I Need Help With Mino. King


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
how the hell do i kill him every time i drop his HP to zero excellia revives him i tried physical,magical and aruse nothing works so can Somebody tell me how to kill him


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Having the same character for 2 years bruh (Lethice though.....just...holy shit)

When Kitteh eventually updates the mod to include what Fen-team added, I think I'll be able to defeat the Mino King. What level is your char at, if I may ask? My vanilla CoC char is 30.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Spam dragon fire and dragon egg from ember first round, spam hellfire second and third round. Make sure you have the appropriate perks that increase spell strength maxed. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
is there a way to reduce lust during a fight

Sheep Milk (and it's from Owca unless PC is cut off that location already/not yet found it) if used in combat lower lust by 10 pts. SWell and do some other things but you just asked about lust lowering in combat ^^


Sheep Milk (and it's from Owca unless PC is cut off that location already/not yet found it) if used in combat lower lust by 10 pts. SWell and do some other things but you just asked about lust lowering in combat ^^

THATS WHAT I DID! (oh and bring some marbles milk for Hp boosts :p  oh and the mino king drops a Pro Gods Mead use it when your at low health fighting lethice as a last measure because it brings you to full health)


Aug 26, 2015
Blind, Charge Weapon, deck him with physical attacks until he stops being blinded.  This will kill him at least once, maybe twice.  Each time reduces his lust immunity.  Then spam tease and hope you don't die before you defeat him twice through lust.  You don't have time for a second Blind, he does too much damage even with it on.  Fuck him to recover your Lust, use the God's Mead if you have to, against Lethice spam whitefire and teases until she brings out the horde.  Take your time teasing them to replenish your HP and Fatigue.  Use Wait as much as you want, they're easy.  For round two of Lethice a few whitefires or teases will crush her in under five rounds.  If you can beat the King, you've effectively won.


Just beat the game went back to Ingnam made the elders go to mareth and stay there died of old age

I beat the mino king using a pure physical assault(Beserk,Charge Weapon,Beatiful Sword,Zero Corruption) while using sheeps milk to keep my lust at a minimum (50 for me) and using arouse and heal to bring down his offenses and keep his offense useless after he was turned into my pain bitch and I fucked his wife I destroyed Lethice by bringing her down 50% health with one blow of the same Physical Assault and 1 more to finish her Beating the demon hoard backing her up with My Hooves of Justice and more Cleansing Palm which I then had suck me off then I brought Lethice back down to 50% wherein she went into Dodging Bitch Mode which was easily passed by staying alive using marbles milk to survive being silenced and then Taking out the rest of her health with 1 cleansing palm and using my Hooves of Justice to sparta kick her into submission and then I claimed victory by FUCKING THAT BITCH! and then I snapped her neck and won :p  


Dec 26, 2015
I don't know what your character set up is like. However, if your issue is falling to lust because it takes too long to kill him and you mainly focus on Attack, what worked for me was using Huge Warhammer, which has a chance to stun, and Berzerker perk which gives you an M Special, Berzerk, which increases Damage and reduces Lust Gain at the cost of lowering Defense. That actually raised my damage high enough that I could physically kill him twice, and then lust him down twice.

Good Luck!


May 28, 2016
I play on a maxed mage (Spell effect mult of 385%, Cost of 19%, lust resist 70%, all 4 stats at 100), with no tease training, at lvl. 19, and I just spam whitefire until the Mino. King. Uses his full heal a few times, then, once my tease damage is over a dozen, I just tease him into the ground, twice.

After that, I fight Lethice immediately, drink the premium god's mead, and just rain whitefire, eating pure peaches if my Lust gets too high, and using Heal if my health gets low. TBH, Lethice was easier than the mino for me, I feel like she should've had more HP. Between Pure peaches reducing 20? lust each and Heal being a full heal, it wasn't even a challenge.

Seriously, though, pure peaches are great. Easy to get, and they restore HP and reduce Fatigue, corruption, AND Lust. Really quite OP. You can get them at the Oasis Tower, which can be found by exploring the high mountain. If I had to give one piece of advice for the final boss rush, it would be to bring 2 stacks of pure peaches.

Abadok VI

Jun 14, 2016
To beat the Minotaur just beat him down with dmg 2 times and then tease him 2 times and u win. As for the Lethice's fight i'm really disappointed just seduce her 2 times and u have the easiest fight ever.