I'd like to make some suggestions


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 Busts been with overbusty characters could be seen as sideeffects of us playing porn game.

So... They are supposed to be more sexy by oversizing sex bits? Not sure if it works that way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
There are just two problems than. Descriptions like "boobs that almost vanish under anything thicker than spandex" would not fit that new sizes and there still should be some names for smaller sizes.

The latter can be attributed to the need for precise bra-sizes vanishing, thanks to the adaptable clothing of THE FUTURE. So the old system stuck but got rearranged to accommodate for bigger sizes, while everything that we consider to be small C cup and below got lumped into the new A cup.

l have never saw any descriptions as drastic as the one you quoted, but then again I always play with either males or females with breasts somewhere between B and D cups. Can you please point me towards the location of various descriptors on GitHub, since I won't be able to access FiTS for a good long while now?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The latter can be attributed to the need for precise bra-sizes vanishing, thanks to the adaptable clothing of THE FUTURE. So the old system stuck but got rearranged to accommodate for bigger sizes, while everything that we consider to be small C cup and below got lumped into the new A cup.

l have never saw any descriptions as drastic as the one you quoted, but then again I always play with either males or females with breasts somewhere between B and D cups. Can you please point me towards the location of various descriptors on GitHub, since I won't be able to access FiTS for a good long while now?

I've quoted the description from appearance for A-cups on player. Other optional descriptions for them:

bare hints, nothing more than " + num2Text(target.breastRows[0].breasts) + " teasing feminine rises below the ones above
tiny, cute mosquito bites, pert and sensitive
A-cups, " + num2Text(target.breastRows[0].breasts) + " small, pert" + target.rawmfn(" trappy"," sporty","") + " boobs that almost vanish under anything thicker than spandex

Other sizes apparently have no special description. So... I guess, IN FUTURE!!! mosquitos are quite big too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So... I guess, IN FUTURE!!! mosquitos are quite big too.

Well when casual I mean nothing special bugs on New Texas are not small either (ofc I refering to Varmints) then how come other things ingame can keep themself on small end of size scale?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015


I need mosquito laser zapper. Extra large one.

Or a BIGGER MAGNiFYER, wait, that only works with ants.

Those things aside, is a bit unfail how we can help some NPC to increase their cup size, but, so far, the option of help someone to decrease her/his bust size never have been available on TiTS


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It seems I'll have to resume my sizes thread in order to track the average TiTS cup size! xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Those things aside, is a bit unfail how we can help some NPC to increase their cup size, but, so far, the option of help someone to decrease her/his bust size never have been available on TiTS

Technicaly if we count Bess bust size changes it's all way up to max cup size or min cup size. Also Gianna can have bust cup increased/decresed.

Other cases let blame it for now for lack of TiTS version of reducto item while we got tons of those making PC/NPC's "bigger".
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Jun 8, 2016
Yeah... having every artist do every character is well outside our budget, and even then, there's constantly new characters who need at least one bust -- they take priority over redoing old busts someone else's done.

It might not be out of your budget if you people weren't so terrible at advertising your product. I've been paying 5$+ ever since the patreon started and have therefore paid for more than a full game and yet progress is so incredibly slow. I already addressed this with fenexo on his patreon but it's absurd that you guys don't even invest a small amount into advertising, and then complain about budgetary concerns. What a joke. I've also never been treated so dismissively by people I've paid hundred of dollars towards.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
It might not be out of your budget if you people weren't so terrible at advertising your product. I've been paying 5$+ ever since the patreon started and have therefore paid for more than a full game and yet progress is so incredibly slow. I already addressed this with fenexo on his patreon but it's absurd that you guys don't even invest a small amount into advertising, and then complain about budgetary concerns. What a joke. I've also never been treated so dismissively by people I've paid hundred of dollars towards.

Er.. tone aside, he does kinda have a point. I would've never found this project if I hadn't accidentally stumbled upon it whilst browsing e621.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
CoC and TiTS are pretty well known by people that are into these kinds of games. And places like 4chan would help even if they weren't popular. The problem is advertising is expensive and free fan-made porn isn't as profitable as you think.

Take a look at the top Patreon creators; many of them make adult work and that's probably 90+% of their income. It's a lot, don't get me wrong, but not enough to pay for advertising on...well, where would we even advertise?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
CoC and TiTS are pretty well known by people that are into these kinds of games. And places like 4chan would help even if they weren't popular. The problem is advertising is expensive and free fan-made porn isn't as profitable as you think.

Take a look at the top Patreon creators; many of them make adult work and that's probably 90+% of their income. It's a lot, don't get me wrong, but not enough to pay for advertising on...well, where would we even advertise?

Forums? Reddit? Have Fen or Savin start some kind of horrible pandemic to get us in the news? :p I didn't say I had a good solution, only that there's probably a whole lot of people out there who would enjoy this game that have no clue it exists and will probably never find it.


