keep raining down upon us. All hail Codecat, The Patron of Taurs!

One question I have beyond the edits I made in the doc is about your reasoning behind making this TF overwrite goo features.


Jan 8, 2016
One question I have beyond the edits I made in the doc is about your reasoning behind making this TF overwrite goo features.

It's a oneshot transformative from a company that specializes in providing people with the appearance of tauric creatures; New Canada's beauty standard is set by 'taurs, according to the doc (fine by me). It's common enough for kids to be taur TFed (the TFs are much cheaper for natives than offworlders; subsidized healthcare, yeeee- wait you're European, no point bragging about this), to give you an idea of it. So the story explanation is that gootaurs aren't really the intended audience of the TF.

The writer explanation is that gootaurs aren't really the intended audience of the TF. I'll admit I don't understand the appeal of being a goodeer; I don't think I'd even considered it.

Out of curiosity, @Wsan, so you intend for this tf to grow fur on the humanoid torso of the taur? 

You mean the white fuzz/brown fur across the stomach? No, that's solely for the tauric half.

I´m just asking out of curiosity. I myself have been wondering how you do the throbb thing in the first place for my own TF.

I'll have to look into this. I haven't checked out the code side of the TF, just copied the layout of some TFs from (I think) Couch.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here is the link since I wasn't able to do it before. Skimming through it I only found one significant problems.

From what I understand multiple fur colors is problematic and you'll probably have to make it a perk, default it to brown or maybe do what they did with candy cane dicks. When it came to shark item I suggested three perks, through in this case it might be best to do the candy cane thing.

The items stats or overview is incomplete and it could use an effect list at the start, but it's kinda of a moot point since you're going to code this. It would help others that are seeing you item. I'm not sure why you wrote the wordbanks/appearance blurbs/descriptors/etc since these things are already fully coded and functional ingame and since you aren't actually adding variables, changing it might bring more problems than solutions. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by wordbanks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Cool TF. For a moment I thought it will hermify PC but it have seerate TF effects for male/feale part. So when PC is alrady herm both TF happens at once? Or would be randomly picked which one happen?