I'm a bit confused.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
First off, let me start by saying voicing my approval for the character of Shade. She has a past that humanizes her and endears her to the player without making light of the morally grey/black things she commits on the regular. You don't typically see things like this, usually when characters have tragic pasts, they tend to be easily swayed to the opposition or made out to be victims, but Shade falls into neither of these traps, she's had a bad past, but it doesn't suddenly make light of her actions nor does it attempt to. I appreciate having morally black characters that aren't baby eaters or generic mustache twirlers.

With that out of the way, a specific portion of the interations a player can have with her kind of confused me, namely the post Karaquest pt 2. discussion with her. The whole situation is played as a breach of trust by Shade, when it appears to just be a issue with a lack of communication. It's not like Shade really went too deep in her talks with Steele, besides how she got her runes, a lot of the topics discussed with her are fairly mundane topics, none of which really touch upon her being a member of the Black Void, so as such, Steele had no way of knowing what exactly they were walking into when they accepted Kara's pirate raid mission. It's not as if they expected Shade to be there, it came completely out of leftfield.

Afterwards, she wants to discuss what happened, perfectly fine.

...And then she talking about how Steele broke her trust, which really threw me for a loop. What exactly did Shade trust Steele with? Had they not gone on that mission, they wouldn't have even known that Shade was affiliated with Amara's section of the Black Void. It still just seems like a problem from both ends with a lack of communication, Steele had no way of knowing what they were doing directly involved Shade and Shade didn't exactly tell them (Which is acceptable, seeing as the Black Void IS a criminal organization).

If anything, the "trust" issues stem from Shade's side, seeing as she didn't devulge into her history deep enough for Steele to know exactly what was or wasn't crossing a boundary. There have to be countless amounts of bounty hunters out there, what were the odds Shade would be affiliated with the Black Void? 

Not really any point to this, just voicng my confusion as to how that scene was handed. It's part of the reason why I'll be turning down Shade (Bittersweet love stories! Yay!) and also because I can't call my Steele a good samaritan if I pass up the opportunity to intrude on a criminal originization for some milfcuntpussy (Even if it's good Milfcuntpussy, god damn it Savin!) Also, I want to to be able to get more opportunities to get sweet loot from the bases (Dat Aegis Light Machinegun :p)

And off topic, but does choosing the infertile perk change Syri's reaction to vaginal sex? If not, seems kind of weird since Syri's hangup is the potential child resulting from it, and Steele could also point out that they're infertile.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If you'll recall, Shade originally met the PC while she was hunting for Kara, and she tells you as much. When you show up on a mission with Kara at your side, she puts two and two together and realizes that your just happening to show up that night and flirt with her was just a distraction to let Kara escape. So she's less upset about you dicking with the Black Void, and more for working with Kara from the get-go, which to her, puts the entire validity of your relationship in question (was it all a lie from the very beginning? Do you actually like her?). 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Maybe she put two and two together and realized you had helped Kara in your first encounter?

I never have much of an issue with this considering the fact that she´s on Uveto every time I do this quest.

Tmw. You´re not alerted of a new message in a thread, and you end up repeating something already answered. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
If you'll recall, Shade originally met the PC while she was hunting for Kara, and she tells you as much. When you show up on a mission with Kara at your side, she puts two and two together and realizes that your just happening to show up that night and flirt with her was just a distraction to let Kara escape. So she's less upset about you dicking with the Black Void, and more for working with Kara from the get-go, which to her, puts the entire validity of your relationship in question (was it all a lie from the very beginning? Do you actually like her?). 

Can't believe I forgot about that...



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
If you'll recall, Shade originally met the PC while she was hunting for Kara, and she tells you as much. When you show up on a mission with Kara at your side, she puts two and two together and realizes that your just happening to show up that night and flirt with her was just a distraction to let Kara escape. So she's less upset about you dicking with the Black Void, and more for working with Kara from the get-go, which to her, puts the entire validity of your relationship in question (was it all a lie from the very beginning? Do you actually like her?). 

There is one thing that I asked awhile back but never got a answer for. If you did K2 quest, and afterwards completed Myrellion probe quest before talking to Shade, and revealed the scans to her after.

Doing this results in Shade knowing about family and Kara, but she wont make you talk about it or promise anything. Intentional?
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