Imagining extra details


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2021
For example: whenever I get woken up at the frosthound by the Harpy Wingleader after sleeping with Cait via the cuddle option, I find it humorous to imagine she is still in bed pretending to be asleep while me and the harpy go at it.

Anyone else crafts any extra details?
Oh all the time, though I imagine a good deal do in game like this.

I picture my main character with a perpetual 'done-with-this-shit' look positively glued to their face whenever they need to step foot in the kitsune den. Especially when they interact with the big K himself after he robs you of a decade with your family. Especially when Keros asks if you want to fuck after he just robbed you of said decade and caused your daughter to grow up estranged from her mother and with an absent father.

And this is all after the rest of them tried to beat you up, murder you in one case and enslave you(in an especially fucked up fashion to boot) because you walked in and asked them about a missing bag when their front door was left hanging wide open.

Typically only ever set foot in there to use ye ol' teleporter or visit fox daughter. The rest of them get the patented Scowl of the Champion as the bearer of the most magnificent antlers storms right by.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
One time there was a bug where I was sleeping with Brienne in the camp and the Atugia sleep with option popped up despite being in the Frostwood and not in the Frosthound, I can only imagine she ran all the way from the Frosthound to the Frostwood just to cuddle.

Speaking of Brienne, in order to justify her happening, I run a particular route where I go down to the armor basically immediately after recruiting Brint, then time my arrival back at the Frosthound so that Atugia shows up, and then Garret goes missing so I immediately have to go rescue him, at which point enough time has passed that it can't really be helped. Mechanically it doesn't work like that because the game doesn't skip checks for the sake of player convenience but realistically with that much time passing, the armor would've triggered already.

Probably my absolute favorite though, I make a point of always soloing the Den of Foxes with only the Kiyoko summon as support now JUST so I can solo Nakano. Nothing to put the fear of his in-laws in him like getting steamrolled along with all the other defenders of his colony by one man and his fox wife's astral projection. Of course he likely already has a healthy dose of respect for Kinu, but the knowledge that Kiyoko and I can take all the colony's officers down all by ourselves surely makes for good reassurance that that'll remain the case, it also takes the bite out of his not-Japanese superiority posturing. It'll also help for diplomacy down the line as the all the settlements start to actually interact with one another (hopefully). They remember that the lord of that fort is strong and it's probably not worth any hassle, and they can't really bring it up in any kind of negotiation as a negative point because that'll require admitting they got washed by one dude.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2021
Oh all the time, though I imagine a good deal do in game like this.

I picture my main character with a perpetual 'done-with-this-shit' look positively glued to their face whenever they need to step foot in the kitsune den. Especially when they interact with the big K himself after he robs you of a decade with your family. Especially when Keros asks if you want to fuck after he just robbed you of said decade and caused your daughter to grow up estranged from her mother and with an absent father.

And this is all after the rest of them tried to beat you up, murder you in one case and enslave you(in an especially fucked up fashion to boot) because you walked in and asked them about a missing bag when their front door was left hanging wide open.

Typically only ever set foot in there to use ye ol' teleporter or visit fox daughter. The rest of them get the patented Scowl of the Champion as the bearer of the most magnificent antlers storms right by.
I like to imagine my champion has bit more self respect during the passive aggressive kitsune content too.

One time there was a bug where I was sleeping with Brienne in the camp and the Atugia sleep with option popped up despite being in the Frostwood and not in the Frosthound, I can only imagine she ran all the way from the Frosthound to the Frostwood just to cuddle.

Speaking of Brienne, in order to justify her happening, I run a particular route where I go down to the armor basically immediately after recruiting Brint, then time my arrival back at the Frosthound so that Atugia shows up, and then Garret goes missing so I immediately have to go rescue him, at which point enough time has passed that it can't really be helped. Mechanically it doesn't work like that because the game doesn't skip checks for the sake of player convenience but realistically with that much time passing, the armor would've triggered already.

Probably my absolute favorite though, I make a point of always soloing the Den of Foxes with only the Kiyoko summon as support now JUST so I can solo Nakano. Nothing to put the fear of his in-laws in him like getting steamrolled along with all the other defenders of his colony by one man and his fox wife's astral projection. Of course he likely already has a healthy dose of respect for Kinu, but the knowledge that Kiyoko and I can take all the colony's officers down all by ourselves surely makes for good reassurance that that'll remain the case, it also takes the bite out of his not-Japanese superiority posturing. It'll also help for diplomacy down the line as the all the settlements start to actually interact with one another (hopefully). They remember that the lord of that fort is strong and it's probably not worth any hassle, and they can't really bring it up in any kind of negotiation as a negative point because that'll require admitting they got washed by one dude.
LOL imagining Atugia tracking you down through the forests just to sleep.
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