I killed Ula. Trying to bring her back. (Resolved)


New Member
Jul 3, 2024
So I was attempting to get into the Korg'ii stronghold, mostly because I wished to procure a loincloth. I had looked up how to acquire one, and saw what looked to be the only one in the game available for sale, and that the only way to get there was to save Ula from freezing to death. Unfortunately, when I found Ula some number of in-and-out-of-game weeks ago, I was for some unfathomable reason unable to give her my heat belt.

"That's fine." I, a fool, thought to myself. "I will remember to get her one later."

I did not remember to get her one later, and now I have gone through three save editors in an attempt to fix the mistakes of my naivety.

The new version, TiTsEdJS, either does not have the ability to reset event flags, or I simply cannot find this capacity. Please make fun of me for not being able to locate this function if it exists (and then please tell me where it is and how to use it).

The old version, TiTsEd, was apparently quite effective for some people when I went hunting for solutions in old threads, but only seems to work with save files from older versions of the game. Not only do I not know how to acquire such versions, but attempting to load my current save file into an older version in order to modify it before bringing it back to the newer version seems... file-corruptingly inadvisable. I'll still try it if someone has an old version of the game lying around for me to make a go at it, though. I also can't seem to find where I'd even modify such things in the old version, but I can't imagine I'd have the same difficulties I'm having with the new one.

.minerva does not appear to do anything notepad isn't capable of doing, which I already tried using to set ULA_LEAVE_TIMER to 1, and she still isn't in any of the caves. There are other ULA_ variables, ULA_CAVE and ULA_IN_CAVE, the former just seems to be which cave I left her in (I check them all anyway when testing to see where she is) and I tried setting the latter to 0 to see if that would do anything. It didn't.

I've tried resetting the Warg'ii hold quest in cheats to see if that did anything. I've tried looking through the console for anything that had "ula" in it that seemed relevant and found nothing useful. I've tried going in and out of multiple caves and resting several times in a row while inside of them. I am now out of things I can think to try.

Now, I could just cheat the loincloth in, I understand... but at this point, that would be an admission of defeat (and also I kinda like Ula), so I'm coming here to ask for help instead.

I would appreciate any wisdom you might have to offer.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
ULA_LEAVE_TIMER is a Timestamp. It records the Days Passed (in minutes) when you met her*. If it's been too long since then, she won't be there.
You need to calculate your current time in minutes (Days * 1440 + Hours * 60 + Minutes) and input that (or a number not too far back).
You could also try Undefining (not 0) all of her variables.

*i.e. 1 says you met her one minute after the game started.