Aug 27, 2015
It might not be out of your budget if you people weren't so terrible at advertising your product. I've been paying 5$+ ever since the patreon started and have therefore paid for more than a full game and yet progress is so incredibly slow. I already addressed this with fenexo on his patreon but it's absurd that you guys don't even invest a small amount into advertising, and then complain about budgetary concerns. What a joke. I've also never been treated so dismissively by people I've paid hundred of dollars towards.

To come at one of the two decent points you make: I think it's fair to say the dev team is pretty happy with their budget as is, notwithstanding being unable to pay all the artists all the time. If they were in charge of any larger a sum of money they would have to display a level of professionalism I don't think they actually want. Getting to live reasonably comfortably doing what they love doing is a dream Fen and Savin have achieved. If you aren't happy with their work ethic you can always vote with your 5 dollars.

It's a lot, don't get me wrong, but not enough to pay for advertising on...well, where would we even advertise?

Oh I don't know, how about every NSFW site ever? And most SFW sites too, as I find if I ever switch Adblock off and learn about all the singles in my local area who are absolutely gagging for it. Finding places that would take ads for TiTS would so not be a problem.
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Jan 8, 2016
Have Fen or Savin start some kind of horrible pandemic to get us in the news?

I'm 99% certain if we set Fen, Savin and Gedan loose in NYC the entire city would be dead of the plague within a week.

I scrolled past this thread earlier today and thought about how advertisement would work. It wouldn't be that hard to make some flash ads featuring sexy busts with some overlaid text tantalizing the audience about a sexy rpg. Might be a problem paying the particular artist to use their work in an ad, though. Anyway, there are definitely places to advertise. It's just a matter of whether anyone wants to spend the money on it, and whether the return on the investment would be positive. Marketing it as aliens instead of furries would probably go over better, too; Mass Effect is more marketable than DeviantArt.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Oh I don't know, how about every NSFW site ever? And most SFW sites too, as I find if I ever switch Adblock off and learn about all the singles in my local area who are absolutely gagging for it. Finding places that would take ads for TiTS would so not be a problem.

On one hand, the amount of NSFW advertisement points out that it should work on some level, but on the other hand my personal experience and all the anecdotal evidence I've ever gotten goes against that notion. Cross pollination between various smut creators, samples leaked at sites like e.g-hentai and good old word of mouth had led me to all of the projects I follow and support.

Marketing it as aliens instead of furries would probably go over better, too; Mass Effect is more marketable than DeviantArt.

Plus if the audience was to expand through the latter, they would just end up joining Etis in complaining about the lack of 'true' furries. 


Aug 27, 2015
On one hand, the amount of NSFW advertisement points out that it should work on some level, but on the other hand my personal experience and all the anecdotal evidence I've ever gotten goes against that notion. Cross pollination between various smut creators, samples leaked at sites like e.g-hentai and good old word of mouth had led me to all of the projects I follow and support.

Brand awareness innit. Most people don't think advertising works on them - but just having your product prominently visible on related websites unequivocally works. You'd probably subconsciously remember TiTS fondly if the logo overlaid on Anno's tits were in the corner of your eye whilst you were rubbing one out to something else.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like, if I saw a TiTS ad in the corner of my browser during some me-time, I'd feel like Fenoxo was watching me.  :eek:hdear:

Again, probably not a statistically meaningful instance, but I'm positive I'm not the only tinfoil-hat-wearing crazy within Fen's intended audience...

oh you mean like this?



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Again, probably not a statistically meaningful instance, but I'm positive I'm not the only tinfoil-hat-wearing crazy within Fen's intended audience...

Tinfoil-hats makes me remember the show "the finder". Loved that series.

Like, if I saw a TiTS ad in the corner of my browser during some me-time, I'd feel like Fenoxo was watching me.  :eek:hdear:
oh you mean like this?

I was just thinking about her xD

Oh I don't know, how about every NSFW site ever? And most SFW sites too, as I find if I ever switch Adblock off and learn about all the singles in my local area who are absolutely gagging for it. Finding places that would take ads for TiTS would so not be a problem.

Meet local wagging puppysluts! Don´t tell your waifu about this game! Come and play Trials in Tainted Space!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Meet local wagging puppysluts! Don´t tell your waifu about this game! Come and play Trials in Tainted Space!

Learn how to grow your dick 3 feet longer with this one simple trick doctors don't want you to know!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Learn how to grow your dick 3 feet longer with this one simple trick doctors don't want you to know!

Caution: side effects include dick splitting in two, additional ball growth, and a desire to fuck insects.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Caution: side effects include dick splitting in two, additional ball growth, and a desire to fuck insects.

you missed a few xD desire to breed everything in sight, the need to pump needy holes full of sticky warmness. Additional warning cum stuffing's might result in becoming bloated or otherwise inflated into a walking balloon or end up as a result of becoming a walking cocksleeve. :p