I got pregnant and I have no idea how


Cpt Obvious1994

The game has just told me that I'm pregnant, "and there's a certain orc that keeps coming to mind." According to the wiki, the only orc that can get you pregnant is Arona, but I haven't even met her yet. The only orc I've done anything sexual with is Vaush. I seem to have just gotten pregnant for no reason.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
The wiki is not fully up to date in this regard. As of the update that added Arona as a companion, Vaush (and the Orc Lodge gangbang) can knock the Champion up with a generic orc pregnancy as well.

Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be a great mom.
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Cpt Obvious1994

Well, shit. The only reason I did anything with him was because he couldn't get me pregnant. As far as I know there's nothing in game to remove a pregnancy, but is it possible to remove it with save editing?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I wouldn't recommend it.

In the future, you can have infertility on demand by taking brownleaf tea, available from Ivris for the princely sum of 10 hawks. It lasts until you cancel it with a dose of pink draught, also available from Ivris for the same price.

Cpt Obvious1994

I can just make a copy of the save in case the save editing goes wrong. I just want to know how, if it's even possible. I was looking at my save in the third-party save editor and couldn't find anything.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2018
canuck land.
To be honest having a kid has literally zero consequences in the game. The only ones that are named are mainly from Kiyoko. To summ this up, you really won't be interacting with the child outside of the birth scene. I don't think the save editor is worth the hassle mainly cause you can get more bugs then it's worth.

Cpt Obvious1994

The potential bugs are why I'll keep a backup of my save. And I know the kids have no consequences in the game. I'm wanting to do this for RP reasons. I'm wanting my character to only father kids, like with Gwyn and the Wyvern Girl, not birth any.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
Then should use brown leaf. To my knowledge, end5's save editor only changes certain stats. Don't think there's a preg flag. If there is, I haven't seen it. There's preg timer flags for the various characters though. But the save editor is kinda heavily out of date. It's still being worked on, but probably more as a spare time type deal lol